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A member registered Sep 16, 2019 · View creator page →

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I once made game out of circles and it was pretty good

Did you notice that each time event repeats itself it takes longer to beat it? 

I was experimenting with this progression and spawning more enemies over time and found this one better.

I love the idea (or bug) of revind being the cruicial part of beating the level!

Hi, thanks for feedback! I was also thinking about leaderboard but Im currently misding time and knowledge to make it. 

And yes there actually is sound for shooting and killing enemies but it looks like that i made them too quiet, will fix it soon. 

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Thanks for feedback, 

I will definitely add option for bg. 

For just standing in center, I have no cure just now, but I will also try to change this. 

And yeah, 15 events really isn't that bad! If I remember corectly, my record was 18 but this doesnt count as im dev of this... ;) 

My 15 min gameplay sesion leads to one conclusion: Good Idea, but bad execution.

Things to improve:

-Add compss or at least tell us where north is

-Make walking animation slower or character movement faster so animation and movement match each other


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"Please, tell me that you didn't made this after a real story"

Nice game BUT its too white and it hurts when you are playing it.

The #1 feature are probably blood textures heh

Intersting game! I think you could add text to display what rule has changed, because You then can use that knowledge to play. In that state, game looked quite same all the time as I wasnt focused on change because I didnt know what has changed.

I would kindly invite you to try my game, Its same concept :) 

For first game Its sure great! 

But when lies everywhere is too much everywhere? You must try to catch just the right amount of everything an not put random killzones in game (or at least visualize them) 

Gsme is good, but still needs some polish. Then it will be perfect. 

Its a interesting concept, but:

1. Make a ball better visible, its hard to see ball in al the mess in middle of game. 

2. There is a glitch, where ball gets stuck in paddle if you touch ball with sides of paddle. The easiest fix is to simply paste a "respawn ball" button on screen. 

3. Maybe you could add in-game score counter, so you see how many bricks are actually left. 

4. I think red/green background is totaly unecesary. 

I love the idea of punnishing player by adding bricks rather than loosing a life. 

Do you want to know where I got the idea for this USG? 

I was watching Ghostbusters (my rating for movie is 4/10). The idea came from this satisfying effect of destroying ghosts in last part of movie) 

Hmm... I'm still unable to find this bug either on browser and windows game. I'll need to check code again to make sure everything is as it should be.

Other improvements you suggested are already prepared for next version of game!

Thanks for feedback!

Great game, but it's missing a restart button. Also, why first move always deletes both X and O?

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Thanks for feedback!

I will definitely improve UI

About 3-rd point, im not sure: if you were in cant shoot but immortal mode, this is intentional, else its bug. I'll try to recreate it and make a fix ASAP. 

EDIT: yes, i think you were in immortal but can't shoot mode as i couldnt recreate bug. 

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Is this supossed to be food fight or anything else? (game in the video doesnt match with actual game...)


Ah yes, unexpected jam...