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A member registered Mar 04, 2022 · View creator page →

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Yeah, that's the plan, just can't find time to do it haha

You can, but you need to do it yourself, you need to add the planks baseMaterial and then create another color Configuration and add the planks to it.

After seeing the first couple sentences i won't even read the rest. "Call" me when you stop lying...

That's the problem, people here believe what they want to. I haven't been dick to Whiskey, i simply showed him the errors on his truck, which HE THEN FIXED, but he said i "SHIT TALKED" about his mods... Again, lies, lies and more lies, but no point to explain myself... You aren't smart enough to understand. Calling someone kid/stupid etc isn't disrespectful, it is the truth. If you act like a child or person with 2 braincells, then why i'm in the wrong for saying it... Stupid AF

Will it be what mate?

Don't care, the mods and the projects are yours now. Good luck!

We have many many differences, one of them is that i always say the truth and can back it up with proof, while you can't. You can only lie and shit talk about me. That's why you were banned. Also, let me remind you that you blocked me from commenting on couple of your itch pages.. So what? You can do it and it is perfectly fine, but when someone does it to you, then their ego isn't stroke enough and what not... Just your typical childish behaviour once again.

I overexplained in that post and still you and some other stupid people can't even read. I'm not quitting or going private. As i told you, i just give you the AR Frame mods, since you are sooo confident that you make them better than me. This project was made for the community and since you decided to act like that, i gave you the full rights, mods, everything. The post was meant to say that because of your actions, i won't be continuing the project, instead you will be the one who will, since you can do it better. Nothing else, but again, a stupid kid like you can't even understand simple posts... I really have no idea how to explain it any better.

Would love to see proof (more than 1) how disrespectful i am towards others, because again, you are talking without knowing anything... I've always  been respectful to people, especially to those that deserve it. If  you want me to respect you, yeah, that won't happen, but you made it that way, not me.

"So I figured I'd also switch Clown's trucks over to AJs bed, so now they don't suck as much" So those aren't your words? Hmm.. you forget really fast, sadly can't put a pic here... Anyway tho, another lying little kid... I don't deserve respect, because i don't agree with you, no problem, the AR Frames are now yours. You don't owe me resepct, I don't owe you mods.

No, i don't. If i did twist the words, Nicolas wouldn't first edit his post (completely re-write it) and then delete and post it again, so people can't see the post history. Then he wouldn't go into Discord servers and completely change the story, saying i told him he can't receive donations, when i never said that. Like me or not, i always say the truth. When you and other people talk lies and nonsense, i don't know how to respond other than telling you the truth, which is that you are "dumb/retarded"... I don't know how else to answer to nonsense and lies about me. You know nothing, yet you talk only shit about me...

About the flatbed tipper. I didn't say i can't make it. I said i don't have the time to make it now, just be patient, i will make it eventually. I'm not stopping anyone from making anything. But make it yourself. Don't take my mod, change literal attacherJoint name and call it a day and release it. Again, you could just go and edit AJ's trucks, he doesn't mind, it will be easier, less trucks and beds to edit.

No problem bro, i don't have anything else to say. AJ just said it well enough. Kid think that "USE" means edit and release. No wonder why you think the same way and insist that Giants gave you rights to reupload mods... When you get your head out of your ass, you might be able to understand better. Giants doesn't own mods, Giants doesn't give permission to random people to edit and re-release mods. It is clearly stated. You take and read what you want from the TOS, so be it. I'm leaving the pack to you. You are confident you are making it soo much better, so be it. Will be a private mod for FS25, no problems with me. I won't let some random kid disrespect my work, change credits and call the mods "ARClown" and sit here and do nothing. I don't owe you mods, if you want to be disrespectful towards others, your choice. Good luck with making AR Frames.

That bed isn't mine, that's JCL's  bed which was released as a prefab so modders can use it. That's why i haven't commented anything there. It was released as public prefab. Yes, you got the credits wrong, but eh.. I don't make 1 mod, so i can't immediately create the stuff people want. Also, there is a truck with flatbed tipper already released by SebCrouteu

Discussion? You repeat the same lies over and over again, what discussion you want to have when you just sit here, talk nonsense... That's not a discussion, that's some kids thinking they can do whatver they want.

I'm pretty sure a lot of people will miss me, unlike you, i can actually make good mods.

I'm sure it sucks to be you... so dumb and unoriented

Will see what you gonna edit when there aren't any more mods.

