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DarkRide Will

A member registered May 06, 2023

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(1 edit)

It's a good start, the switch between the farming and the spookyness did shake me when I first played it! I think the farming section could be improved by adding some kind of an indication of what item you're holding and by either adding some stuff to look at or navigate through between the objective points as it feels a little sparse as is.

I like the noise the monster made!

Looking forward to seeing how it ends up when it's polished!

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This was a fun experience, I enjoyed the atmosphere and mystery and the experience of finding both endings. The sound design was used effectively and the general setup did keep me on edge for my first couple of playthroughs.

As you've mentioned in previous comments, things like extra sprites distinguishing files from folders would increase the overall quality, and I think adjustments like making the text fit the graphics in terms of style would make things more immersive. It could also be worth adding a few more nuances to the, OS such as having it recognize the difference between a non-existent file and a non-corrupted file.

The story has some really cool ideas, however it does feel like it's setting up for more than what gets fully explored, making this function as a brilliant teaser for a larger.

As far as (non-canonical) bugs go, the only one I've really noticed is when opening the diary for the second time, it kept saying the same thing and I couldn't close the dialogue window. I thought this might have been intentional, however when I tried it again , it just closed like what would be expected.

Overall a nice entry, that kept me invested for the afternoon!

Wow, this really blew me away and scared the crap out of me!


Gameplay: Plenty of fun puzzles to be worked through, I really liked the valves in the cave, the hands, the statues and the paintings. Some of the chases and puzzles were pretty straightforward. I knew when there was a long hallway going to the middle of nowhere that I was in for it, some of the chases were basically a straight line, so once the initial scare wore off I was just holding down the sprint button and a direction key. The puzzle in the barrel control room could have used a little more work, rather than me just going "ahh, combination lock, the last code I saw". I only noticed a few minor collision glitches, the cliffs to the top right off the map in the first area can be stepped off, you can still collide with chemical B after you pick it up, you can wade into the overgrown pool out the front of the main elevator in the lab section.

Story: Lots of twists and turns in the story. I only got the car ending and ending D so far, I'll have to have another couple of cracks after the jam. The fear is kept constant throughout the game. My fear of the first monster (the metamorphised serial character of whom I've forgotten the number), wore off after my first chase, but it was soon replaced by a fear of Helga. I really enjoyed probing around in the laboratory, the feeling of "I really shouldn't be here" only grew throughout. The only criticism I really had of the story was I thought that it was a bit unnecessary that the events be a cycle (in ending D)

Presentation: Kept me on edge the whole time. The monsters and environment were just detailed enough to make your mind fill in the blanks. Great use of some very cool music.

Creativity: There were some really cool puzzles and monsters in here. This took me in a totally different direction than I was expecting, I kept expecting the game to be almost over but the rabbit hole just went deeper and deeper.

Horror: Scared the crap out of me!

Theme: I feel like this filled out the theme well, the story getting more and more unhinged the deeper I went into the earth. As for bonuses, I'd say that the underground labyrinthine laboratories count as a maze.

Conclusion: I'm amazed at how much you managed to pull off in the time of this jam. This was awesome!

A cool project that tells the story well!

Gameplay: The glitch mechanics were very convincing and made for a fascinating play experience. Objectives were made clear in a manner that was intuitive without appearing intrusive. A greater emphasis in problem solving or action somehow might have made things a little more engaging.

Story: This was an interesting story told in a way that kept the player invested. Very well done!

Presentation: The sprites were very nicely designed, the glitch aesthetics were done very well and often implemented in interesting ways, the music choices paired and set the mood very nicely.

Horror: Although not scary in a jump-out-of-my-skin way, the theme and storytelling painted a very unsettling picture of Luc's life. Scary in the same manner as dementia rather then scary like being ripped apart by the boogeyman.

Theme: The game took place in the ground and the section with tunnels was quite maze-like. Certainly ticks the box.

Conclusion: A very well presented scenario, very well polished for something completed on such a tight schedule! Looking forward to future works!

I see, I guess I answered the riddle without noticing then.

I thought the initial track was a good fit. It was largely the final battle music that threw me. I was just thinking you'd get a better sense of fear and dread across with something a little more dissonant and a little less melodic. But I guess it all depends on the vibe you want from your scene.

Regarding my vocabulary comment, that's about what I was going for. Especially with some of your NPCs if you decided something like "this guy talks very surely and properly, never abbreviates or speaks improperly" and "this one stutters and is prone to awkward phrasing". I noticed a familiar speech patterns across a couple of different NPCs.

It's possible I was having a bit of trouble with some of the concepts, I tend to be pretty literal. There were quite a few paragraphs of text in succession without a lot of gameplay in between. For a game of this length, it's pretty common for the story to be something that can be summed up in a few sentences. 

I was wondering if it was a meta choice to have to art style change, but my suspension of disbelief did take a bit of a hit. 

I'll be sure to take a trip to your page when I'm in the mood for detailed worldbuilding!

(1 edit)

Obligatory "not an expert, grain of salt". I had fun with this game, it was certainly an interesting exploration and the custom sprites solidified the atmosphere.


Gameplay: I really liked the tape puzzle and the inclusion of a map even if it was a little unnecessary once I was on the right track. It seems the "continue game" feature wasn't working, which was very frustrating as it took me a good number of goes to get the maze right and I had to mash through dialogue.  I also have the suspicion that the game is near impossible if you choose any item but the lamp, the book, in particular is useless without the continue button working.

Story: A lot was left to the reader's imagination with the story, being very vague. The interactions with other characters were very interesting, and it certainly left me wondering about the relationship between the player, what was buried and the others in the mine. A little bit of a weird continuity issue as the cave-in is miraculously cleared when you go to leave the mine.

Presentation: This was some of your strongest points. I really like your animated thumbnail and the personality of your icons. I do think some more ambient noise would have strengthened your atmosphere, and some of the effects don't seem to quite line up. The door lock sounds slimy and crackly, it sounded organic to me.

Horror: Nothing really made me jump out of my skin, but there was a good sense of dread, confusion and claustrophobia conveyed by the sprite work, the dialogue and the darkness.

Theme: I'd say you knocked it out of the park, hit all three bonuses clearly and encapsulated being in the depths of the earth perfectly.

Conclusion: An nice exploration of the concept! Keen for future work!

Just gonna start this off with obligatory "I'm the music dude, not an expert". I certainly found this an interesting time! I get a sense of a larger universe I'm just seeing a glimpse of.


I did finish the game to the best of my knowledge, at least, I beat the lost soul and was sent back to the homescreen.

Gameplay: As ghostinthegame mentioned, it seemed a little inconsistent regarding where I could walk in the first area. Some trees seemed walkable when they shouldn't have been, some seemed to block me when I wouldn't have thought they could.

The section that had me running around in space mashing "z" was a bit frustrating. To be honest, I had to double check the dialogue to know what I was doing. There was clearly a lot of effort put into the dialogue, but the sheer volume of it did make it easy for me to glaze over instructions.

I think the game may have skipped the section inside the house. I was given the equation to figure out by the creatures within, I left and came back and I was suddenly in the next area? I couldn't seem to find a way to get them to repeat the equation or find a place to give my answer.

I liked the mazes, but I did find some of the bonus items in the chests a little redundant given the brevity of the game.

Story: It is very clear that you have quite the complex universe set out, possible a little much to drop in the span of an hour and a half game. I found some of the ideas interesting, but some of the dialogue seemed to be a bit incoherent to me. Maybe if these ideas were given to the player a little more slowly, they'd be a bit easier to digest. It might be my misinterpretation, but I did seem to feel some of the characters would benefit from having their speech combed over or having a set vocabulary.

Presentation: This was certainly an interesting game to look at, although some of the environments didn't seem to mesh together too well. The area between the house and the labyrinthine being of a lower resolution took me out of the atmosphere a little. I think some of your music choices could be a little better. A 4/4 rock song with a shred solo doesn't really say "horrors beyond comprehension" to me.

Creativity: This was a hell of a ride! The universe of this game is certainly something I couldn't have dreamed up in a hundred years.

Horror: I didn't really find myself having any kind of heart-racing terror reactions, but the setting is certainly eerie and the cosmic scale of the environment was pretty unsettling.

Theme: I'm not exactly sure how a lot of this is subterranean, the labyrinthine section within Erroris felt like it was underground somewhere, which I'm now seeing is what you've wrote as your justification. Fair play. You definitely check the box for mazes!

Conclusion: This was certainly a fascinating experience. A lot of this game gave me a similar very feeling to reading an obscure occult webpage. Looking forward to seeing what you come up with next!

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Being the music guy on our team, I'm not an expert on these kinds of games. Keep that in mind for my review. Overall this was a nice story, beautiful art and fun to play! A few bugs left, some that were a little frustrating. 

Everything functions as intended, I did find difficulty to be a little inconsistent. I found the bears to be far far more difficult than anything else in the game. One bear in particular (the fourth bear that you see, last that requires stealth, just before the chase scene) could see thorough the rocky outcrop/tower so I wound up having to treat it as a chaser rather than a stealth enemy.

This section had me wishing there was a way to get back to the save point faster, I found myself mashing through the dialogue every time I died.

Compared to those darned bears, I found everything else a lot easier. I breezed through the spiders first time. I thought the section with darkness and relying on the thought mechanic was a lot of fun!

There was also a small bug where you could walk up the spiderwebs to the top of the cave wall.

I did also experience looping in the final cutscene.

I had a lot of fun with the story, I found the characters very cute, I was definitely very invested and was eager to see how it finished.


This game looked beautiful. The art style was great. I had fun with the little notes on the map and the comments on the items in the backpack. As ghostinthegame mentioned, the UI as really good too. You really went above and beyond here!


There were some really cool mechanics here, with new mechanics being added pretty regularly it kept me engaged. The thought mechanic as a hint tool in general and its specific use in the darkness stage come to mind as things that jumped out for me. This game has a lot of personality that jumps out at you.

I also really loved some of the noisy music tracks. The music that played during the flooding in particular stuck with me.

Not a lot of this particularly scared me, and I'm not too hard to scare. I did jump when I heard a sound in my house while playing the spider level. Saying this, there was a great sense of dread and macabre throughout. I got a sense of the setting, but nothing was making my heart race.


This very clearly fits the theme. As for bonuses, there were plenty of mazes, there was a cave in, there wasn't a player choice regarding preparation. 


An hour and a half of my time well spent, hoping to see more from you in the future!