Franmaya!!! Yayy!!!! And also everything else is great, especially the art and the music! Love that you're going for your own version of AA style, rather than just trying to copy it. Extremely looking forward to full game!!!
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Recent community posts
- Love love love the repeating riff in "Are We In Space?" Sounds sort of curious at first, and then ominous when the bass kicks in, and then somewhere in between as the piece develops? Sets a really wonderful atmosphere straight away! I love the way you really gradually develop the texture as well, that rocks.
- Something about the time signature and rhythm in "Feel the Breeze" is really fucking with my head, but like, in a good way I think. It definitely does feel like accomplishment but also potential, as I think you intend. And the mix is very smooth.
- I really enjoy your choice of quite a long intro for "Race Day", it works well for building anticipation. Then very head-boppy as it goes on!
- "March of the Robots" is immediately a little unsettling, I think it's that synth riff in the background that feels halfway between voice and bell. Really feels like an overwhelming force that you don't fully understand.
- Your vocals in "The World is Ending" are great! Mixed really well into the track. I absolutely agree, vocals are great for the end of a game, probably over the credits.
One thing I want to say generally - I love how very intentionally non-melodic so many of these tracks are (all but the last really), and how you make it work so well!
- "Descending into the Depths" is real spooky, I like it! Especially the big orchestral-style drum in the background, real Mines of Moria energy
- "It Begins" - I enjoy how it feels tonally similar to the first track, but otherwise very different (in instrument choice and such). Adds a cool cohesiveness! And that drum beat adds a whole extra layer that I'm really loving
- "Overworld Beat" has such funky percussion! I particularly enjoy the weird wooden-sounding clap thing. And the end tag with fading out into the flute! Gorgeous!
- I'm fascinated by the feel of "The End" - do you see this as a credits theme? It feels almost like the intro to a final boss theme to me.
The tonal throughline of all this is so rad!
- "World" is really pretty and nice to listen to. I do reckon it could do with a little more activity - the busier section from 1:20 on really adds vibrancy that I think the rest of the piece could do with more of
- "Bubble Wrap" - I absolutely was not expecting the freaking bass drop and I love it!! I think it could benefit from a touch more variety - maybe a few different chord sequence areas? It's very exciting and cool as it is though
- Ooh, that *wet* guitar in the "Menu Theme" is so delightful! And those vocals blend so well with everything - I love the alternating panning part too.
- Really interesting (/g) choice to have the old-style beepy synth as the lead instrument in the "Real World Theme", it works so well! Oh and the distortion at the end that goes into the cutscene! So cool!
- "Cutscene 1 [Trouble In Her World]" - the little bits of harmony in this work so well.
- "City Square" is appropriately simple - I enjoyed the noise in the background that I imagine might be continuous rain (representing the grief)?
- "Trying To Do Homework" is again predominantly synthy, so I again have to rave about what a cool idea that is for characterising your real world sections! The warbly/echo-y/reverb-y bits really suggest brain fog very well.
- "'Battle' Theme" is *so* legit for something that only exists for a joke, I really respect it (and it feels very Undertale, incidentally)
- I love the interplay in "Safe Area" of the faster harp arpeggios with the slower synth ones. And the idea of the chaos leaking in is rad!
- "Eugene's Theme" feels appropriately intimidating but also a bit silly, as I imagine is intended.
- "Cutscene 2" really hammers in on the sillier side with the vocals, and that absolutely delightful "bop" sound effect.
- "Trying to Mow the Lawn" goes so hard for mowing the lawn.
- The drop in "The Unfortune's Theme" is so good, and set up so well by the uncomfortable choral arpeggios before it. I do wonder whether it might benefit from one more slightly-cut-down section in the middle of the loop though?
- The "Menu Theme (In-Game Mix)" still works great without the vocals.
This whole thing is so cool! And frankly an enormously impressive amount of output for the time of the jam, especially when all of it is actually good lol
- I love "Disturbance", it's so funky! I enjoy the choice of the boss theme that isn't moving at a hundred miles a minute, but still feels impactful and imposing anyway. And the world always needs more 5/4!
- "Standoff" is doing fun stuff with some of the material from "Disturbance" (if I'm hearing correctly?) - but it feels maybe a touch too similar to "Disturbance" to feel quite as *final* as I might hope.
- I so enjoyed the quiet pulsing base intro to "Tension" - the whole thing is great, just wanted to shout that out particularly. Also the occasional cutting out of most instruments - love good use of silence! This actually fits my picture of "final boss" a little better, though I think it also works great for your stated purpose of alternate boss.
- Ooooooh and then some 7/4 for "Judgement"! Also a time signature the world could always do with more of! I love the instrumental choices in this, especially the dirty guitar-y bass and the high organ-y instrument. Definitely my favourite track of the bunch!
Overall I really enjoyed this album, and think it fits cohesively together very well :)
- I love the very "boop-boop-boop" style pan flute instrument in "Peaceful Shore", it's very cute. Also loved the moment in the loop where a lot cuts out - silence is such a cool tool and you use it very effectively here!
- "Deep Sea Adventure" is cool and engaging, and I like your sectional writing in it - but I'm not getting that much of a sea vibe in it? It has more of a "marching through a forest" feel to me - it might be the frequency of short-duration notes? Possibly a melody that moves a little slower might help it :)
- "Abyssal Enigma" strikes a real impression from the first note! I really enjoyed your use of unusual tonality and chromaticism - it felt very intentional and well-chosen to me.
Overall this is a cohesive and interesting album, nice work!
- I love the noise in GirlTheme!
- The bending in Exploration is wild but works so well
Overall I absolutely love this - you've created something really cohesive, that nonetheless contains variety and different emotions across the tracks. The mixing is absolutely fabulous! And the instruments are so cool!
Impressive amount of output in the week! I really like a lot of your choices of synths too, enjoying the reverby lead one in Criminal Labs right now. However, a lot of the tracks feel unnecessarily long? I think the album overall would be improved by having them be a polished 1'30" rather than a 3' that feels like it overstays its welcome a tad. Favourite probably Sunset Deephouse :)