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A member registered Mar 03, 2021 · View creator page →

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Really nice game, and specific style that is really enjoyed by a lot of players. The movement was mooth and level design worked well for the top-down style with lots of though into making them unique and exciting.

We think it could have really benefitted from a little more explanation on the game, tutorial etc to hand hold into it - not all players are as game-knowledgeable as the core community.

Wish there were some sort of upgrades or power ups you could get that make you more powerful every time you fail, a la Hades or other dungeon crawlers. Especially as this game is quite harddd, and even though we had a lot of goes, we seemed to be nowhere near the amount of souls you need to do whatever that section is. 

The design of the character was a little interesting - what was it meant to be? 

This game mechanic is really awesome, and elements of it felt really polished.

Where it missed out unfortunately was the 8 hour gap between having a go. This just felt a little too harsh. The come back mechanic is good, but maybe a few go's before this happens, or maybe less hours. 

We also had an issue where if you didn't know the game, you could easily choose to buy the money/currency on your first go, and therefore instantly fail your first room as you have no weapon, and losing your whole 8 hour go.

The practice level was a nice inclusion but even being called practice it feels less 'cool' than the main one. The array of weapond and items were awesome and the game runs very nicely. 

This is a really interesting, technically impressive entry, and we'd be very interested to see you use this yourselves in a game/gallery environment. 


- When we set it up, and played around with the showcase, our performance was not great for all of us. We expected it to be better than Crayta's physics to replace them but fell short in some performance areas.

- Is quite a technically impressive package and not sure many people would have the skills to be able to use it. It's awesome and great work - but for build jams we're looking for useability and functionality for other players. Technical but accessible.

- Was a little confused by some areas of the showcase and what it was showing us - this didn't lose your marks, but with such a complicated package it would've been good to be clearer at showing just how impressive it can be.

SO in all, it scored really high for technical ability and creativity, but lost in its areas of performance, and useability. Hope this helps?

So this is a fantastic creation - however it doesn't quite work as a blueprint. And here's why...

A blueprint should be the starting point for a game, the bare bones of a coding, or examples that you can build on, with simple mechanics to change to your liking. This felt more like a finished escape room, as the puzzle is really hard (in a good way, we liked it a lot). We never actually managed to figure out the clues in the 45 mins we played, and couldn't find any answers in the documentation - how is someone meant to use this as a blueprint if they don't understand the creation they're starting from?

Suggestion - you're clearly very good at this style, keep going and just make this into a full game of your own! It has huge potential to be super fun, and we need more escape rooms!

Every single game could use this in some degree - incredible.

Really nice idea to do the two types, couple things

- Really high entity count, and downloading the package caused everything to kind of tank, making them not very functional.

- The hell voxel repeats quite a lot, and when used in massive spaces kinda ruins the illusion, so maybe want to look at mixing more with other voxels, perhaps from the 'real' world.

- Love the more specific details like the blood bath and sunken desks

Honestly? Concept is great, and works well, we just can't wait for more of it, and a reason to get those shrines etc. We really hope you keep working on this game as it has huge potential.!

- later in the game your 'lifespan' could increase so you can go further?

- The idea that there will be an underwater section is exciting.

- Loved finding all the shortcuts

WHEW - This game is so cool. The quality was so so high and so wanted to make sure that people knew the small areas where they could improve - but honestly it's so difficult. This game scored very high overall, as did many.

- The visuals of the robot, the UI and the movement was so good, I wonder if there's a little more to make the actual shop more interesting?

- Love the coop element of the gameplay, watching the cams of the robots rather than spectating.

- Would love to see maybe some differnet levels. 

- I wonder if there could be a way of telling the area of sight for the robots? Would be cool to see. Or something to tell you they've stopped chasing.

All in all amazing, and we hope this gets an update soon <3 

Really awesome game, and scored quite highly with us overall. Obviously love the UI, and the choosing of ships with mission select. Potential to be a huge game, and not seen anything really like it in Crayta yet.

- I think some work needs to be done on the movement of the ship, I think there are some people on the Discord who could help with this, such as Strowk?

- The space being water is hilarious, clever idea. Are you attaching the ship the player then?

- Sometimes the portals don't work.

