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A member registered Sep 15, 2022 · View creator page →

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I do accept commissions. You can reach me through this link.

I stayed true to the original trade system as implemented in the reference game (.hack// G.U.) with regards to the button presses. Your suggestions are noted and I'll see if I can implement them when I have free time to update my shop's plugins.

No. The documentation is in English.

Added in version 1.1. See dev log for guide.

Released just now:

There's no plugin parameter for it, but you can edit directly in the code. Open GBCCoffee_NinjaSagaSkillEquip.js in a text editor, and on the line where it says:

this.contents.fontSize = 10;

Is where you want to edit. Change 10 to whatever number is to your preference.

You can use the 'Sprite Offset X/Y' parameter to adjust the offsets.

Yes, but compatibility patches for obfuscated plugins will have to be commissioned work. 

It increases stats. There's only one window for material selection. There's no parameter to rename anything, but that's an easy add or to change from the code itself. 

I can't remember on the top of my head, but it shouldn't be a hard add if it doesn't. I'll update once I have a lot of free time.

It's not hard, but I am working on a game project at the moment. Free requests will have to wait until I'm free and I feel like adding it to my store. Paid commissions are prioritized, on the other hand. 

You can read more about OpenAI integration from the front page of the app. If used properly as intended, the free credits from OpenAI should suffice for a full game or two. 

I have uploaded a fix (v.1.2) to address the two issues you've mentioned.

Suggestion #1 is already a feature of the plugin where you can reposition the skill and command slots from the plugin's parameters. The parameter takes in an array [x, y] to define the position. There might be a formatting error with your input that's why it's not showing.

Only mouse and touch atm. I'll add your idea of keyboard and gamepad support to my list of to dos. 

Would you be able to send a copy of your data folder? My discord username is coffeenahc. 

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Should still work. Just make sure all .jsons are encrypted.  If they're housed under a subfolder of the data folder, bring them out temporarily and encrypt the data folder.

There may be a dependency json file that's being read by one of your plugins. Also make sure that you're only encrypting once. 

Yes, if I have time, I can take a look. Dc link is on my itch page.

Enemies are not supposed to die when the next wave comes, so there is no need to use 'Recover all'. Attach a video with how your troops, plugins, and skills are setup.

Might be another plugin causing it. Try disabling your other plugins to see which one.

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I have implemented your suggestion and is now live on version 1.2 of the plugin.

Add the following meta tag under the notes section of a skill: 

This is for MZ, but I can port it to MV some time this week. 

If it's open-sourced code, I could look into it. However, obfuscated code such as Visustella's will have to be commissioned work. Try rearranging the order in the plugin manager first (i.e., place my plugin below Visustella's, or vice versa).

Personally, no, but a buyer was.

I have updated the plugin to accommodate this feature (Please download plugin version v1.1).  You can now add the meta tag <innateSkill> in the notes section of a skill to make it usable by default without having to equip it.

Yes, but it'll have to be commissioned work. 

I can. I'll port to MV when I'm bored.

The plugin doesn't change the behavior of when to show a damage pop up, rather, it just changes how it looks. As far as I know, you can only set one element for a skill in the database > skills > damage > element. This is what the plugin uses to change the looks of the damage sprite. If you are using a plugin that allows for concurrent actions and display multiple sprite damages at the same time, then the corresponding looks should be applied to each, provided they're compatible.

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I forgot to add in the help file, sorry. Use this in a script call: 

I have updated the plugin and added a project demo folder.

Also, can you attach the screenshot of the assistant section with your prompt here.

Are you using it for RPG Maker MV? When using it for RPG Maker MV you'll need to restart the engine without saving to see the changes. This isn't the case For RPG Maker MZ as the engine has a feature that prompts you to reload whenever outside changes are made.  

I've tested this with some visu plugins on a client's project (see plugin list) and it works fine. Put the plugin under the visu ones.

If the setting isn't defined, then it uses the default white color. Make sure that there is a damage sprite setting defined per element, per damage type.


- A 'Thunder' element w/ damage type set to 'HP Damage' uses a different setting as a 'Thunder' element w/ damage type set to 'None'

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I have uploaded v.1.0.3. Please download and see if the issue persists for the grammar module. Looking at your screenshot, it seems you've misspelled 'enemies' and typed in 'ennemis' instead which confused the bot. Also when using the assistant module, please be specific with your prompts, such as providing the quantity of enemies to be made and a little description about them. The AI won't understand anything from just 'create enemies'.  

An example of a good prompt is:

- 'Create 5 enemies found in final fantasy 13. All of their stats should be greater than 100.'

I have updated the plugin. Please download the latest version.

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I accept crypto. Or you can also order from my fiverr page, they accept credit cards there.

Yes and yes.


Doesn't have to be the same and you shouldn't leave it blank either.

Yes, I will be porting it to MV soon. I'll try this week, or more than likely the next, since I'm participating at a jam atm.

Thank you for your interest in the tool. This will be part of a future update along with a map generation through prompts.