So good guys. This is a top contender for sure.
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That is intended somewhat. The web build of this game will freeze, but if you had the actual game downloaded, it would kill the game. It doesn't make a ton of sense in the context of the web build because there is no "killing the game". Might need to come up with a more elegant solution for the web build.
A piece of advice: Export an HTML build. I noticed it's your first game jam and I wish someone would have told me when I did my first one that a web build is almost a necessity. People tend to not like to download games just to play them, so if you can give them a way to play in browser, you have a much higher chance at people trying it out, commenting, rating, and most of all giving feedback.
This is really cool. I can definitely see the references come through and the presentation is dope. I will say it's a bit on the rough side to understand at first, but once you get a hang of the basic flow, it makes more sense. Not sure how to fix that, so I can't give any real suggestions, but either way this is great.