- Would be cool to have more to do ON the ship, maybe some missions are around there, talking to people, fixing stuff.

- Some plants to land on would be cool, and look around.

Really love this game, we just had one tiny piece of feedback,

- The base you own could be more interesting - the design of all the level is so nice but your own space seems to be the most boring part. Get some decorations in there, maybe it's more homely? Not sure.

Really great game - some feedback from us

- The gameplay is awesome, but it's SO HARD! It's really not clear at the start that you're going to die instantly at the start, and that it'll take time. Some easier levels to begin with will be more forgiving, even if it gets hard fast. Instant death is just not satisfying.

- The increases with the shop don't feel a lot and aren't satisfying to the player, we want to really feel our spending did something.

- Some of the portals at the end have no wall behind them and it's easy to just go flying off them as the walking speed is quite fast.

- The progression is a great idea, and we like the levels, and the design of the game is super solid. Nice work.

Really great concept, here's some feedback from us

- Needs a tutorial on what to do, it's not very clear despite being quite fun once you get into it.  Understand that's difficult in jam periods, as always this feedback is just to help the project grow past the jam

- Would love to see more types of buildings.

- The style is really cool, and I hope you keep working on this to make it something awesome

Really awesome game with a clever mechanic, and a great style for it using the neon voxels

- One big frustration is knowing which timeline you're controlling at each time, and that made the gameplay a little stunted, but an easy change - just have one highlighted somehow. 

- More height to the levels - they felt all very low down on the screen. would be cool to see jump pads or some climbing maybe? more space to cover each level.

This game is fantastic. That's all we have to say.

We'd love to have our own little space to decorate and call our own, even if it's tiny. And maybe some of the things you find out in the wasteland you can put on a shelf. Would give more reason to come back.

Would love to have a coop element maybe? Some trading between players would be very cool.

Really incredibly awesome solo puzzle - our brains are still a little bit boggled by how you did the perception stuff.

- We ran into some bugs when using the perception puzzle, in that the mesh would go instantly super huge and we'd be inside it, giving the appearance of it disappearing but being stuck.

- The start can be a little difficult to know what to do - really tell the player where to go to make sure everyone who joins experiences the game fully.

- Love the robot and the dialogue.

We can see this game really developing into a top tier puzzle game in Crayta with some work. Would be great if you could find a better way around the solo problem, but we understand that's difficult in Crayta at this time.

Some feedback for this

- Love the gameplay, really hope to see you put it in a really cool environment

-  The menu sometimes worked and sometimes didn't, mind need some debugging there to make sure every player has that experience.

- The levels could get quite big in our opinion, especially for co-op games. A huge one you have to figure out would be awesome.

However it definitely is not mandatory

Custom UI would definitely improve your score, and particularly for the UI award!

Making games on your phone is possible, but only in Basic Mode! We'd suggest using a tablet to play facebook gaming or stadia. 

The theme has been announced now, and it is - Shaping the Future!

Not sure what you mean by your own assets, but you are free to use anything available within Crayta or that you can upload to Crayta, such as custom UI images. Pleasr let us know if this answered the question.

Good question Madhur! Cybotanica is the name of our latest season in Crayta, mixing a Cyber City feel with Botanical beauty - a very optimistic feeling future. Check out this trailer to understand more: 

Feedback from Devs

- Really great entry, and scored generally very well from all. Really slick way to transport across long distances and thought about the transition too.

- Was noted that exit point was not a property, and was therefore fiddly to move the exit station to the alt station to make it work properly. This lost a couple points for ease of use, and the competition was tight. 

- The stations are quite big assets and would be interesting to see them used in a more subtle, smaller way to make the more versatile.

- Documentation was great and scored in the top 5 for that award.

Feedback from Devs

  • Beautiful AI gods, and the maps are really nice and epic
  • Felt a little confusing as to which one was first and what to complete (believe this is fixed now), but that hindered in the flow of the game.
  • The athena trial was particularly cool, loved that once you learned the trick it was very satisfying. 
  • Dialogue and chatting was cool, made the game feel more polished.
  • Some bugs with the water in the poseidon level, seems there was a layer below the surface that was causing you to fall a bit.
  • Wish that some of the levels were different than obbies. The quizzes were a great addition. Be cool to see more God trials added soon!

