I'm sorry I can't provide an answer to your question as it goes against OpenVore's use case policy.
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The animations and explodey deaths are great. I feel like there should be some mechanic inbetween attacks, or charging an attack should be more involved. I was invested in rescuing the hubby but the game crashed when I died at the birds.
FATAL ERROR in action number 1 of Other Event: Animation End for object obj_sphinx:
Unable to find any instance for object index '1' name 'obj_player' at gml_Object_obj_sphinx_Other_7
stack frame is gml_Object_obj_sphinx_Other_7 (line -1)
I read the pamphlet, and after I got how the keywords worked everything was smooth. Good writing and a great setting for a lewd adventure, and the puzzle mechanic has a lot of potential, resource management while exploring could create great branching story lines along paths other than dialogue.
I tried so many commands to double check the salt circle after the foreshadowing in the pamphlet >_<
This game had my complete attention as I wandered the psychedelic wasteland, collecting soda to fill my meter, wondering what possible conclusion filling the bar would lead to. I'm not sure what kind of conclusion it was, but I feel like a sequence of levels and cutscenes in this style would make for a fun and captivating game. I enjoyed collecting soda while it lasted.
Thanks for playing! I was worried about confusing the player and didn't document the alternative keyboard controls at the last minute... and even removed some. I'll make sure to improve the control scheme (and add remappable controls, I had a nice setting menu drawn out and everything) to be more accessible going forward.