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A member registered Aug 27, 2020 · View creator page →

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There's also a dash of pacman in there 😉

Glad you enjoyed 

checks the nostalgia boxes alright.

the game is quite hard to control. it's real easy to get stuck against the trees, at one point i even clipped into them and couldn't move at all after.  it could also benefit from a HUD of some sort, or at the very least a healthbar 

like this one a lot. simple yet effective, the kind of thing you could play for hours 

love the tutorial.

the controls feel a bit to floaty for my liking, i don't know if this was done by design.

also, i didn't really feel the need for the rewind mechanic, but maybe i just didn't play long enough

i like the mood that you created


a bit too slow paced for me, but i appreciate the style.

found it a bit hard to control, but looks really nice though

controls feel nice, color scheme is... euhm very cotrasty :-)

great effort.

try to watch some tutorials on exporting in godot, it's really not that hard :-)

this reminds of a game i played when i was a kid.  so it definitely checks the nostalgia boxes. 

loved the use of music, but i feel like the controls could use some love, especially the jumping 

this one got me clicking alright. 

goes to show ho far you can go with a simple concept and a simple art style. liked it.

the game would benefit from a more gradual progression though. it goes from 0 to 100 without much build up

not exactly my type of game, but i can see a lot of effort has gone in to the design of the room. elegant use of voxel art. 

interesting concept and nice looking game. nobody seemed to like my drinks though, but maybe that's just me.

the gameplay is a bit limited and the controls are a bit hard to figure out. 

if you're gonna make a game about shooting, give us some things to shoot   :-)

the artstyle is very inconsistent, but i did actually like the simple, yet effective design of the character. Lean into that style i'd say. Also, the shooting down to jump mechanic has some potential. Would be great to see this in an 2D arena style game  

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thanks for playing. I just hope the intent of the game was clear, i had some concerns about that

well, i was about 10 at the time, so you can imagine it made quite the impact on my fragile little brain. this one hits all the right buttons though. you really nailed the speed of the movement.

my god this takes me back. great pacing, lovely oldskool aesthetic. 

I don't believe there were slopes in DOOM though, that was more like a Quake thing. It's hard to aim up or down the stairs with the gun restricted to the x-axis 

definitely one of the more interesting concepts. 

the controls are a bit clunky to use, but the concept is great. also, the slow pacing makes it a bit hard to understand what is expected

i just had a look; very ambitious for a game jam; liked it.

feel free to have a look at my submission as well :-)

i found the crazy backgrounds a bit distracting, but than again, i'm an old man, i'm easily distracted.

i think it's a great foundation for future work


loved the atmosphere, great use of sound, although the soundtrack sometimes interfered a bit with the voice-over

this game feels awesome. there's a lot of oomph for such a little game. i like the style. less is more!

love the style. i'm usually not a big fan op pixel-art, but this is really well done. great soundtrack as well. Also a big fan of the subtle "tutorial" at the start

i understand a lot of time went into developing the content, but just a little more love for the UI would have made a big difference. The font really clashes with the rest of the content, which is too bad, because it's an easy fix.

Great effort though! Keep it up.


like the style, but if you're like me and keep getting stuck, an easy way to restart, or at least escape to the menu would be appreciated :-) I kept having to kill te process and restart the game

i tried having a go, but the control scheme was unclear and i couldn't even get past the first room.

Also, try mapping the controls to physical keys, or at least giving the option to reassign the keys. WASD means something different when you're on an azerty-keyboard :-) It   

i like the concept with discs for climbing. I kept glitching through walls though. If this was done on purpose, i think you should work on the visual language. Make it obvious to the player this is something he can do, and not just a glitch 


cool art style and controls very well.

I did have some trouble making out the platforms though, they don't really stand out 

That was the original plan. But... time.

I have the groundworks for some interesting ai interactions, but I had to hack it together in the end. I will definitely be exploring more in this project. 

Also the procedural generation needs some tlc. It's a bit glitchy at times, because you know... time. 

If the levels start acting up, Esc takes you back to the menu...

The controls are awesome and I love the concept.  Juicey feeley, me likey.

Partly because this is pretty much what I first had in mind for this  jam :-) I decided against the idea, doubting my ability to actually cobble it together in week. I'm glad somebody did build it. Great work!

 I ended up making another tetris-themed game. Although it ended up more like the unholy spawn of pacman and bomberman.  Check out Tetripocalypse Now, maybe you'll like it :-D

Polly sure loves her some soup. Congrats on killing all them pesky veggies! 

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Hi thx for including my game in the video.

You kind of missed the point though, but I guess that's on me. I thought all the pointers were there, the player gains more time as he kills the vegetables, there is at least one direction in which you can not keep traveling without dieing. I thought it would be obvious enough the point is to drop the veggies to a soupy death... 

Guess I should've included better instructions, or at least a couple more pointers. Glad you enjoyed it anyway.

Hi thx for including my game in the video.

You kind of missed the point though, but I guess that's on me. I thought all the pointers were there, the player gains more time as he kills the vegetables, there is at least one direction in which you can not keep traveling without dieing. I thought it be obvious enough the point is to drop the veggies to a soupy death... 

Guess I should've included better instructions, or at least a couple more pointers. Glad you enjoyed it anyway.

a bit hard to control at times, but i guess that was kind of the point.
the audio was so fantastically annoying, loved it :) 

you did a lot with very little. cool stuff. loved the audio. would've been even better if blasted through that little built in speaker my first ever pc had, the thing  only crackled and popped, but for some reason could beep very loud en crisp. took me a while to figure out what was going on, but it was engaging enough to try again 

yeah.. just leave this thing playing in the background, and go back once in a while to check out the flapping arms... cracks me up every time :-)

there's at least one way to solve it.. so if you truly are the master... 

wow. this is something else. amazing artwork and fantastic music. 

interesting concept. bit hard to play but that's probably just me :)

nice. the controls feel very smooth. like the DIY aesthetic :-)