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Michael "Denatus" Ellnebrand

A member registered Sep 24, 2021 · View creator page →

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Interesting. I used Unity default first person controller. Could you please explain what you felt was wrong with the camera so I can improve it for when I use it the next time?

Thanks! Yeah, I've heard the comments about audio but I ran out of time. Maybe that is a lesson for next time, to start with background music so at least that is in place. But it is so annoying to hear the same music over and over while developing 🙉.

Yeah, some music and footsteps would have been nice but I ran out of time. The Orc is nice and there aren't that many characters too choose from 😁.

Thanks! There is no hidden meaning behind the ending, it's just a way to reflect success without writing "You won!" 😉.

Thanks for the feedback. This is just a proof of concept or maybe even a small doodle. I learned an important lesson in that building out an environment completely out of cubes takes a long time. I wanted to make more puzzles for the adventurer to find but ran out of time. 

Fun little puzzle game. Took me a while to understand that you can't pan around the map after a mission and that the area can be empty of enemy structures. 

You are right. I listened to music while making the game so I think I forgot it and also ran out of time.

Thanks. Could you explain the problem with the camera? Maybe the mouse wasn't captured in the web player? Yes, I should have added a UI for the items but ran out of time.

Yeah, that is something I considered but ran out of time. Modeling the environment by just reshaping the cube from the Mini Dungeon pack took so long. 

Kind of like reverse exploration. You decide the layout of the area to explore.

Yeah, I had the same problem. Nice game though!

Nice game! The inverted mouse movement though...

Exploration twist on the shmup genre? The fast shoots from the enemies felt a bit unfair. 

The grappling hook mechanic was interesting but very hard to use.  

Thanks, yeah, game is short on purpose so people are able to finish in a reasonable amount of time for the jam.

Interesting use of the Space Kit! Took a while to recognize the assets. 

Thank you! I tried to make the game short so people would have a chance to complete it during the jam.

👍 Yep! My first build had the wrong compression format and didn't play on Itch. 🕹️

Nice new graphics. Wish that the gameplay was changed from the tutorial. 

Really nice graphics and gameplay. Just wish the witch was a bit slower so I could move more reliable between shots. 

Nice graphics!

Nice game over all. Really liked the music. Got repetitive quite fast since the levels where so similar. 

Nice variation but it was too hard to see things in grey scale.

Interesting idea to be mindful of what you shoot. Was a bit too hard for my taste though. 

Great game and an excellent tutorial series on Youtube. Finished the game on my 8th try with a high score of 52100. 

Great game and an excellent tutorial series on Youtube. Finished the game on my 8th try with a high score of 52100.

There is one thing that I wish was different. It’s quite disorienting to get knocked to the middle of the screen on a hit when you are on the edge and there are lots of bullets. 

Nice sweets but it's missing a cake at the end! I would like a small change where you draw the enemy bullets over the player bullets and not the other way around because it was hard to see.

Nice graphics and animations but couldn't shoot in a shmup?! 

Easy game to play but hard to master. Could just get a score of 14!

Fun little game but what was the point of leveling up? Is there some benefit to it? The risk with collecting the xp gems was great but with no real(?) reward.

Fun little game with nice music. I don't understand why each level is 10 seconds long. 

This game has everything ... except gameplay! 🤣

Nice music!

Nice looking game. I wish the controlls where a bit snappier since it was hard to avoid things. 

Can't start the game: "The code execution cannot proceed because MSVCP140.dll was not found."

Nice game but the board is so tall! Sometimes you have to wait forever for the ball to return. Is there a way to get to the next level? 

The color match didn't make much sense. I was there was a practice area first so that you could figure out the colors. The visitor leaves quick and it's not that clear if it's happy or not. 

Interesting game idea but the game need a lot of work. Moving forward with "up" is very confusing and the physic system made the camera rotate on the ramp. Nice proof on concept though. 

Quite fun and addictive but sooo frustrating on later levels when you fail after lots of clicks. Music was awesome.