This is a fascinating zone, with loads of monsters but triggering them is baffling. Definitely needs more clues for the section with the portals.
Recent community posts
Yeah, I can’t wait to see what you do with taming. And the new-ish temp TFs are great! I’d love to see ones which turn your crew into monsters or neutral critters ala final fantasy (frogs, etc) but they could also get longer ones so like, pack animals. Heck, a big enough bonus to carry capacity and I’d keep a pack critter in my party! (Or I suppose, breed them).
Anyhow, eager to see what’s in the next episode.
Yeah, this game has grown so far! I’d say the intro is a little too long, the steps to get into Suwa are herculean compared to anything afterwards. Some games would’ve ended after the effort to get to Suwa!
Definitely needs more display of the hidden settings (like size, sense abilities) and graphic changes that might be hard to see (color, cleanliness, bodypart size) and tell whether a modification will do anything or not.
Lastly… Time. If you’re tracking time for food, why not make days equal to one or two thousand food units? Right now you can wander so long in the woods with barely any time passing. Most games make time pass too quickly, but I’d say this is time passing too slowly.
It’s make the generations come into play faster, too.
How about having a return to city ability instead as an item? It’s so easy to forget. Maybe the city hands you one, if you don’t have one, on arrival? I do like the Slimes Request basically pays for it, early game. But it’s alot of clicks that makes the game more difficult.
The one thing that’s missing from Etrian Odyssey I’d like here is notations on the maps! You have such complex maps it’s easy to get lost.
There’s alot of maps: Being able to see maps in the library! Trying to remember where things are gets complex.
There’s alot of enemies: Being able to look at enemies data cards in the library. Might even say which maps you’ve encountered them.
Cleanliness is kind of frustrating? I have trouble seeing the mess and figuring out how to clean it up… maybe a bath could be built? Some sort of status that shows what is and isn’t clean? Other ways to clean up, like at the water’s edge?
The new all attack/all guard is great!
…I still wish there was a default action or sequence for each character. Transformed characters always need to up to skill, click on skill; and they don’t use it on ‘all attack’. It would be nice if Alrunes used their roots, werewolves used double attack, etc, as their ‘attack’.
Repeat last turn would simplify some of the big monster fights.
Nothing happens!
I have been hitting my head against this all day.
But it seems that what’s happening is that when I update the game files, then it stops working. I’m guessing it’s some unfinished security setting in Steam, because if I delete the steam entry (and exit, reboot, go back to desktop, make a new game entry, reboot) - then it works.
What a pain! Not your fault, either.
What makes this more a pain is that [mv -u] and dolphin + overwrite older files wasn’t working because instead of overwriting files it was overwriting folders. So I had alot of false starts. Good ol’ [cp -R] worked fine.
I had it running on 4.58 and now I can’t seem to get it to work on Steam Deck.
I’m not getting any error messages, which is making this really hard to diagnose. What steps am I missing?
My old install doesn’t run, either. Did I lose some command line instructions? How do I know if I’m missing a file?
Another suggestion would be simplifying the UI.
An all-attack button would be great. Maybe on the attack/smoke/flee dialog would be nice, especially for that last attack or when you trip over smaller mobs.
A default attack sequence for a party. Once you start getting interesting characters, you want them to do more than just attack.
An option of preferred sex pose for each character. It’s alot of extra clicks, at least to me, especially since they don’t always follow the selection exactly anyhow (I assume it’s the hidden horniness variables).
Since the idea is for characters to have generations, some sort of automation seems reasonable?
This is more of a weird art than a type or bug: Your frotting/scissoring is depicted with legs bent back; that’s not a plausible pose except for Weird Barbie.
In reality it is one leg under the other, so that pressure is built up on the hip muscle/pelvic bone against each other’s genitals. They’re near each other, not directly touching.
(I know, asking a lesbian to describe a rare sex pose that’s more common in porn than reality but still…)
This pose also works on boys, rubbing the leg behind their balls. It’s just one of several types of mutual mastubation, usually used in concert with.
A simple way to add this is slimes getting extra HP drain or stat boosts/ability unlocks from attacking/sexing up/defeating other slimes.
A more complex way would be for characters to fuse directly, resulting in a new (or temporary) character.
Or as a field summon... the green slimes could summon a motherslime boss onto the field by defeating or sexing up a slime girl.