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A jam submission

Space VoyageView project page

Submitted by Jswitay — 1 hour, 42 minutes before the deadline
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Space Voyage's page


CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Correlation to theme#5702.6712.824

Ranked from 17 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

The full description of the game is on my game's page. Since the game is set in outer space, I composed the tracks in a style that is a bit futuristic sounding , with lots of spacey synth sounds. I wanted to capture all aspects of the game with each track (the drifting and vastness of space with "Are We In Space", the "coolness" factor while upgrading your ship with "Feel The Breeze", high energy perfect for high speed races with "Race Day", the ominous feeling of battle with "March Of The Robots", and the feeling of excitement and happiness with "The World Is Ending". I composed all of the tracks in Ableton. The last track does have vocals that I recorded myself and mixed myself. Vocals give this track a little more of a "complete" feeling, which would be great for the end of the game!

Message from the artist
Hope you enjoy the tracks!


Inside my world

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Soundtrack use permission

Yes (CC BY-NC)

Any non-commercial project

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- Love love love the repeating riff in "Are We In Space?" Sounds sort of curious at first, and then ominous when the bass kicks in, and then somewhere in between as the piece develops? Sets a really wonderful atmosphere straight away! I love the way you really gradually develop the texture as well, that rocks. 

- Something about the time signature and rhythm in "Feel the Breeze" is really fucking with my head, but like, in a good way I think. It definitely does feel like accomplishment but also potential, as I think you intend. And the mix is very smooth. 

- I really enjoy your choice of quite a long intro for "Race Day", it works well for building anticipation. Then very head-boppy as it goes on! 

- "March of the Robots" is immediately a little unsettling, I think it's that synth riff in the background that feels halfway between voice and bell. Really feels like an overwhelming force that you don't fully understand.

- Your vocals in "The World is Ending" are great! Mixed really well into the track. I absolutely agree, vocals are great for the end of a game, probably over the credits. 

One thing I want to say generally - I love how very intentionally non-melodic so many of these tracks are (all but the last really), and how you make it work so well! 


Thank you for this in depth feedback!! I'm happy you enjoyed the tracks and caught on to the non melodic motifs. I figure that space is pretty vast and undefined so the songs needed to feel that same way. I think a defined melody would have taken away from that!


Hurray! Space!

I like the atmosphere and experimentation of your soundtrack (And I'm incredibly glad that at least there are people who make soundtracks on the theme of space, heh)

Feel The Breeze is my favorite because... yes


I too cheer for space haha. But thank you for the feedback!!

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

erm Achktchually, There is no breeze in space so how could anyone feel it?

Also the vocals in the last song were really really good!


But if getting to space and winning races in your spaceship is a breeze....... 


This is great because it sounds...spacey...okay I'll leave.

The vocals on "The World Is Ending" were a nice surprise but my fav has to be "Race Day". The beginning part was nice and crunchy and it was super satisfying when the kick came in.


Thank you! Spacey was definitely the goal haha. And of course whats a race sequence without a four on the floor drum pattern??


Didn't expect to see another dude who made a space related OST for this jam, but I guess it's harder to be the only one when there's over 600 freaking competitors. 

Anyways, I really liked the percussion sounds in the first song. I also think the bass entrance was great to build the vibe. Also, in Race Day, I think the vibe throughout the song was cool, and I liked the switch-up near 0:30 with the drums.

I would write more, but I got homework to do lmao. Overall, great track. 


A similar game setting was inevitable.  I'm looking forward to listening to your space vibes!! 


The whole OST is such a great vibe, I'm keeping The World is Ending on my computer for playlist purpose lol. 

Looking forward to more from you most definitely!


I'll allow it lol. But thank you, so much!! 


Oh surprising bass for the first track, it create tension! maybe you need more reverb for your arrpegios. Fit really well the space mood. The little synth in the back are great. 

Ahah great bass motiv for 2nd track ! Nice loop. I loved the little guitare in the back. I think the mix wasnt great between the drums and the bass.

Loved the sound design of the last track ! The bass tone isnt fitting really well with the other elements who are really good.

Aaaaa love your ideas for the 4th. Great sound design. I can feel the weird robots coming to me x)

The last one do his job for happiness feeling :) It was a bit surprising after listening to the other tracks.

Overall great sound design and motives.


Thank you so much for the in depth feedback! :)