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A member registered May 03, 2024 · View creator page →

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Hi! I've exported a Linux version of the game!

Sadly right now I don't have a way to test it to be sure that is working correctly.

Let me know if you have any issue with the game and I'll fix it as soon as possible! =D

It took a bit to understand how to play it XD but once I've got the hang of it, the game was pretty fun.
I never used Blender but this is how image it to work XD

I think that a guided tutorial level or a video explaining how to play it would have help me a lot in the beginning.

Really unique game, also great idea and implementation.

Hi, here's my game:

Any feedback is greatly appreciated!

Hi, here's my game:

Any feedback is greatly appreciated!

I've lost the count of how many games I've played XD, but I'm planning on keep playing and give feedbacks till at least the end of the game jam.

If you have time, I would like to kwow an opinion / feedback on my game:

Any feedback is greatly appreciated!

This game was one of the first games I've played in this game jam.
I didn't finished it the first time I tried it, because man, this game is HARD XD.
I already knew I had to come back to play it again XD

I'm proud to say that despite my potato pc that made me play it sub 5 fps during the most intense fights and the general high difficult of the game, I officially finished it!

I've already rated this game, but I want to let you know one more time that you ALL guys have made an amazing game!

Great job!

Hi, here's my game:

Any feedback is greatly appreciated!

Hi, here's my game:

Any feedback is greatly appreciated!

Hi, here's my game:

Any feedback is greatly appreciated!

Hi, here's my game:

Any feedback is greatly appreciated!

I agree with your approach!
I much prefer a low score with honest feedback that I can use to learn and do better on my next project rather than generic "I love your game" feedback that, while it makes me happy in the short term, doesn't give me any information about what did I do wrong and what can I improve.
I think that the most important thing about game jams is learning opportunity that this kind of "events" offers you.

I would love an honest feedback from you:

Here's my game:

I hope you'll have fun playing it!

Here's my game:

I hope you'll have fun playing it!

Here's mine:

I hope you'll have fun playing it!

Here's mine:

I hope you'll have fun playing it!

Here's my game:

I hope you'll have fun playing it!

I can feel the Undertale influence here!
Great job for doing all the art and animations by yourself!
It's not an easy task, but you did a great job!

Well done!

Thanks a lot!
Next time post a screen of your score if you feel like it. =)

Thanks for playing!

You guys did an amazing job with this game, it's impressive the fact that you have made it in just 10 days.
The game it is really really really challenging, doable but very challenging.
I wish it were a little easier or had the option to choose different difficulty levels, but I feel like I'm asking way too much here, after all you can't make a complete game in just 10 days XD

The art style is great!
This style makes the game easy to read and recognizable which adds a lot to the game personality and it's branding.
I loved it!
My max score was 137, I'll come back sometimes in the near future trying to beat my best score XD

Good job!

Thank you so much!
I'm glad you liked the teloport machinic (I spent way to much time to get it working properly XD).

I was planning on adding a damage animation to the player but in the end I didn't had the time to do it XD
Thanks for your helpful feedback!

Thank you so much!
I'm glad you had fun playing it =)
Yep, this is my first game, I still have a lot to learn XD

You're right, in the current state it is difficult to see the player's life during the gameplay. I will keep your feedback in mind and do better next time.
Thanks again!

I'm happy you like it =)

I had to double check how many people worked at this game.
You've made a really interesting and fun game!
There are a lot of game mechanics and from what I've seen so far they are all well thought out and balanced.

I don't know if it's a bug or it's just a skill issue on my part but sometimes I had problems attacking on the left.
Other than that I add lot of fun playing it!


Great idea!

Here's my game:

I hope you'll have fun playing it!

Here's my game:

I'll play yours for sure!

Here's my game:

I hope you'll like it!

Thank you I'm glad you liked it!
The sound effects are from: Kenney Sci-Fi Sound Pack
but the music is from an artist called: Juhani Junkala
Without his music my game wouldn't have been the same.

Thank you so much for your feedback!
Yes, perhaps the enemies are a little too fast than would be ideal.
I love fast-paced games and this probably influenced the speed of the enemies a little too much XD
I'll keep it in mind, thanks a lot!

Thank you so much, you have no idea how much you made my day with your comment.
I wish I had more time to implement a victory cutscene, but life got in the way XD
Thanks again for your feedback, I really appreciate it!

Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed the cutscene =D I wanted to give the game some personality. Appreciate the feedback!

Thank you so much, I'm glad you like it!

Hi, here is mine, any feedback will help me a lot:

Thank you in advance!

Hi, any feedback will help me a lot:
Thank you in advance!

Hi, if you can give any feedback it would mean a lot, I want to improve:

One of the most impressive game I've seen so far in this game jam.
It's hard to make a game, it's even harder to make game that is actually fun to play.
And you did it!
Great job man, you're really talented!

(My max score is 28 XD)

I can shoot. This is a game breaking bug. Please fix it. Also the movements are not relative to the camera which means it's really hard for the player to move effectively.
With continued effort, this game has great potential.

It was a bit hard in the beginning but after a while I understood how it works!
Really well done!

There are a lot of things to like about this game.
I personally loved the theme you went for and the details you put into this game.
Like the fact that when you are a teenager you move more slowly compared to when you're younger.
This game really has it's personality and this is one of the hardest things to accomplish!

I almost got stuck here. Thank you for this comment!

No problem! This game has a lot of potential.
Good job man!