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Croy Johnson

A member registered Aug 08, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thanks for the feedback and playing!

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Hey! I'm happy you enjoyed playing! Thank you for the feedback, it really helps!

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I'm glad you had fun! Thanks for the feedback; I'll be doing a lot of balancing in general with weapons and bosses.


Also, if you have the time, I would appreciate it if you rated my game too. No need to leave a comment, unless you feel like it. Thanks!

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I saw some waves dissapear, and thought it was random. Not figuring out you can hide behind the rocks is on me, it makes so much sense, haha. I also like how you and the boss share the same healing source.

It's interesting, because at first, I thought the boss had too much health, but now that I lasted longer and got more upgrades, it exponentially becomes easier and felt more balanced.

If you keep working on this project, I'd love to see other bosses and more variety with upgrades.

Thanks for the experience =]

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Hey! https://mord-guffman.itch.io/energy hope we're not too late

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Hey, Cyborg9! It fills me with joy to know you had a good time! I value all the kind words.

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I'm happy you enjoyed it! Key mapping, including a left-handed preset, is vital for a good game, in my opinion. If I had more time, I would've definitely added it.

I don't have an excuse for the the boss hiding, haha. I knew about it, and it is something I could've fixed in 30 seconds, but kept delaying it till the last day, because there were more serious things I wanted to iron out. I focused on other mechanics, and forgot. Bosses have different movement states. One of them is "retreat", where it moves the opposite direction it faces. In rare cases, if you are jumping/dashing directly above it, it can partly retreat into the ground.

Thanks, glad you had fun!

I am thrilled you had a good experience, and feel that way about the game!

Thanks for playing, and for the feedback!

I had fun trying out different moves and combos; the exchange mechanic is well done, but I think you could've went a step further, maybe have the attacks you swap go to the boss?

With the boss spending a lot of time in the air, it would be cool if some of your attacks kept the player in the air with the boss, rather than having to continuously jump to land hits.

Since there are only a few days left, I am rating and giving feedback to games with few ratings. I would appreciate it if you rated my game too. No need to leave a comment, unless you feel like it.

Thanks for the experience =]

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Hey! Exactly how do I cook potions? I memorized some of the recipes, but I can't put more than 2 ingredients on the table. Could you tell me what I am doing wrong so I can give it another go? =]

I had a hard time with the boss, specifically with the roar/sound wave attack; I felt some of those were undodgeable, even if I kept my distance.

The fight was fun, and I liked the upgrades, but I would always die at around 60% of the boss's health due to getting hit by sound waves.

I feel like I am missing something. Is there a dash, or a way to regain health? I'll play again later; the dino design is really cool, and I would love to see what's after it!

Hey! I had no problem understanding the exchange and parry mechanic with the numbers, but I can't find a way to hurt the boss. Maybe I missed a hint, or a tutorial; could you help me out a bit so I can try again?

I had a problem where some of the text would appear partly out of view, towards the left side of the screen. Other than that, I agree with asupNico's comment, especially the part where managing time is tough. I would've loved to see the music note exchange mechanic you planned on adding.

You did a good job with your first rhythm game! I also like the little animation at the start.

Since there are only a few days left, I am rating and giving feedback to games with few ratings. I would appreciate it if you rated my game too. No need to leave a comment, unless you feel like it.

Thanks for the experience =]

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In my opinion, the biggest problem you have is the scale of the arenas. I like the idea of exploring a map to find the boss, but for a boss rush, I think it's best to get to it faster. A few ways to solve this would be to make the arena smaller/make the boss bigger/have an indicator pointing towards the boss. I think avoiding hazards and platforming could work really well if they were happening while fighting the boss.

I like the worldbuilding; the banter before missions and dancing are a good touch as well, it added character to the protagonist. The rumours being both a clue and part of the story was also cool. You did a good job with the icons, and the assets you've chosen work well together, and look like they belong to the same world.

Since there are only a few days left, I am rating and giving feedback to games with few ratings. I would appreciate it if you rated my game too. No need to leave a comment, unless you feel like it.

