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A member registered Feb 14, 2020 · View creator page →

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Art style and audio worked well. Also the skeleton jokes made me laugh.

It could be great to make credits accessible from the main screen instead of forcing the player to complete the game all over again.

Congratulations nonetheless!

Yeah definitely possible, also there is already many minor issues and unbalanced features I'm planning to fix after the jam.

Stay tuned!

Thanks for the kind words! :)

Glad to hear that you had fun with the stealth approach! Actually the trap mechanics aren't that intuitive and can be quite hard to figure out for some people.

Also, I just rated your game and leave a short review. ;)

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The mechanics & synergies between the different cubes were interesting and definitely fit the theme. I especially liked bouncing on the yellow one, it was really fun.

In regards to the graphics, be careful with the differences in sprite resolutions and aesthetics. The door for instance does denote quite a lot compared to the rest of the environment.

Edit: The distance of the camera gave me quite a hard time doing some jumps, sometimes requiring to aim for a platform out of screen. Could be nice to zoom out just a little or at least in the levels with wide jumps or significant drops.

Great work nonetheless, kudos to you!

Quite tricky but so dynamic and fun to play. The sprites are well done and the spell animations look really good. The QTEs to cast spells are a nice touch.

Really cute and polished game. The atmosphere is super relaxing.

I'm curious about the way you made the birds, it reminds me of Clayxel. Anyway I really like the aesthetic! Good job!

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The artstyle & the animations are great. Also the controls are really dynamic and fluid. It's super fun to run through the levels like a fury dashing everywhere and slaying imps by dozens.

Tho I feel that the game is in a early stage of development and can by so much better with more features.

A few "quick to implement" features that could enhance a lot the player experience can be:

  • A way to know the player current health.
  • How many skeletons can be invoke.
  • Some feedbacks on damage received (both by the player and by the enemies).

It is really satisfying to play and I'm sure it has a great potential honestly but it feels like it lacks more clarity in the actions and balancing but, of course, this is a jam so we're all running against the clock.

Anyway good job on this one and keep it up! :D

In the end you really wished to be alone. Really nice and clever take on the theme.

The game mechanics are simple yet well executed. Good job sir!

Really cute & challenging. The difficulty curve is very well balanced which is quite are to achieve in a jam so kudos to you !

Also I'm pretty sure the joke about the 12 hours remaining was meta with the remaining time before the jam ended.

Really nice game, the concept is really cool and a nice twist on the usual ghost stories.

I'm so bad at the game tho didn't manage to beat the 4th level ahah!

Pretty interesting mechanic but yeah, like some others said, the difficulty curve is quite violent.

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The  atmosphere is super soothing and the aesthetic is so unique. The jump mechanic is quite interesting but the difficulty curve is high and might discourage peoples. Tho you deserve much more attention for what you manage to make in a week. Kudos to you :D

Really like the aesthetic. Also as other says, long levels like the 4th one really miss a checkpoint at some point. Nonetheless, the game is fun to play and the shooting animation is really juicy.

The concept is really fun and seeing the swarm becoming larger and larger is super satisfying. Working with boids is always a challenge and you did great! 

Hi there! If you wanna try our lil stealth game with some Hotline Miami vibes, here is the link!

It lacks a good tutorial so I can give you some advices beforehand if you want.

Really fun to play, every aspect looks so polished and well balanced.

Kudos to you for managing to pull out such a game in this few days! :D

Powers & Puzzle mechanics are great and quiet intuitive. Tho switching between every spirits is sometimes quiete tedious especially during plateforming segments where you need to go back and forth on the air & earth spirits. Maybe being able to switch in both order might have help.

Don't mind it too much tho, I'm just picky and search for improvable points ;)

Good job nonetheless :D

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I played your game yesterday and I must say I was blown away by the artstyle and the efforts put into the audio. Also one of my friend who worked with me did discussed with NekOz about how some shaders were made.

If you wanna try our game, here you go ;)

The cutest way of abducting people ahah!

The art is nice and the voice acting is funny. Also kudos to Red Tree for making once again great musics (he also made one for our game).

Good job everyone! :D

Very polished and fancy. Particle systems look super sweet. 

One small issue I noticed tho is that opening and closing the pause menu either with esc key or clicking on "resume" does trigger a webgl error.

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Yeah I can totaly relate. If you plan to develop the game further, I'm all in! :D

Cute & chill. As others say, it's well polished and juicy.

Also I like when puzzle games let you skip or select the level you want.

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I didn't understand what you should do in the basement nor how to leave the white dimension.

The quality of the assets, sounds and post-processes is nut, it's really impressive!

Also some feature like the inventory that is not that useful (while being really polished) make me feel like you didn't had time to implement all of what you wanted and it's quiet sad.

Good job tho for what you manage to do :D 

The idea of using your pals as your life is clever, though the game is short and I would have loved a bit more of content. 

Fun and cute game. The characters physics did feel a little bit off to me tho.

Good job nonetheless :D

Nice one, sweet art style. Hard to pick up at first but really fun then. Good job !


The voice acting was quiet funny.

Well done ! This game is really cute and intuitive :D