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Thank you so much! The object pushing can be a bit inconsistent sorry but I’m happy you liked my game and found it polished!

I was worried the progression might be a bit weird but I’m glad you found it okay! Thanks!

Wow Celeste is easily my favourite platformer thanks so much XD

Thanks for your feedback! I did add try add some shaders with bloom and some lighting, but it broke in the final build :(. I definitely will try adding more mechanics for my future games but I just wanted to keep my scope small for my first game jam. Thanks again for your ideas and feedback!

Great platformer! The art was definitely better than mine, and the idea was also pretty interesting. Great job for the amount of time you spent.

I love the art and concept, and the execution in general is great. One thing I found mildly annoying was that some parts of the game seems a bit slow, like when a new customer is arriving. I also think the skewing and rotating mechanics, while absolutely amazing and so cool, are kind of unnecessary with the current game. I think it would be better if you either had the shape already outlined and you have to set the skew+rotation or vice-versa, as this would make it more interesting. You could even add multiple planes that you have to skew individually to create a composite shape. I understand these may not be features you are willing to add as it does change the game fell quite a lot, and this is already a super impressive game, especially for 4 days. 

Thanks a lot for the amazing rating XD. The puzzles may have been a bit unorthodox or hard at certain points that's my fail as a level designer I'm pretty sure. I also find that I may have gotten too used to my game while playtesting, so the difficulty was hard to gauge.

Thanks for the feedback! The physics can sometimes be a bit unreliable, especially in tight spaces sorry about that, but otherwise I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Amazing game! I really like the visual effects when shooting and how crazy it got with multiple projectiles. The risk-reward system in this game was so good as you can choose whether to buy upgrades or save your core, and whenever you leave the combat area, your progress in it resets, making you want to stay for more time. This game actually made me want to play more and more, and the only critique I can give is: more accurate scale bar - when you feed the core, the bar doesn't match up with the amount you are giving it (it continues to fill up after you leave) so you don't always know how much you need to give it and how much you can keep. Also more enemy types obv and more rooms with harder enemies but better rewards, but this is obviously a 4 day jam only so its amazing you were able to get this far anyways. Great job :)

Amazingly fun game! The graphics and gameplay loop are so fun. Amazing for a 96 hr project. The audio and building systems were very polished, my only complaint was this bug where i would occasionally get stuck after dying, but relaunching fixed that issue rly fast so no worries. Great game!

Really fun game! Not sure how ell it fits the theme but other than that I has so much fun with the controls and trying to to hit myself while flying at super fast speed and ramming into obstacles. The music is also really nice, although the eating sound can get a little repetitive. Maybe try something called pitch shifting if you have time? Overall though amazingly fun game. Lots of potential for replay too which is perfect for these game jams. Well done!

Thank you so much :)

I really liked this game! The game felt overall really satisfying and managing all the like at once to stop them from being glitch was a good level of challenging. I'm not sure if this is intentional, but new computer stopped appearing after a while, which make this game great but it could use a little more runtime (I understand though that with the limitations of a gage jam this can be tough). One thing I felt a little offput by was the small hitboxes of the lines and computers. Especially when you zoom out, it would be great if the hitboxes for the computers and links were bigger, so it would be easier to click and select. The element are usually not close together anyways so I think this would be  great change. Overall, I really enjoyed this simple yet fun game. Good job!

(3 edits)

Very hard game but I enjoyed it a lot and I think the design is great. The movement feels very nice and the options are very diverse. My only critique is to maybe make some easier levels first and split the tutorial into checkpoints for less frustration. I find the theme not too fitting but that's just personal preference. Overall, great game. I wish i could have created a platformer this good. 

Also I wonder how many ppl finished the tutorial lol. I have experience playing platformers so i managed to finish it but all the comments say otherwise.

Really nice chill game. The visuals are great and the story is also really funny and cute. My only complaint is the tongue grabbing which is a bit hard (I think I'm just bad) and the movement speed (which I'm not that bothered by).

OMG this is such a good game if this was randomized like a roguelike I would not think for a second it was made in 4 days, that art is amazing and the gameplay is fun and interactive. The idea is also really creative and unique. Fantastic job you should be proud!

Nice game! A bit too hard for me but the physics and controls make for a very fun rage game. Funnily enough, I also though of a robot that was literally "Built" to scale, but I took the word scale the more obvious way, and I think your game is way more creative.

Really fun game actually - the controls felt a little weird at first but once i figured out the jumping physics and sprinting the levels flew past and were really fun. The last level as well really got me though. I only realized at the last few seconds what the problem was.

This game, although simple is actually so good and one of the best games I've played so far. The art is really nice and the scale physics and balancing are really fun mechanics. The difficulty scaling also works really well, as the harder more complex recipe really make you think and try different things. Super creative and fun game!

Thanks for your feedback! Unity webGL in theory should be like 2 clicks, but (at least for me) it wasn't that simple, especially since this is my first time exporting to WebGL

Thanks for the feedback! I was worrying no one would like the art so thanks for this confidence boost!

Thanks so much! Coyote time (and maybe jump buffering) is definitely something I need to add in my future games :)

Nice game!  - the scale out function is actually a very good feature with the tradeoff of not being able to move, but, while I understand the reason for the small camera during normal play,  the lookahead can be a bit obnoxious and jerky. The game would definitely benefit from some more levels and built in tutorials, but I understand its hard to create even this amount of work in such a short time, especially if you have other responsibilities or things to do. Same reasoning applies to minor bugs like sticking to walls. Overall I enjoyed this short game and even played it without the zoom for an extra challenge (recommend trying this).