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A member registered Apr 20, 2020 · View creator page →

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Love the new levels!

hype! are you going to add any safe zones/friendly npcs or keep it "hardcore"?

those egg quotes go hard btw

Im super impressed by the not only the level of polish in this game, but the amount of content as well. After learning the transmutation mechanic and seeing that theres 8 levels i didnt expect a huge amount of variety throughout the puzzles, but dripfeeding new mechanics throughout the game made it consistently fresh and enjoyable.

The graphics look great too with a nice style to them. I especially like the water parting when you collide with it.

The movement feels very snappy, although i feel a little more drag on the ground would be nice to make avoiding spikes easier. Also i found an exploid where if you jump while the gold is moving up it gives you a huge boost which can be used to bypass basically all of level 7. Overall the movement is rlly nice tho it feels satisfying even just to aimlessly run around.

Rlly cool game, hope you add more content because i had a lot of fun playing it :)

Love this game. Def has the best atmosphere of any i've played from the jam. Perfect example of why a simple idea executed brilliantly works. I did find an exploit where you can rest at a certain point on the right persons shoulder that only comes under the cursor when theyre turned away so you can automate winning, but i dont think anyone would notice or care on their first playthrough. Besides, should be easy enough to fix. Great game anyway, thats just one small nitpick thats well made up for by the wonderful atmosphere and ingenious storytelling!


Awesome game. Love the bgm and the end scene was awesome. Also got the easter egg before doing anything else lol. Definitely couldve made the game a bit harder but its pretty funny how it is. good shit

ay thanks, glad you enjoyed it :)

yo bet, hope it works for you (its our first time doing multiplayer)

I like the new effects 👀

Interesting, I like that idea

Its an imperfect solution for sure but i can't think of a better method. While it does work better on more established jams like ludum dare where you have a well-balanced karma system and the rescue group thing, I still think its good how it requires you to give back to the community. Definitely could be better tho, and it turns out you still get a rank if you're too low, you just cant come first place which isnt too bad ig. We're both rlly happy with our results :)

This jam took place on the last week of our school holiday, so after pouring a huge amount of effort into our game, we were right back in school the day after. With the start of a new school year, stuff was pretty hectic and I forgot to rate other people's games until the last couple of days. Because of that, we are still 8 ratings too low at the end of the jam. Its sad that our game won't get a ranking at the end after all the effort and passion we put in, but we're still really proud of what we've accomplished, our most ambitious project yet. And I definitely won't forget to give back to such an amazing community again. Congrats to all who submitted a game, you're all awesome :)

Next jam we'll get 10,000 ratings 😎

Such a cool game, looks great too. Fun gameplay loop and interesting to explore the planets with the two cameras. As others have said, would benefit from sound but overall rlly good :)

I couldn't figure out how to craft but the rest of the gameplay was cool. The audio was also really good and I loved how the sharks were animated. Would be cool to see a completed crafting system in the future

Would love if you could play ours, we're still 8 below the threshold :(

As someone who likes designing CPUs I couldn't appreciate the idea more. Awesome game. Really well implemented for the timeframe too. Would like to see box select and copy/paste if you do a postjam. Maybe a grid snap too.

Haha I love this. Awesome idea, really well executed. Nice one!

High quality and fun. The graphics are nice. Love the gameplay. An in-game tutorial would be nice

Cool game idea. It's too bad you didn't have time to add a lot of levels/progression, it seemed fun. I liked the graphics tho

This is the first submarine game i've played in this jam that really made you feel like you were *in* a submarine. I think the ability to leave the wheel was part of that. Great vibe

This is insanely good. It feels like a month-long jam project at least. The art is beautiful, the music sets the vibe perfectly, the controls feel good just mosving around, the narrative is well-written and extensive. What an amazing job!

We still need 8 more ratings. Please rate our game and we'll rate yours!

Congratulations on making your first jam game! Loved your project :D

Thanks so much for playing! We're really going for a last minute clutch with the ratings here 😅. Technically each gun has 100,000 ammo and then you run out, because I was working on it and then ran out of time. I agree that would make the gameplay way more interesting and less... shotgun focused lol.

After rating 20+ games while having an inconveniently timed cold, we still are 10 ratings below what we need for a result.

Im really sorry to be out here just begging for ratings but we need it. Will really appreciate if you do and will try my to get to your game as well.

Thanks in advance o7

Thanks for playing

If we do a postjam, difficulty rebalancing will def be the first thing on the list

So glad you had fun :)

Haha nice, you had me fooled! Will be looking out for the postjam

That music was fire

Wow this movement was insanely difficult. Very rewarding experience lol. The graphics were cool too. The music was also pretty nice. Would've been nice to have the controls shown ingame

The graphics in this were great. The gameplay was also awesome. The movement was snappy and fun, and the gameplay loop was enjoyable, although I didn't seem to be able to get past the sunlight zone. Maybe its just a skill issue :P. The music and audio was also rlly nice and made the atmosphere much more immersive.

What a cool game. You weren't lying when you called it mayhem. I love how chaotic the gun-induced movement feels. It was really well polished and felt like a thought-out game. The graphics were really nice too. I also loved the cool retro-style sounds. I think adding more variety in the upgrades would increase replayability. Also i wasn't sure what the hammer thing does. Really cool overall tho, nice one !

I wasnt able to play because my character was just frozen in the air :(

This game was really fun. I got a final score of 22 million which is pretty good I think. I loved the music too!

Cool game. I felt that the awkward movement didn't mesh well with the level design, but I liked the code things and the bit of story was fun. Nice job :)

Yeah there are medkits but we ran out of time to preperly implement them so they're really rare unfortunately

Thanks so much! Glad you enjoyed it :D

The last rune definitely needs to be drawn from the bottom-right. Not sure about the others

Haha nice take on the theme. Fun game. Love the chaotic vibe. Would probably make it easier tho, its insanely difficult. Congrats on finishing your first jam!!! Thats a huge deal

I love this game. The music and general vibe remind me of Adventure Time. The upgrade system made it very replayable and the polished, well thought out gameplay were really nice. Also I like the death screen lol

The concept was cool but it was clear that the time constraints got to you. It took a really long time to complete because the runes had to be drawn from a specific starting point, and the last one in particular was really confusing. Also the books were hard to put back. I liked the writing and atmosphere tho, and with some fixes and polish it could be a really cool game.