Ahhh you got me good! This is awesome.
Love the pixel art. Very cool game!
Damn this is hard as. Cool game though!
Love the theme. The main dude reminds me of Pops from Regular Show.
This is a pretty awesome effort for a first game. Nice job!
Woah this is super cool. Love the concept, Nice job!
Cool game. I dig the concept!
Really cool game. Good job!
Woah that was awesome and intense! Good work.
Nice work. This was pretty cool!
Woah this idea is so fresh. Loved it!
Haha so intense. I dig it.
Haha that audio. Game is really cool though. Nice work!
Haha I like it. Nice work.
Haha really hard but also cool.
You got me! Time to go change.
Well that's just adorable. Love it!
Haha the sword animation is great. Good work.
Awesome graphics. Love it.
Pretty awesome. I dig the pixel art a LOT.
Awesome Bomberman vibes. Love it!
Haha this is cool as. Love the level transitions!
That lighting is really cool! This is great.
Damn it! This is so hard... It's awesome!
Woah this is really nice. Love it!
Woah this is so chill. Really dig it.
Nice work! Love the art :D
Wow that death/respawn effect is awesome. Nice work!
Best game I've played so far! Love this idea.
This is really cool. Nice work!
Haha cool idea! I dig it.
Woah this is super cool. That pixel are it top notch!
This is super cool. Love that tune!
That was great. Especially like the voice acting and the music!
Haha you think you almost got him then BOOM another health bar! Cool game :D
Pixel art is so cool. The concept is great. Reminded me of papers please.
I've been playing Elden Ring all week. I'm not afraid of a little pattern memorization! This was super fun to play. I dig it!
This is so cool. Loved those transitions!