I’m starting this thread to consolidate questions related to the Forest.
If you’re struggling with something there, please put in at least a few hours to try solving it first. If you’re still stuck, This would be the thread for you to check.
Is there any point to Use>Name the different Mushrooms other than personal reference?
Do all mushrooms that look the same behave the same way?
Is there a dependable way to get the key to the shackle? If memory serves, I remember a need for scissors in there, and just was able to bring them- but was unsuccessful on getting into the shack with them.
Mushroom naming is either personal preference or to align with scientific nomenclature for easier time with alchemy. But f they look the same, they function the same, unless it's a doppelganger, one of the "Hydras", or one of the Dreamshroom/Deathspore/Mindsap/Echo mushrooms.
The forest does actually have thematic storyline, it's supposed to follow 'Dark Forest' story narratives.
If you're talking about the shack then yes there is a dependable way to get one of the keys. It's referenced in one of the journal entries.
Now, Where did you encounter a need for scissors in the forest? I've been trying to identify the use for a pair of scissors for awhile now.
What even is that mushroom and is it even available in the base forest? I've identified every mushroom except for the four identical ones. Additionally, is there a recipe for getting blue eyes because the only other way I know of involves Malice and I'm not sure you can complete the festival of life that way. I'm also unsure where you can find pages 11,15, and 16 of the journal. I've read that page 16 needs to be crafted but I don't know where to go to find out how. I haven't entered the library with the painted book, I haven't opened the chest in the west manor that requires the east manor key, and I haven't found out anything about making it rain.
Yes, the Lilith is available in the normal forest.
For a hint about character customization, speak to the ghost tree who likes to play dress-up.
Cannot remember off the top of my head where I found 11 or 15, but you cannot obtain 16 until you solve the Lilith and Hydra problems. Both require alchemy recipes.
Painted book isn’t for the library, and a ‘mother can do the ritual’ to conjure a second paint jar.
it’ll become clear after you obtain journal entry 15. Obtain it, solve it, make it snow.
Also, just discovered the knowledge you gain from trees only actually works if you create a save after obtaining. Player knowledge is not enough, apparently. Even having a journal entry (but not reading it) can prevent you from crafting something despite knowing the recipe.
It involves the tree that wants the Lilyth. Once you can properly handle one and talk to it, I believe it tells you about something underneath it. If you didn't get the hint after showing it the Lilyth the tree then becomes the one that slaps your butt. The tree that gives you the Crusty Key is the tree you are looking for.
hahaha, man it took me over 120hr play hours of mostly reloading save to ‘try again’. Having to replay a cycle that took me over an hour, 5 times, only to realize I couldn’t even craft the thing I needed to because my PC ‘technically’ hadn’t discovered the recipe yet.
Still haven’t figured out what the Red Book from the Mansion goes to, and still haven’t crafted journal pg 16 yet. Did find out what the Mansion’s Empty Jar is for -inducing frustration- so there that.
That seems what works for me the most consistently.To be specific, I use Jessicas clothes, I have not tried it with the other options, but when i walk by the mirror when i first load in, nothing, but if i walk in with her dress on, it works.
*Assuming you're wearing the cursed gown, just upstairs magic ray to get rid of it.
**Side hint for anyone who reads this, you dont need to *look* like jessica to get her door open.
Stand in front of the cabin and head straight in front of it until you encounter a large dendroid (tree) with orange leaves. That’s your starting point.
As for True Sight. Apparently there are two different ways to achieve that. The easily accessible one, I will refer to my previous response to Ashekile about it.
I don't think I did but that would explain why I can't find it. I have now obtained every entry aside from 16, assuming that the entries go 1-18 then the ???, that I know of. Now I just need to make it snow or otherwise find the desaturated trees. That should then allow me to craft the recipes unlocked by making it rain and letting me find the key to the magic chest.
Is that catalyst the C-Remover? It can't be since it requires a true hydra to craft it. Is the catalyst recipe found in the magic chest or painted chest? Is it related to the second set of numbers you found for the cabin library? How would someone go about painting the chest in the first place? Never mind about the painting I figured it out. Every recipe I currently have written down aside from the C-Remover needs Frost Caps but I'm seeming stuck in a loop of needing to solve the hydras to get to the Frost Caps and needing the Frost Caps to solve the hydras. The Malice cure needs Frost Caps. The walk through matter potion needs Frost Caps. The only recipe I can actually get the resources to craft that could possibly be called a catalyst would be the suppressant but I don't think that's it.
Would love a hint regarding Lilith and True sight stuff. Been stuck on the forest for a couple days now. Figured out the hair and eyes (still need to find the ones that make your eyes blue), but i tried each combo of mid-echo-death shrooms. Broke them down into 3x2x1 to get all the combos, tried each, and none of them gave true sight. I also found the "crusty" key, but it doesnt work for the Rusty chest, nor the painted chest in the painted woods.
You need to find the journal page with a certain recipe to get a Lilith. The specific page is number 11. You need to use the cauldron to craft and use the suppressant before you can pick up a Lilith. True Sight might be randomized but making it rain and finding out how to turn it to night will let you find those 3 mushrooms with 100% certainty. I could tell you my recipe for True Sight but it might not work. I could also tell you the formula for the suppressant but I don't think you can craft it without physically reading Journal Entry 11.
I just tried it on a new save and it is in fact the same combination. Unless I got extremely lucky the order remained the same. The appearance of the mushrooms change on each new game. You need to eat an Echoshroom, a MindSap, and a Deathcandle in that order. However, if you eat a Dreamshroom you need to start over. Without being able to summon the rain you would have to either guess if the mushroom you cannot identify is a MindSap or a Dreamshroom. Unless you use the guidebook to identify the unknown mushroom to see if it is a MindSap or Dreamshroom.
Can I get another hint for making it snow? I know how to get the C-remover but I am not sure where/how to use it. I have page 15 and i know it talks about a "de-saturated dendroid", which to me either means the white tree or the grayscale forests but I am not sure if am missing a step/ Could it be something about heating it like in the page? idk i am just kinda stuck.
The White Tree has no interactions to make it snow. The C-Remover requires some out of the box thinking to use correctly. There is a buried chest that contains what you need to make it snow. The chest itself is locked and rusty. There are 3 keys that you can obtain in the forest without changing the weather: however you may need to change the time of day. The key you seek is one of them.
I give up. I have been messing around whit this for days and I must be doing something wrong.
How do you do alchemy? Do you put in the mushrooms one by one and brew each of them or you put in all three at the time in the correct order and brew them all at once?
Do you have to do anything else after you brew what ever you needed to do or you just need to exit the basement and see something changed.
Also... anyone knows what to do whit the thirsty tree and where to find a key for the chest under the mushroom cluster. The fragile keys don't seem to work.
Alchemy requires you to put in the required mushrooms all at once and then brew it. No need to put them in the exact order.
You use the item that appears in your inventory after brewing a potion to get it's effect.
If you are trying to get True Sight, you eat the mushrooms rather than brew them.
The PC will only attempt the thirsty tree's request if you were caught by a Malice. That quest only becomes relevant once that happens.
That chest is related to the tree that wants a Lilyth mushroom. The Fragile Keys do not work. This is a hint and not the full solution.