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A member registered May 18, 2024 · View creator page →

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Good luck with the game dev. You’ve made a great game!

Thanks for letting me know! I hadn’t noticed. I’ve already fixed the bug. You’ll see the changes in the next update :D

Thanks! All the 3D elements are made with Koikatsu in the studio mode and some mods.

Great! Best of luck with the project, it has a lot of potential.

Yes, next time I plan to explain the story a bit better, and there was definitely a need for a proper introduction to the plot x'D. Anyway, I still need to change the music; I'm still not satisfied with it. Thanks a lot for the feedback, really!

Haha, I guess it’s because of my habit of saving items until the end of the game and then having a full inventory XD. Great game though, I really enjoyed it!

Nobody is born knowing everything. It's through small projects like this that you end up learning. Keep up the good work; I’m sure you’ll go far!

Yes, it's interesting. Keep up the good work; I’d love to see how the game progresses!

Yes, it's clear that you've improved quite a bit. Moreover, you create games with personality, which is what matters. Congratulations!

Thanks! :D

Thanks! I made the game for a Game Jam, but it would be interesting to add more content :D

The concept seems quite interesting. The biggest issue I see right now is that you have to click on the edge of the squares, which is pretty confusing. I ended up clicking randomly for a while until the game did something XD. Anyway, I understand that you put a lot of effort into it, and there wasn't much time in a 9-day game jam, so great job!

(1 edit)

Wow, I really liked the game. It's your first time using RenPy, so it's amazing what you've done. The story really piques my curiosity, and your drawings are very much in your style—I like them. Great job, keep it up! x'D

Wow, it's really amazing what you’ve accomplished in 9 days. The puzzles are quite entertaining, and the art is very good. Overall, I really enjoyed the game. Congratulations, and great job to both of you!

I liked the game. You sometimes miss games made with RPG Maker x'D. Also, I love the fact that the art is hand-drawn. It's definitely something unique. Although, I don't know if it's because I don't like using items or because I'm not very good at playing, but most of the battles seem unplayable to me since they do insta-kill xD. Anyway, great job, it's clear you've put in a lot of effort!

This is all a covert writing test, don't hide it! XD But seriously, it's an interesting concept, great job!

It's not my type of game, but it's very well made. It's a simple concept, well-executed and polished. Short, but understandable for a Game Jam that lasts only nine days. Ironically, I’d love to see the game expanded in the future. Great job to the team!

I like the concept. The main problem is that I think the camera is a bit uncomfortable. I believe it's inverted on both axes. It's clear that you ran out of time to develop it fully, but I would love to see an improved version of the game in the future. Great job!

The concept is certainly interesting, although I had some issues with the window. When I set it to full screen, the text isn't visible. I assume it's not finished yet from what I read, so good luck with that!

The concept is interesting, but it has to be said that there are quite a few bugs, and it becomes pretty confusing right from the start. In any case, keep going; I'm sure that with time and dedication, you can fix all those issues.

It's not really my type of game, mainly because I'm not into feral or furry themes, or anything similar, but I like seeing the progress you've made since the first game you submitted to the jam. It's clear you've put a lot of effort into it, and the point-and-click aspect has its charm. Great job!

I really liked the concept; it's very intriguing, but in my opinion, the gameplay leaves a little to be desired. The main issue I noticed is that you're often jumping blindly (maybe zooming out the camera a bit could help) because it's hard to tell where you're jumping to. Additionally, you can do wall jumps on the same wall infinitely xD. That aside, the idea is solid, and the game is challenging but not impossible. While it's not quite my type of game, I can definitely see the effort you've put into it. Great job!

Thanks! Yeah, I noticed there were many ways to cheat in the game, but I don't mind that much. After all, whoever wants to cheat, go ahead x'D