Thanks for the experience =]

Thanks for the feedback; I am glad you enjoyed it!

Hey, Kazure Okami! Thank you so much for playing and the kind words, I really do appreciate it.

All of your points are valid — after the jam, I plan on doing a lot of balancing, and also adding a progression where the more tricky mechanics are slowly introduced throughout multiple fights, rather than at once in the beginning. 

Thank you for the feedback, it helps me a lot.

Runs perfectly well on my computer. 

Had fun playing this; my only issue was getting used to some of the controls at first, but I read you'll be changing it in one of the replies, so that's not a problem.

Menu looks good, UI is clear, ships are small, but still unique — I agree with another commenter, it has potential.

Since there are only a few days left, I am rating and giving feedback to games with few ratings. I would appreciate it if you rated my game too. No need to leave a comment, unless you feel like it.

Thanks for the experience =]

Charming bosses, in a creepy sort of way. My favorite was the first one, I didn't expect what it would do when I was HEADing towards it. You did a really good job with the art. A lot of things like bones, blood, UI animations really add up as well; it's a solid game. 

However, while I did have fun fighting the enemies, I think it would've been better to have the boss appear sooner, since the jam genre is boss rush. They were the most memorable part for me.

The only time I got lag was when there were a lot of daggers thrown at once. Unfortunately, the game crashed twice. I played a level without issues both times, and it was always somewhere during the second level that it happened.

Thanks for the experience =]

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As a fellow below 20 dev, I am currently downloading your game

EDIT: solid game; I left some feedback

Good job with the drawing mechanic; I didn't have any trouble with it, and it's fast and fun. I like the wizard character!

There was this small menu below the game with options like "Open log file" and "clear". Lines of red text also appeared on the bottom left. It wasn't distracting, but I wanted to mention it.

Since there are only a few days left, I am rating and giving feedback to games with few ratings. I would appreciate it if you rated my game too. No need to leave a comment, unless you feel like it.

Thanks for the experience =]

The exe worked for me. I really like the bosses, and the wide variety of attacks and patterns they have. I particularly enjoyed the two bosses in different arenas, and how you have to switch between them. If I may ask, do you get a random one each time you start, or are they connected to what stats you choose?

I like the wormhole mechanic, and it's fun trying out different options with the stat exchange.

At first, I found the controls strange (I don't play a lot of games like this, so I don't know what is considered standard), but I got used to them rather quickly.

Since there are only a few days left, I am rating and giving feedback to games with few ratings. I would appreciate it if you rated my game too. No need to leave a comment, unless you feel like it.

Thanks for the experience =]

I rated, and left some feedback.

Here's mine: https://itch.io/jam/boss-rush-jam-2024/rate/2512765

I like that you have added a story with a good amount of writing; tried both endings for the game, first the easy one, than the hard one. The art at the very end was also good.

My main recommendation would be to make the player gun fire when holding down, rather than repeatedly clicking the mouse button. Or maybe a drop/upgrade that temporarily allows you to fire by holding down; something to give your finger a break.

Thanks for the experience =]

Hey! I gotta say, the music is catchy, and I like the menus' clean look. I had fun building a boss, but unfortunately, I ran into a few bugs, but from your replies, I assume most are probably already fixed. I'll list them anyways, in case you aren't aware.

I started with no parts and no money, but a new career fixed it. I got the starting 1000 and default pieces then. After making a boss and finding a fight, the menu got stuck at the bet option. I had to restart around three times before the two bosses appeared. There was a lot of lag, and after I lost, I made a new boss, and tried again. It got stuck on the bet menu again. There is the possibility that it isn't getting stuck, but it just looks like it due to a lot of lag at those parts.

These are just some recommendations: when building the boss, it would be handy to be able to rotate pieces (maybe this function was there, but I missed it). Also, when you turn off the physics simulation, it would be good if the pieces returned to their position before you pressed the simulate physics button.

I had fun during the building process, and the music made me feel like a mad scientist planning my next scheme. The game has a lot of potential, and I hope to play it after future updates.

