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The Flower FactoryView game page

Your normal day at work takes a dark turn
Submitted by r8teful (@r8teful) — 9 hours, 13 minutes before the deadline
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Ranked from 19 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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Made the game very polished and the vibe is perfect for what I was aiming for! :)

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Really cool game, love the aesthetics!


Really awesome atmosphere. I liked that you used flowers, something thats synonymous with joy, in an aberration themed game. The tonal shift there is very effective in building the tension of the game. Awesome work!


Thank you! 😊


Awesome atmosphere, I thought the visual effect was super cool but got a little grating on my eyes after some time. The dread was getting strong towards the end for sure! I was glad you didn't end up putting some jump scare or something at the end, some things are better left for the imagination :D


I'm sorry to hear that the visuals effected you in that way. I was thinking a lot about the ending but this was the best way to leave it open ended. Who knows what happens next ;)


Don't get me wrong, I still really liked the visuals! And something I forgot to mention is that I also quite enjoyed the "voice over" of the player character :) feels appropriately eerie and strange. I also didn't mind the slow pacing of both the voice and the gameplay itself, it added to the atmosphere of dread and increased the feeling that something was just "off"! Good stuff

Submitted (1 edit)

wow, the visuals look amazing! i'm not sure how to describe it (words are failing me rn xd), but i really love this fullscreen pixel shader that gives everything this rasterized look that you'd probably see from scanned newspaper images or comic books, except its more pixelized? idk if its just dithering, but it gives everything this really unique visual flare that adds to the overall tone of the game, its very nice! and its not just the shader that is carrying the visuals but the 3D models + the layouting of it all makes everything feel so hand crafted and intentional, each screen is well composited and looks amazing! even the title screen leaves a strong impression in you with the eerie but mesmerizing rotations of the flowers, all in all this game's presentation is phenomenal!

the gameplay also does a really good job at selling the atmosphere of working a droning job. i don't know if this was intentional, but the Myst-like movement in the game aided in selling the atmosphere for me personally. the movement feels very rigid and mechanical, almost restrictive with a lack of freedom in a sense, which is fitting when we're playing a character whose job is very mechanical in that regard as well, routinely clocking in, sorting flowers, then clocking out, its really nice (don't know if im reading too deeply into it though xd)! the repetitive tasks that we do also sell the story really well while acting as an activity we do while the story gets fed to us, which is a really nice way of feeding dialogue without feeling too unengaged! also the pacing of the story and the tension from the atmosphere is just really good, was tense all the way through!

what a wonderful atmospheric horror, i enjoyed it a lot, great work!


Wow, thank you for your comment. I'm tearing up a bit reading this. I don't think you are reading too deeply at all, I love that you see the details of it. Most of the design was intentionally created to make you really experience how it is and feels like to be working a droning job. I'm so pleased to hear that you enjoyed it, it means a lot to me. Delivering experiences like these is the main reason I'm so passionate about game development, and I'm determined to make more of these memorable games in the future and perfecting my craft further. 


Unsettling in the best way possible! It is indeed very polished and with a very clear visual style which I really appreciate. Good work with this entry.


Thank you!


Wonderful style for the game, with the modelling and the visual shaders - the atmosphere is well set. I'm a little surprised this game hasnt been picked up by horror streamers as a standalone horror game yet, it checks a lot of the boxes.

The navigation can be a little wonky at times, navigation hitboxes might either need to bigger or a little more reactive. Oh the only other critique is that the atmosphere is like super creepy, and then you see the monster and its just like a little ghosty boi, doesnt even look that angery.

Great game, greats on the release


The polish here was pretty high not gonna lie. I wish the game was faster, but overall I enjoyed it. Nice!


Thank you (: Do you mean faster in terms of gameplay, or the dialogue to be faster, or both? 


My dumb brain forgot the password and now I am stuck :( But I restarted and got back on track. RIP. I like this game really much, really scary feeling, movement is pretty cool, the graphics is really good too. Overall, amazing game, good job! :)


Thank you! It never crossed my mind that the password thing would have been a problem, I should have added some dialogue where the protagonist would just repeat the password for you, that would probably been the best option. I'm glad you liked it though!

