I'm glad you had fun!!
If I have time I'll publish my code and a write-up about how it works, but for now I can share what helped me to get started:
I'm glad you had fun!!
If I have time I'll publish my code and a write-up about how it works, but for now I can share what helped me to get started:
thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it :)
there was so much more i wanted to add - guards investigating, switches, traps - but alas the mechanics i went with took a long time for me to figure out. By the time the basics were working a week had already passed!
Even the third level was something i solved last minute. Light started as ray-casting, but it would go through walls. So I changed it to an algorithm that essentially "grows" a triangle, but gets blocked by obstacles. The trouble is when it grows along a diagonal, particularly the level 3 alleys, it leads to awkward detection.
The game in its current form is about optimizing for the correct path, but if i revisit development then i agree, adding more variety and solutions would vastly improve the interest and replay-ability.
All in all I appreciate the feedback, i had a lot of fun making this and I'm glad you had fun playing it!