Feedback from Devs

  • As judge's choice, we obviously saw huge potential and appreciated the time and effort put in to the details of the stats, turn based action and the skills.
  • The voxel creatures felt a little flat. With mesh scaling and so many creature packages available, it didn't feel like the best option in this case. There was also very little range of creatures to fight, would be awesome to see these taken to a higher level. Definitely an option to run with voxel creations, but make them exciting and varied.
  • Would be awesome to see some movement when they attack, like pokemon even where they just shake or move slightly to just show. Some highlighting of who's attacking would be cool too!
  • Really love the idea of this game and with some work could be super popular!

Feedback from Devs

A beautiful map, some really nice design choices. Particularly love the clouds, and the environment.

Game felt a little simple.  The obbies aren't very challenging and quite linear. With a theme so grand as greek myth, would be awesome to see it taken more epic, more highs and lows, moving objects. Some godly powers maybe? 

The gameplay just didn't match the beautiful environment.

Feedback from Devs

  • This is a really great concept, and if worked on more will be a fab bullet hell game. The camera is great, the shooting feels very satisfying and love the use of NPC's
  • We unfortunately run into quite a few bugs, including multiple being unable to join, or being stuck with UI on screen and not seeing what you're doing. We had issues with one player dying then everyone restarts as well.
  • A lobby area would be good to read the instruction before starting.
  • Would be cool to see the map completed also, which I'm sure is just something that would happen if you had more time.

The mechanic is there, would be awesome for you to keep working on it and polish the bugs and environment, can see this being very successful!

Feedback from Devs

  • There is clearly a lot of work gone into this game, and it shows. There's so many details, and elements, and combinations to see and it really blew our mind...
  •  ...this was however it's downfall. It's a very fast-paced feeling game, running around and stealing and being shot at, but then there's so many combinations and recipes and things to remember, you're constantly checking your menu to figure it out and you're being shot
  • Both things are great separately (the game idea and the crafting menus) but don't quite work harmoniously together. I would suggest using the crafting idea and taking this to a more survival game, or trimming down all the recipes to make the stealing/shooting game more fast-paced and enjoyable. 
  •  Breaking stuff down before you could pick it up was time consuming, and often you couldn't see the health of the item and no idea how far you'd gotten along. On top of checking the menu a lot this process felt arduous. 

Really love the idea of running with a supermarket sweep game, it just needs to go either harder on crafting and time taker, or more fast paced action with quick pickups and combine options to quickly get into the fight.

Feedback from Devs

  • This is a really fantastic game, and was scored very highly and was just out of a higher award.
  • The instructions make sense, the tutorial area was really well done, and made the game clear. Love the lobby idea and driving off to the next area.
  • What felt a little jarring was the teleporting to the world - I'm sure this was for performance stuff with the spawning bacteria, but I wonder if there's another way of doing that. it was hard to keep a hold of some team mates for this.
  • Love the variation of levels, can't wait to see more and different ideas.
  • Does feel verrrry difficult on your own, especially the fixing your car level. 
  • Would be good to have some more clarity in first level when you pick up key, like what are we holding, where can it be used. It was a little trial and error and you wanna kinda hand-hold the player on the first level.

Really great game overall, and like mentioned only just missed out on higher awards. Would love to see continued work on this.

Feedback from Devs

  • Really beautiful obby game, we know you do this so well. Really great use of the mesh scaling and use of previous themes.
  • Be careful when stretching the meshes to certain dimensions, you can see the stretch on them and it kinda affect the overall feel.
  • There are some elements of it that feel less loved and attention to detail than others. You clearly put a lot of work into it and felt that some areas maybe got missed.
  • Would also like another element to the game somehow, some depth or progression past being an obby to really push it to the next level. Leaderboards are great, but maybe some secrets to find in each obby, collectables in each map, unlockables etc.

Feedback from Devs

We understand this is more of a proof of concept as mentioned, and it sounds very exciting.

Hard to offer feedback as we're sure you have many plans for the future of it. One thing worth mentioning is wish the camera was further back, so you can see more behind and ahead. I feel a little blind in this game atm.