Submitted (1 edit)

Very cool, pretty well put together! I love the graphics style, pixelated 3D is something I really think looks cool, and it's not simple to make look good given how low resolution tends to mess up the details on the models, but everything in this game looked crisp, good job! My main critique would be the movement system, I didn't see the game losing anything by just allowing the player to move freely through the environment, there were some spots where left/right cycled between some targets that weren't exactly to the left or to the right of where you clicked, sometimes we spun around 180 degrees when from one side but 90 to the other, it just felt a little disorienting. It isn't a big deal for your game in particular, it's not like we had any mechanic that required any precise movement. Oh yeah, on the password part I typed it in but I didn't knew I had to press the empty button as like a "confirm" button, I just thought I put in the wrong password and tried going back up to check on the password again but the elevator wouldn't take me back up. Turns out the password was right, but if someone really does forget the password that could be a problem.

But yeah, other than that I think you nailed the atmosphere and polish. No glitches, cool story, very well executed art style and for a game jam game that's really all that matters. Great job, thanks for making this cool game!


Thank you for the kind words! About the movement, I'd have to agree with you. There is no real reason for it to be point and click, I'm experimenting with my own unique style and thought to give this a try, I wanted to replicate the vibe of the old point and click puzzle adventure games like Myst and Riven, but I guess the spark disappears when there is not much to explore, I wish I had more time creating more of an environment the player is free to explore in, instead of it being a linear path like it currently is. The left/right look bug is annoying and can be quite confusing, I have to implement some kind of system that forces it to rotate in the direction you click, but I didn't have time to implement that in the jam. Anyway, thanks for the comment and your feedback!

I really loved the narrative and environment of this game, I liked that it got creepier and scarier as it went along and things that weren't scary at first were when you looked at them again.  The sounds and visuals were on point!


this was a really cool and intriguing point and click game! it was a bit weird to figure out the movement but once i did it was pretty enjoyable! really like the art style too


Thank you for the comment! What specific things about the movement made it hard to figure out? Is there anything I could change to make it easier to understand for new players?


most just that you had to click the top of the screen to go forward lol, most point and clicks ive played have u click on the item/area you want to go to advance there. sometimes having to move to a specific position to make the right turn to move to the area you intend to at moments was a bit odd as well but simple enough to overcome (i.e. the entrance of production line hall), besides that tho it felt good!


I see, that makes sense. Thanks for the feedback (:


Marvelously spooky, I love the go-getter assembly drone personality of our protag lol


Hahahah, that is the exact vibe I was going for. I'm glad you enjoyed! 


Very nice horror entry! The controls for movement are a little weird, although one can get accustomed to the. A little cue of where you can go, like little arrows showing possible routes would help a lot. Very interesting little story <3


Fantastic entry - really enjoyed it, great work!

The point & click interface with the 3D backgrounds is great - not seen that done before, reminds me of the old myst games. One minor thing - personally I think the pixelated effect over the top is too much, needs toning down a bit, makes it a bit too hard to see what things are sometimes.

All in all, a great game - I really enjoyed this one!


Love the presentation of the game! The controls initially threw me off but by the second half of the game I was sold! Everything felt pretty responsive whenever you interacted with anything which is pretty cool! Good job!


Thank you! Yeah I had to implement the whole point and click controls from scratch, there is still some bugs with it, and it's not as good as I want it to be, but it's a good start. I'm glad you enjoyed the game and thanks for the comment!


Really lovely game, with some neat visuals!

Haven’t seen a point & click game in quite a while, so this being one caught me by surprise - the good kind.

Short & sweet, that’s what I’ll say.


I'm glad you liked it! Thanks for the kind words


It's like the Myst series playing a game in the high-freedom Point & Click genre. Most of all, I really love this graphics. How does represent this kind of degraded graphics in Unity?


Thanks, you can see in the source code. Its a simple script but looks very cool (: