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A member registered Apr 10, 2023

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(2 edits)

ok, I got it, I contacted you through your site - Feedback

P/s: I just looked a little at what I will need to translate with, and decided to warn in advance that in Russian and Ukrainian there is a link to the gender of the speaker (for example, yesterday I worked it sounds the same for a guy and a girl in English, but in our languages we add an ending), so I will, if possible, remove the gender, for example ("when I went to bed", I will replace it with "when my eyes were already closed" because in the second option there is no reference to the gender of the speaker, I mean the main character Tim / Sophie). So I'll probably ask, will this option suit you? This will fit in the meaning, but a little different

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Yes, I understand, thanks!

Honestly, I had the idea to do translation correction when I was reading TLS, I just have no experience with this engine, but I would really like to try to do it.

If you'd like, I could do that (I've done a couple of sketches already (translated menus, main characters, settings and common.rpy, and now in the process of translating the first chapter), but I have too many technical questions, just, for example, when translating a note, it is not added to the game itself, etc.). I can translate text and pictures, but I have very little experience with code. But still, if you want, I'd be happy to do it.

I'll add a screenshot as an example. (I left the English name, because when adding Russian, the name disappears (Azuki's name generally disappears both here and in the game, possibly due to the fact that I don't have it in "cast.rpy"))

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And thank you for all the replies!

Thank you for explaining a few things that bothered me, and also thanks for the hints to Honghong and Ben, I will definitely close the game for all achievements soon)

Also a special thanks for discussing more creative things, it's great to hear your thoughts on what influenced the game as well as your motives.

Ahem, yes, sorry to take up so much of your time. (about politics, yes, not exactly the best topic, especially on the forum about the game, especially with me, who tries to ignore this topic)

Anyway, thanks again for all your answers and for your time. Good luck and all the best!

Just now I remembered, the game will be translated into Russian / Ukrainian, when will it be released? 


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Hah, yes, regarding Azuki, it will be very interesting what new things will be added there, because when TLS was going on, I did not see such resistance from someone (in this case, I mean Mr. Young, when we play Go with Azuki), yet it's cool. I’ll answer honestly a little earlier, but I really liked that you decided to move away from TLS, creating a completely different game, albeit in the same Universe, I really liked how the main characters were presented in TLS, where each was unique in its own way, and adding co-op to puzzles created a unique style in its genre. Here we see something completely different, as I see it now, the emphasis is more on the characters (I also wanted to note the uniqueness of the dialogue, when I went through the second time, and again praised Azuki's bikini, she answered differently)
I also wanted to note that even now the characters are unique in their own way, I like this approach. Honestly, somewhere this winter I read "Love, money, Rock n Roll", and I didn't really like that there the characters work for the plot, creating new conflicts all the time. Here we see that although the characters also go with the plot in some way, it looks more organic, and most importantly, nothing is added that could completely break the whole idea of the characters.

It is difficult to explain, but on the contrary, I like that you have done this and are moving along this path. As I said before, regarding your move away from TLS, I like that you left the main feature, knowledge. Yes, maybe some are very difficult to understand (I always had huge problems in physics, maybe there really isn’t anything complicated there), but, you get it very organized due to the fact that 1. You show how it works . 2. There are alternative links 3. It is written in plain language.
Yes, I understand you, that may be less popular because of this, but if you think about it, it's not only because of you.
I can’t say for sure for other countries, but in the post-Soviet space - the majority of young people completely discount the importance of knowledge, maybe even I do a little, since I once considered languages useless, since there are translators, after a while, as now very much I greatly regret this. But this is not the main thing - if you are interested, do it, there will always be people who will be happy to pay attention to this. All the same, as I understand it, you are doing this primarily for yourself, and therefore it looks so alive.

