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A jam submission

0STCMPJM07 - [Trouble In My World]View project page

Submitted by Wombat Country — 1 day, 3 minutes before the deadline
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0STCMPJM07 - [Trouble In My World]'s page


CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Correlation to theme#3293.4073.500

Ranked from 18 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

[IMPORTANT NOTE]: I accidentally made tracks 8 and 9 mono during the mastering process. The versions on Soundcloud and YouTube have been updated, but I cannot update the downloads here on itch until after the rating period ends (or at least I think I can't 🙃)

When Amelia experiences a loss in the family for the first time, her imagination land is plunged into chaos by the personification of her grief, who calls themself The Unfortune.

This imaginary game sees you playing as Amelia. The gameplay bounces between a 3d puzzle-platformer inside of Amelia's imagination land and a series of minigames set in the real world, in which Amelia must complete otherwise mundane tasks that have become difficult thanks to the interference from imagination land's chaos. I honestly don't know what to say about the genre. It flows between EDM, alt rock and weirdcore I suppose.
And now: a track-by-track explanation.

1. Menu Theme
This song is the OST version of the song that plays in the main menu. It adds vocals and an intro to the in-game version.

2. Real World Theme
This song plays during the tutorial, as well as the main hub for the game (Amelia's house in the real world).

3. Cutscene 1 [TROUBLE IN HER WORLD]
I wanted this OST to be more album-y than the average submission, so I added two skits/interludes that serve as the audio tracks for cutscenes. In this cutscene, The Unfortune presents themself for the first time.

4. City Square
This song plays whenever the player is in imagination land's hub world - imagination city!

5. Trying To Do Homework
This song plays during a minigame in which Amelia has to finish her math homework while rampant clouds of daydreams block the screen. The player must click the clouds away while trying to solve math problems. This minigame is really poorly designed and nobody likes it.

6. 'Battle' Theme
This song plays during the tutorial for the turn-based combat that happens in imagination land. This game has no turn-based combat. This scene is a joke.

7. Safe Area
This song plays in the background of healing save zones. In the latter half of the track, the chaos in imagination land causes breakbeat drums to start playing in the middle of this soothing serenade.

8. Eugene's Theme
This song plays whenever The Unfortune's right-hand man Eugene Perl is on screen. There is no explanation as to who he is or what his deal is. He's just there.

In this cutscene, Eugene is defeated in a humorous way. At first, it seems like a boss battle is about to begin, but then Amelia walks straight up to Eugene and bops him out a window.

10. Trying To Mow The Lawn
This song plays during a lawnmowing minigame. Amelia must mow her front lawn while trying to dodge trees and rocks while the chaos in imagination land causes her to randomly speed up and slow down. It's frustrating, but at least there's no math.

11. The Unfortune's Theme
This song plays whenever The Unfortune is on screen.

12. Menu Theme (In-Game Mix)
This is the version of the menu theme that appears in-game. Consider its placement in the track list as a bonus track.


Inside my world

How does it fit the theme?
The game and it's story enters the main character's world; her imagination world.

Link(s) of the submission on streaming services

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Soundtrack use permission

Yes (Game Jams)

For game jams only

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Hey... I love using vocals in the soundtrack! It complements the tracks perfectly and makes them creepy, heh)

I like that after TROUBLE IN HER WORLD, the soundtrack seems to break down... And the whole soundtrack is a "broken" and creepy atmosphere of someone's breaking mind... cool!

Thanks for the creepy adventure... It was interesting!


Nice use of human voice in your tracks, I would have liked more! Good job!


- Ooh, that *wet* guitar in the "Menu Theme" is so delightful! And those vocals blend so well with everything - I love the alternating panning part too. 

- Really interesting (/g) choice to have the old-style beepy synth as the lead instrument in the "Real World Theme", it works so well! Oh and the distortion at the end that goes into the cutscene! So cool!

- "Cutscene 1 [Trouble In Her World]" - the little bits of harmony in this work so well.

- "City Square" is appropriately simple - I enjoyed the noise in the background that I imagine might be continuous rain (representing the grief)?

- "Trying To Do Homework" is again predominantly synthy, so I again have to rave about what a cool idea that is for characterising your real world sections! The warbly/echo-y/reverb-y bits really suggest brain fog very well.

- "'Battle' Theme" is *so* legit for something that only exists for a joke, I really respect it (and it feels very Undertale, incidentally)

- I love the interplay in "Safe Area" of the faster harp arpeggios with the slower synth ones. And the idea of the chaos leaking in is rad!

- "Eugene's Theme" feels appropriately intimidating but also a bit silly, as I imagine is intended.

- "Cutscene 2" really hammers in on the sillier side with the vocals, and that absolutely delightful "bop" sound effect. 

- "Trying to Mow the Lawn" goes so hard for mowing the lawn. 

- The drop in "The Unfortune's Theme" is so good, and set up so well by the uncomfortable choral arpeggios before it. I do wonder whether it might benefit from one more slightly-cut-down section in the middle of the loop though? 

- The "Menu Theme (In-Game Mix)" still works great without the vocals. 

This whole thing is so cool! And frankly an enormously impressive amount of output for the time of the jam, especially when all of it is actually good lol 

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

One of the most unique OST's i have heard from this jam. Thank you for really sharing something entirely personal, it's awesome. 

Also, amazing work given the time frame!


Thanks, but this isn't all that personal.


You're definitely downplaying how unique your OST is! I rated almost 300, this one is great for everything it does that is super singular :)


Pretty eccentric OST, very unique in its sound design, too. I like how each track feels distinct of each other but correlates to the ideas pushed by your narrative in the descriptions you gave. Also, "We need a beat" and dropping a hard as hell beat on the next beat really drove the point of Safe Area, I liked that! Fav. track: Trying To Do Homework


I greatly enjoyed this OST, the vocal lines were amazing, the second song nearly gave me a heart attack(that seems to be happening a lot), and I love the slight shift of tone after it, as if something is now just underneath the surface. I love the retro songs as well, they really add some character to the soundtrack! All in all, amazing work!


I appreciate the vocals and voice lines in a lot of the tracks though they are a bit rough around the edges.

I also really liked your explanations of each song

Good Job!


oo a vocal theme, sick! while i think the singing needs a little work (no offense cause you can already sing better than me), there are some really cool ideas in this project that i can greatly appreciate.


Yeah, I'm better at singing other people's songs than my own anyway.


I am Eugene Perl and I am proud of myself


This is extremely experimental, but very original especially with the VO makes some interesting stuff. Composition wise I think there is some work to do especially on how the structure works, you got some decent ideas just need to push it further.