Glad you enjoyed it. I think the idea was pretty unique. There might be some other games with the same idea out there but I haven't found them yet.
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The visual style is nice as is the idea, the mini-tutorial and multiple control options are all good. But it is just too hard to build up any components to customize your ship, the collision damage in particular is a problem. And the pieces are already starting to be there as the enemies you can capture have different fire patterns.
I was actually disappointed when it said "to be continued". A bit more polish and more levels introducing more types of drones and that kind of thing and it could really go places.
Some of the low points: Drones felt so fragile (in health and how they disconnected) that I found just soloing small/medium encounters worked better. Fine but maybe a bit against theme. And I couldn't just restart the level to skip the intro. Good game feel and the three enemies felt significantly different.
After a few attempts I've gotten all five resources to increase. Took me until 84 people to pull it off. It was a lot of fun, boiled down some things usually seen in big games down to a small one.
A bit more information at the start would be nice. I found metal to be excessively easy to get and calculating the offsets from increased population was a bit annoying (especially since it made some building that "gave" those resources absorb it). An auto-pause when you land on a planet would be nice. I hit spacebar every-time I landed so I would have time to read the buildings. Overall the game's polish is really good.