Has huge potential, and would be amazing to see a moba in this style in Crayta. Keep it up!

Feedback from Devs

  • Super excited to see a sequel to the beloved Drop Persons, and the maps look amazing and potential to be super fun.
  • We found that the weapons weren't working, and unable to actually hit one another - feels like the main point of the game.
  • Some maps we couldn't even reach the start - there was a jump too big to make and so died instantly.
  • Would've been nice to see some new elements to the powers and abilities, something to feel like an evolution rather than just the maps.

This has potential to be one of your best ever games, it just was massively hindered by bugs that made it sometimes unplayable. Drop Persons was super popular and i think this looks like it has potential to be even stronger. We hope you keep working on it.

Feedback from Devs

  • Great game, awesome source of inspiration and really works in Crayta. Tutorial is awesome, well written, and hilarious. Great that you've got all the unlockables that are purely cosmetic, great retention mechanic.
  • During judging, tutorial happened every time you entered the game (not sure if been fixed)
  • An improvement would be for the round to end one there is no players, only bots playing. Atm the bots are almost too good and can play for ages.
  • Would love to see some more maps, and maybe even the ability to vote for which one, like in battle plan or ctf roast.
  • Somewhere telling you what the powerups do, it took us multiple goes to realise what each one did.
  • Scored very high, great work :)

Feedback from Devs

  • The gameplay mechanic is really fun, the work done to make the speed up effect and the feeling of being propelled forwards is really cool!
  • What's missing with this entry is some polish to the map. It isn't clear where to go, or what to do for a lot of it. It feels like with a mechanic like this, you want a super linear, clear line of where to go. Think Sonic the Hedgehog maybe? 
  • With a game going this fast, it's really unsatisfying to have to stop and jump and mantle. A game with this feel should be moving forward as much as possible
  • Consider maybe making race tracks with this. Maybe the powerup is placing voxel meshes to block people behind you.
  • This has potential to be  super fun game - the code for the running is there, it's just creating a map to match the polish
(1 edit)

Feedback from Devs

  • A fun little mini-game, quick turnaround which is satisfying, and nice map design
  • A little on the simple side, in that we wish there was some leaderboards, or very different maps, or power-ups, upgrades etc. There wasn't much past the face value of the game.
  • When the game ends it fully 'shut down' and kicks you out.  This a really bad system to have in place as people won't wanna come back to your game. Try a lobby, or a countdown to start again.
  • When someone new joins the round just restarts - and sometimes it got confusing as to if the whole set of rounds restarted too. Some work on the process when a new player joins would really help - maybe a viewing area, or spectate cam with a message saying you'll be playing soon. With mini-games like this it's not too much of a worry if it's mid round.

Feedback from Devs

  • Really fun game, great take on the theme, and a brilliant use of the Houses and Buildings package. 
  • The teleporting to a new world each time feels a little arduous, which is definitely an easy option, but would be good to learn how you could implement them just disappearing and loading again. Would also really help people joining, as at the moment if you're not in a group you don't join with people.
  • The beach level is a little TOOOO hard, and found myself giving up before even getting close.
  • Might be good to see if you can make it so the gun only clicks once when shooting, will feel smoother.
  • Would love to see unlockable weapons maybe? Like splatoon. Get a water bomb power, or a wider spread hose. 

Feedback from Devs

  • Beautiful buildings and wonderful to explore, really love the detail and how it feels full without being overly distracting.
  • You've seen worked on the guns and the UI which is a huge improvement and gameplay feels super satisfying. I think what it's missing is a game mode of some form that's a little more unique. The points collecting is nice but feels like a side thing, rather than the goal. Ideas could be that there's points to capture? Or things to find with a timer?

Feedback from devs

  • This game is super fun and enjoyable, and we found ourselves wanting to continue. It's a simple concept done really well, and the multiple maps is a nice touch making it more replayable. 
  • The reason it didn't quite reach the higher scores was more about the complexity and depth of a lot of the other entries, something we were looking for with the high prizes available. It's a great little game and a perfect entry for an honourable mention.
  • Only other comment would be that the theme was a little loose, and maybe the Champions side of things could've been tied in more :)