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A member registered Aug 05, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thank you so much for the  comment it really means a lot. The trick to level 2 is to try get the cannon balls in between the pillows.

and thanks one again.

Thank you very much. It was a design choice that we decided to go with so that we could have multiple endings.

Thank you. I made this with Pygame and Pymunk. I'll give you a hint for hitting the croc aim at the spaces between the pillows except for lvl 1 where you can complete the lvl with put actually hiting any of the pillows.

Nice game man GG

Thanks for the feed back I've been working on an update where I implement some of the suggested features people provided so I'll see what I can do about adding some more variety to the game

Yea Unfortunately because it's an exe windows defender doesn't like that to much and I've had problems with it myself. If you find real time protection and disable that it will run but I understand if you don't want to do that. Unfortunate no web build  at the moment but maybe in the future

Nice game good graphics and very relaxing music. I would add some sort of extra speed bonus for not just spamming space because thats what i ended up doing. I would also just increase the rowers speed just a bit but other wise Great Game.

Also would be great if people could check out my game as well(:

Good Game Very interesting concept don't really know what to say about it tho haha

WOW definitely one of my top three games of the Jam. Music was great the concept was amazing and the levels where really great as well. Well done man GG.

Also I would love if people could also check out my game and give some feed back would be great(:

Thanks for the Suggestion will definitely add those in (: 

Shot thanks for the feed back I will definitely check out ur submission as well.

Thanks for checking out the game man much appreciate. And thanks for the advice as well I do have plans to swap to a game engine at some point but I do just wanna get use to game development as a whole with something that I’m familiar with so that was kinda my reasoning behind using pygame. 

Definitely one of the top 3 games I've seen so far really amazing concept well put together and executed GG

What a great concept really good game gg man.

would love it if people could also check out my game and give some feed back (:

good game concept love the music A+ for that The camera angle was a bit weird and the other cars might have been a bit fast but otherwise good game would have loved to see some more levels.

would love it if people could also check out my game feed back would be much appreciated (:

Good game I think the use of the qead is an interesting choice and it took a while to get used to but otherwise very good game love the graphics and the music GG.

ps. Id really love it if you could check out my game as well (:

Yea I probably should have added an instruction to let people know that the space advanced the text. The reason I decided to make the mana deplete so fast was I didn't want the game rounds to last to long but I can see how that might be annoying. I planed on fixing the targets but unfortunately didn't have enough time but I will work on it.  And you actually can move while shooting I just didn't have enough time to remove that part of the text. Thanks for all the feed back tho I will try to incorporate it into the game

great game good concept.

Love the game man good concept very nicely presented (:

(1 edit)

Not clear that you needed to get the fruit in order to grapple but I did figure that our in the end. Otherwise very nice game well put together GG.

Love your music man keep up the good work (: