rly cool puzzle game!! i like it a lot! my best is 17 clicks and 5 buttons
its pretty challenging to get a hold of, and even a bit infuriating, but in the right way that makes this very satisfying to complete! the visuals are rly cool too! nice job!
i am incredibly interested in this game! the characters are really fun and i rly like them, the fights are hectic, the graphics are really charming and the story has me very intrigued! i am a bit held up on just how much there is to keep of track of in such short time though, which might really just be because you have to select "ready" when their action cooldown is over for each character to gain stamina so you can have access to more (any) moves. however, i am also very used to slower paced turn-based combat so perhaps i just need to adjust, but besides that i actually really like a good amount about the combat! i'm definitely going to be trying to push even further into the game (only on the second fight lol)
most just that you had to click the top of the screen to go forward lol, most point and clicks ive played have u click on the item/area you want to go to advance there. sometimes having to move to a specific position to make the right turn to move to the area you intend to at moments was a bit odd as well but simple enough to overcome (i.e. the entrance of production line hall), besides that tho it felt good!
this was REALLY fun and good!! the art style is rly fun, the gameplay is rly unique, the vibe is just full of personality and i loved experincin it. unfortunately (SPOILER WARNING in strikethrough) there was a missing wall in the animal shelter after the giraffe fight and i thought it was a possible secret but i fell out of the map and seemingly locked myself out of progressing any further soooo i haven't beaten it yet but i would 100% recommend this!!
this was pretty neat! haven't finished yet, but i like the style of the game and the puzzles are neat! though, being able to completely ruin all your progress in a puzzle and have to re-do it all is a bit eh,, it's also a bit straining on the eyes and disorientating at times,,, besides that, its a cool neat puzzle game! nice job!
thanks! i'll be sure to rate yours too, lookin forward to seein what u made!