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Hi, thank you very much for your feedback !
I'll adjust music volume.
The voices are not unsynchronized, I recorded multiples tracks to make the voice more "acoustic". I recorded it in mono, the delay you ear is just some milliseconds of gap between 1st and 2nd track.
Yes I will add a setup menu next week!
Is motion blur too high ? I really wanted to improve the game feel on the levels but if it makes you see unclear I understand it could be really boring.
Thank again :) .
Hi !
I made a little platformer with narration voice, 3 levels and a shinny world :
Will He Die is the story of a man destroying nature.
Walk in this world... going to collapse.
Will he die or will he rebirth to make a better world ?
Will you try something ?
The game is story rich, story is told by the voice of the narrator.
3 platform levels :
Die and Retry to change the world.
I made a 3 floors museum with 12 differents rooms. Each room has an interaction. Every statue has a unique sound.
Check it here :
Enjoy ;)
Salut Itooh,
Merci beaucoup pour ton retour ça fait plaisir.
Oui tu as totalement raison pour le son du silence. Le son est comme un voile diaphane qui rend palpable l'invisible. Des bruits de ventilation ça pourrait fonctionner super bien. Je m'étais donné une date butoir pour finir ce projet et j'ai donc délaissé cet aspect mais si j'ai le temps je m'en occuperai.
Mais wtf cette histoire de OOB (Tu es sûr de ne pas être un galopin qui court un peu trop vite dans les salles ?). Je vais régler ça merci de me l'avoir signaler.
Hi! I would like to help you and submit these two games : and this one :