I will also add personal thoughts and why I think that not only the fact that the novel is based on knowledge brings less popularity (honestly, sorry for forcing you to read this, maybe you are not interested at all, just, hah, I have my own mini a blog that I create for myself by recording voice messages to throw out energy after reading or playing some game, and sometimes I get completely off topic, in any case, water is the main source of life, so you can pour some of it here :) 
So, when this winter I decided to look for something to read, I watched short stories on Anivisual (I will talk about short stories that are translated into Russian, I hope it is better in other countries), I noticed that most of them, which were relatively created recently, are for jams. And I have said before that novellas are gradually dying, and this is happening very quickly. Yes, I see different novels that are good, like Loppers (2022), TLS (2022), 9-nine (2019), Koshotengai no Hashihime (2016), Astra's Garden (2022). There are more of them, but now the creation of long 20-30 hour short stories has gone by the wayside. And the rest look like an attempt to create something for the jam, just to make money. 
And let there be more, much more, but this does not change the fact that it starts to resemble the search for a needle at the bottom of the sea (alas, I'm not Patty, I can't create a magnet ((( ) Now games or social messengers (YouTube, Discord) are more popular It is unlikely that we will see something similar to: VA-11 HALL-A, Everlasting Summer, Dark Nights, Song of Sai, which almost everyone has probably heard of.Therefore, I am glad that I have now come across these 2 short stories, simply, please stay on your own, do it if you like it.(it feels like I'm trying not to support you, but just make you develop novels) Here, something like this, and I will probably ask a question, since it's interesting if you are interested and Do you read how there are other interesting novels outside the post-Soviet countries, or is this also a search for something interesting?

Hah, I got it, honestly I tried to play Go once by clicking on the link that was in TLS, and the person got out :( although I guess I can understand him, since I was able to complete the game with Sylvia only after 5 attempts somewhere , I just, I kind of understand, but I don’t understand, I just don’t know how to explain, it’s like there are already a few places left, and I have an advantage, and then BOOM, and I lost.

Phew, I hope it really helped with the errors, I just don’t know if it’s the case with me, I don’t really like to point out errors, because I’m just afraid, because maybe I did something like that, or maybe it’s in the device itself. In any case, if the truth helped, then next time I will probably add more screenshots and a note, so that you can clearly see.

Hah, regarding cats, I remembered this at the very last moment, just with your novels, I practically do not turn off Google Chrome, because there are a lot of interesting things. Separately, I note that this is cool, because it makes my brain work.

As for languages, it’s easier here, I speak fluent Russian and Ukrainian. But if it’s native, it’s more difficult, I went to school when there was no conflict, and we had a Russian class, but the nationality is Ukrainian, in short, everything is difficult (to be honest, this added a lot of problems in the future, because we the fact that we are a Russian class, added to learn French). And I successfully, like English, completely missed it) Load me into the brain of Melin's knowledge, or take me back 10 years ago so I start learning it. xD

And thank you, albeit in this way, but it's a great pastime. All the best!

P/s: Adding a little later, because just now, yay, I finally got Karina's ending and secret (in particular, thanks for your guide, although it is for Meiling, but it pushed me a little). I hope the last 2 endings (Ben and Hongong) don't take as long as Karina's ending (I probably played the game 10 times, you know, I liked it from the very beginning, because it looks more like me if I knew that she SO SIMILAR, I would go back to Anna). Regarding "secret endings", I'm surprised how it works. It's just that I was going to the secret ending, and accidentally downloaded the walkthrough (very old, as soon as I started) and it still worked as a secret ending. Especially about the information you shared, it was quite funny, in a word, coolly done and maybe a special feature (I want no spoilers, so I just hope you understand) a little outdated, but still works. To be honest, my opinion about the game has changed dramatically for the better that night.  

And probably, since I have already touched on this topic, I wanted to personally ask you, because this question arose during the first passage of the novel. Honghong, with his knowledge, shouldn't he know both languages and mathematics, and everything in general? It’s simple, let’s take mathematics for example, he, in theory, may not know exactly how to analyze formulas, but he must know and understand them. It is difficult to explain, probably it would be more correct to ask like this, does he have knowledge only from Wikipedia? Or even all knowledge?