Since there are only a few days left, I am rating and giving feedback to games with few ratings. I would appreciate it if you rated my game too. No need to leave a comment, unless you feel like it.

Thanks for the experience =]

I tried playing without reading comments, and after reading comments. Perhaps I'm slow, but knowing the bubble gives you clues helped so much, and made the game fun for me. The puzzle element has real potential! You talked about a tutorial in one of your replies; I think it would really elevate your game. 

I also like how the background changes. I'm not sure if there were gradual changes, but I noticed it at the final boss.

Since there are only a few days left, I am rating and giving feedback to games with few ratings. I would appreciate it if you rated my game too. No need to leave comments, unless you feel like it.

Thanks for the experience =]

I read your comments, and adding a lantern to show the current element would be great. I think you've got the movement right; the counter attack mechanic you talked about would compliment it so well. Good job with the character design as well. I don't know exactly what kind of combat you want to go with, but with the way it is right now, I feel like the attack should be quicker.

You have the text and images on your itch page, you could add them in a 1 minute tutorial in the game, it would help a lot. There was a lot of lag on the browser, but it ran perfectly when I downloaded it. If I may ask, do you plan on having the final release available on browser?

Since there are only a few days left, I am rating and giving feedback to games with few ratings. I would appreciate it if you rated my game too. No need to leave comments, unless you feel like it.

Thanks for the experience =]

I read the other comments and your replies, and I think you got the arcade feel right. A lot of people will be nostalgic when playing this, but for a newer player, I would recommend adding a different mode. I don't know if it would be easy and hard, or modern and arcade, but having the two options would really widen your player base, and I think it's worth it. 

I didn't see anyone else mention it, so it might be a problem with my speakers, but the music seemed a bit loud. 

Love the dog with the shotgun.

Since there are only a few days left, I am rating and giving feedback to games with few ratings. I would appreciate it if you rated my game too. No need to leave comments, unless you feel like it.

Thanks for the experience =]

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I played a few rounds, and my favourite character is definitely the healer. I think it would be cool if some of the other characters had their defensive abilities buffed, else I feel the healer is carrying the team way too hard. I didn't have trouble understanding the mechanics, and the only glitch I ran into was the music bugging out for a short period of time, but that very well may be on my side if my connection was bad. The enemies, in my opinion, could be a bit weaker; sometimes they felt like they withstood way too much damage.

If you keep polishing, you've got a solid game in the works here. Good job, all of you!

Since there are only a few days left, I am rating and giving feedback to games with few ratings. I would appreciate it if you rated my game too. No need to leave comments, unless you feel like it.

Thanks for the experience =]

Thanks for the feedback!

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Hahaha, I'm so happy you enjoyed it!

I saw a possibility where players would ignore the other weapons, and just use the default guns, so I didn't risk making them infinite or too strong. Infinite weapons do also clash with the stock mechanic. I compensated by scattering a few free guns around the arena.
You are right, though; they can and should definitely be balanced better, and I plan on doing so once the jam is over.

Thanks for the feedback, and thank you for playing =]

Hey! Want me to rate your game too, and you mine?

Hey! I rated your game a few days ago. Played again to refresh my memory so I can comment too.

Here is a link to my game: https://itch.io/jam/boss-rush-jam-2024/rate/2512765

One of the toad sounds is louder than the others, but I saw you've already addressed it in the comments. I wish the blood drops would give you a tad bit more health, it made the fight quite difficult, but that might be just me.

Other than that, I had fun playing! Good boss design and art, the particles and UI can go unnoticed sometimes, but I see you've put in a lot of work with them as well. Thanks for the experience =]

Hey! I rated and left a comment on your game.

Here is mine: https://itch.io/jam/boss-rush-jam-2024/rate/2512765

Good job to all the artists! The game was fun, and I like how some of the kids had patterns (at least I think they did); added a strategic element to the game. To the composer too, the music fit the style and pacing. Had a hard time with the teacher, but she is the final boss, so it is to be expected. 
Thanks for the experience =]

I like what you did with the music!