You just said nothing. The AR frame pack is free. Everything else is irrelevant, because nowhere it states that other people can reupload your mods without asking for permissions.

usage rights is not "re-upload someone else's mods and change names and credits".. So no, you don't have rights to reupload my mods without permissions. It is interesting that you are soo worried about people braking the TOS, yet you do it yourself and lie about it.

Can you show me "every right to edit" please. 

(1 edit)

Ah yes, reuploading my mods without permissions and changing credits.. Adding an attacherJoint isn't an edit. I'm kindly asking you to remove my mods from this list. Since you made AJ's beds default, then simply edit them to accept our attacherJoints. A lot easier and i'm sure he won't mind you editing his stuff.

Thanks! Yeah, i saw that he is making only negative comments while he hasn't done anything for this community. I just don't care, thats why i stopped replying to him. I reply once, if i see that you are dumb af and can't have an adult conversation i will just stop replying and will ignore you.

I don't even know why he mentioned GTA. I don't play GTA, so i don't mod for it. But i didn't feel the need to explain it to him, since i saw that he is completely braindead.

Try re-downloading and installing 6.2.0 and then just get the iny file from the shaders, without the folder. That might work, but not sure.

You are welcome!

when editing stuff in ge, you probably used the outdoor Camera to move around, which completely messed it up. Open the mod again, find the outdoor camera, click on it and put everything on 0 0 0 (translation, rotation, scale). Only thing that needs to be changed from there on is the translation on the Z axis. You can do 9, 10,11 or else, depending on the size of the machine. If that doesn't help, check if the camera somehow didn't end inside the wheels transform group, or if the camera's node in the xml is correct / wheels node is correct.

Damn, even the retards from AJ server doesn't cry as much as you do. You can't insult me, i don't know you, i don't care about you. I disgust you, yet you are still here following me and commenting on my stuff... 

I don't think that americans should pay homage or whatever else. I don't force anyone to buy my mods. If you think i will sit here and give you stuff for free, well then you are wrong. And matter of fact is that i gave more than enough to this community. I have 50+ completely free mods. I spent countless of hours making them, then updating them to make them even better. What did you do? Ah yes... NOTHING.

For your last sentence... i don't think i will even comment on that, i mean, how low in life you need to be to basically wish and tell how i will get shot and die... To be fair with you, there is a bigger chance for you to get shot than me. I don't live in a butthurt society where people shoot each other for no reason..

How pathetic and disgusting you need to be to tell someone they will get "dragged in the middle of their town and their brain will be blown".... And thats just because you don't get a mod you wanted.... Yikes... I feel sorry for you... Your life must be very miserable if not getting a mod for a game makes you feel that way.... 

You showed that you aren't worth my time, so this will be my last reply. Say whatever you want, people that have more than 2 braincells will see who is right and who is wrong here.

Again, if you want a mod, just spent the time, learn to mod and make it yourself. Demanding stuff from modders, then crying and being mad af when you don't get them is just down right pathetic...


Instead of posting useless comments, make a better one yourself then. People don't owe you anything.

I still can't understand why american people act that way. Who told you that other people (in this case a modder) owe you something? Who told you that you need to get everything for free? Why do you think i need to obey your demands and spend time and effort to make a mod  you want? Who are you to demand what mods are free and what are paid? How do you know what effort and what time i spent on different mods? The fact is that if you want X, Y, Z mod you will need to learn how to make it and make it yourself. No one in this community or wherever else owe you stuff. I make those mods for ME, i said it many times. Therefore i decide what mods to make and what not, which mods to publish and which not and so on... There are a lot of people that like that Ford, so just because you don't like it, doesn't mean it is crap or that i only spent time on paid mods. The most amount of effort and time i spent on my AR Frame pack. Is that mod FREE or PAID? I think you can answer yourself. At the end, the only fool here is you.

For FS22 definitely no. For FS25 i can't promise anything. I don't know if i'm gonna be releasing mods yet so i can't tell anything. In general i would like to make such trucks, but will have to see.

Now it works.

Forgot the file :D

I like that you make updates and add new stuff, but the mod is still full of errors. Quick check of the log will help you fix most of them or even all of them..

Thanks! Will see if i have time to make one for the AR Frames, the service bed that the Kenworth use doesn't fit well the AR Frame chassis, so i will have to get another model, but i had the idea for sure, just with FS25 around the corner, i'm slowing down my work, since there is not much point.

Ah, sorry.

Hi. Since there are couple of months before we get a new game, i don't plan making any updates on my mods, especially for minor stuff like those. The problem with the flashing can be quickly resolved by moving the mirror (the actual mirror) out. This is done in GE.


What year is this suppose to be?

You are welcome

I like what i see!

Yes, you did.