Phew, finally I was able to find time with this study and read this visual novel. Perhaps you remember me, I left a comment on the steam for the game "The last secret" on March 15, the nickname is the same. In any case, I remind you, I use a translator, so I apologize if there are any grammatical errors. And I also wanted to congratulate you on the update for "The last secret", I'll see what's new there.

To be honest, I thought for a very long time how to start, because there were a lot of thoughts, and perhaps I'll start with a question, were you by any chance inspired by the ReLIVE anime? At first, it seemed to me that this movement back to the school years was very similar.

And since I started with a story, then perhaps it needs to be revealed: I liked how the school years were conveyed, albeit in this style of learning, even though we are friends, we still devote study time to study. It is also worth noting how everything is presented, that it is difficult for our hero to adapt to what is happening, since he is still from the future and most of these moments manifest themselves in each route in their own way. The narrative is very smooth and measured, which in turn allows the player to focus.

I don’t know how to say it, but I have a small question for the physics class, simply because at the moment the game is short (I completed it in 6 hours to almost the maximum percentage, about 80-90% I saw, except for some choices did not consider, since they do not lead to a dialogue). In general, as I noticed, you liked the mechanics of the desert camp in "TLS", where the choice leads either to dialogue or to skipping to the next lines, which, frankly, looks very good, allowing us to learn more about the characters, as well as "get" points. But let's get back to physics, I was second in Patty's route, so I saw most of the activities outside of school, and due to the almost complete absence of puzzles, it looked like a lecture)), and the topics that were raised there are very difficult for me, also this translator, who translated it as horribly as possible, by the way, I wanted to note the translation, I don’t know how high-quality it is at the moment, but I could always understand the meaning. It’s just that the topics themselves are very far from my understanding, and if in mathematics the topics are simpler, and puzzles (especially where you need to put the numbers, my favorite, and thanks to the variety I will gladly go through again), but in astronomy we are waiting for pictures and complex information not so many, just the best. On the other hand, I understand that it is difficult to come up with tasks for physics, especially without using formulas, since they are very complex there, so I accept what is and do not want to offend you.

Perhaps for the educational process everything is said. It was made very interesting and really cool, especially I liked the reference to Karina and complex numbers) (in general, I also wanted to note that the level of programming has grown? I don’t know, just when I saw that my name was in the hint (hint about the fact that only nerds are engaged in some kind of game) impressed me, I was surprised at this moment, I can’t imagine how you implemented it).

And to make it a little more logical, it's worth noting what makes this plot so alive? Of course, the characters! And in short, they turned out to be moderately open, some more like Marie, Azuki and Sylvia, and some less like Patti (I won’t talk about the teacher, because at the moment, as I see it, he’s not open at all ). By the openness of a character, I mean his plot, why he is the way he is, and how his actions are explained. In particular, I would like to note Sylvia, as she is a very interesting character from the side of psychology and her behavior, which is very cool, in general, the characters turned out really good, except because of the brevity, we can learn little unique about them at the moment. And now I would probably like to voice my thoughts, you do not have to read this, so you can just skip to the next paragraph. Simply, I noticed that in this novel the characters are very similar for each temperament, that is, Sylvia is a choleric, Marie is a melancholic, Azuki is a phlegmatic, and Patty is a sanguine, more precisely, not each of them is so pronounced, they are mixed, yes, but in Basically, they somehow respond with their behavior to these characters. And so I noticed that it has become too common practice to create 4 characters, and from a psychological point of view, I guess that this way is not only easier to describe the characters, but also to make sure that each player has his own favorite. It's just that I didn't notice this when I went through "TLS", each character was unique in some way and it was cool, but here, I have nothing against it, it's just that the uniqueness of the character is lost a little. In particular, again, my favorite character (from the point of view of the plot and psychology, so Azuki is in my heart forever) Sylvia suffered a lot, because taking as the main motive that her behavior is due to (spoiler, I think you understand, what I mean) and another reason that we can find out in her root. It's hard to explain, it's just that usually such characters are depicted in 3 forms: 1. This is just a joke character. 2. The character has a reason. 3. The character also has a reason, but the character does not always behave like this, that is, he knows how to look at things through the prism of anger.  And here, I just really hope that you will pay attention to this character and develop it in such a way that the current second reason is really important. Well, that is, explain why she closed, and also why she behaves this way towards others and so on. And yes, if you did read it, I would be interested to hear your opinion about it, well, that is, it will probably be easier to ask questions, ahah. 1. Will Sylvia be revealed? 2. As for temperaments, did you borrow them, or it just seems to me, I don’t know how to ask this, I’ll just be glad if you read it at all, thanks!

Also worth noting is the music and graphics. Perhaps I'll start with the music, to be honest, I went through "TLS" starting from the middle with my music, due to the fact that she often left me alone with the silence of the laptop), and then I was pleasantly surprised, she became obsessed, although this is slightly noticeably, but in any case, the music has become better, the moonlight sonata is beautiful, the situations for music are beautiful, just my respect, it is worth noting that there are moments when the music also runs away for a smoke break, but they are so rare that I can’t even remember where they were (maybe once?), and yes, the opening track with vocals is just super.
The graphics, again, my respect, the drawings are wonderful, the background also looks perfect with the characters, in short, the game has become better in this part in everything, I don’t even know what to add.

Perhaps I will call this section in this way "Recruiting readers for the game of Go"
1. Thank you for letting me play a full game
2. Thank you for reminding / teaching the players how to play Go
3. Thank you that even thanks to Pati's route tips, we learn more, since initially I thought that the whites (we) would win, since we killed more, and I was pleasantly surprised.
I'm just wondering why Go? Simply, I just can’t think of an explanation for this, just raising the asset and popularizing this game? Or because of its convenience in terms of speed and deliberation? I don't know, just, just asking, what is your rank? And just try to answer that "dan", I will answer as in all ruts))))

Also, I'm a little prepared and would like to point out some bugs that I noticed, probably most of them have already been resolved, since I played the downloaded version, but yes.
1. "Fine. Then we'll just start: Where's the swan, Latin Cygnus" - in the game it is said by the director, an astrology teacher, but in the game itself (English version), it is written - Mr.Young
2. "You didn't even look at the stat chart!" - in the game itself, Azuki says this, and I was interested in this moment, in fact, I checked again, and I already looked, opened it for a second, maybe I had to wait, but here it is.
3. "What do you think" - also a dialogue between Azuki and the main character, the main character asks this, after which Azuki replies that he does not think about anything, in fact, the player's name is simply not written, that is, it is shown as if it was a thought (moment with constellations)
4. It's just a set - a moment with a map and short cuts. At first, when I connected everything, they wrote to me that I did not connect all the cities. Then I connected about 6-7 cities and clicked OK and I was skipped further, believing that I found the best solution? (I tried many attempts, maybe I actually found it, but I missed it just now). I got a little lost and decided to rewind, and there was a text in German asking if I already completed the task, if I want to go through again or skip.

And for sure, in the end, I wanted to add, maybe I'm wrong, but just a video with cats on YouTube appeared in 2005), before that there was a mailing list, and the video is indicated in the game itself, correct me if I'm wrong :)

It's hard to say something honestly at the moment, but the game looks very interesting now (by the way, I just noticed that you have a post on itcho, that you are already at the finish line, congratulations!!)
It is possible that a lot will change, and I will be happy to wait for this mini-adventure of my own in a wonderful castle, according to the assessment, I won’t speak yet, I want to see the entire visual novel, then I’ll write something else, but probably already in Steam. In any case, thank you so much for this adventure and good luck! See you!