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A member registered Jun 01, 2020 · View creator page →

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The art style is nice but i did not like the font, it was hard to read. The gameplay felt a bit too simple,  I never really needed to switch between the hearts.  I did like you could switch between the hearts with a single key press compared to having two separated controls unlike some other game in the jam.  

Great game ,  simple but fun! 

A fun game and cool concept 

An amazing and unique experince from the start to the end. A real gem!

I found it slightly hard to play but it was a cool concept

I love the art style, it really has its own style. The game was difficult but fun. I notice the audio was only playing out my left ear, im not sure if it was the game 

Thanks for playing the whole game through!

Thanks for the feedback

Thanks for trying out the game, What did you have trouble with?

yeah we should of considered different ranges of PCs, Thanks for playing  

Thanks for playing and the positive feedback 

I like the idea, especially that the enemies can go through the portal. The sound is abit too loud but it overall cool game 

Thanks ror playing

Thanks for the feedback!!

Thanks for playing. Yeah we would like for the Ai to go around the player but we thought standing and blocking the path is one option

Its a cool game to play and very different to others. I like the top down view, kinda reminds me of old gta

This was very fun game! I very unique concept on the theme. It wav very satisfying when i set a bunch of viruses to take over a cell. honestly a good game.

Just played your game , it was hard to understand the controls and what to do but after a while it got better. I like your take on theme and low poly UFO!

Link your game down below and we will play it!

If you guys rate our game we will rate yours !


E - Interact

Hold P for 0.3 seconds to skip preparing phase 

Ok Deal!

Really like the look and sound of the game. it would have been good to get feedback when damaging the enemies, like a damage sound or flashing white and same for player too. it felt quite easy fighting the enemies but it was cool game. 

Really like the whole style of the game! a fun game too

I really like the take on the theme, i was very unique. The game was fun to play and the audio is really cool. The visual did look very flat but the game is fun and enjoyable. Check out mine game!

Thank you so much!

The audio and whole look is spot on, amazing. The beatboxing in the menu, i was just vibing lool. A very unique take on the theme. The game is very charming. Just a few things that should be improved. The game felt a bit tedious after a while. Also when i started trying to climb up and i kept falling, because i did not have control it was quite frustrating to land precious jumps.  Overrall a good game!

Make sure to check out our game and let us know what you think!

The look of the game is very appealing. However, the game didn't feel intuitive and was quite confusing. The rewind mechanic felt like a switch for the doors. Clicking on the grid felt fiddley and for one puzzle accidently moved a block through the wall. The game is decent, and i think with a bit more time it could be a good game!

A good game, i think the background makes it abit hard to see certain things and abit more polish would of help but a good take on the Theme. Its somewhat simialr to our game!

A good take on the theme and i really like the retro aesthetics and TV screen!

Check out our game and let us know what you think!

The game art style looks good but it game seemed to lack depth. I didnt see the use of the theme. The Ai where abit borring and you could jump over and hit from the back and they would not do anything. The use of sound is great but game as whole could be improved

Really enjoyed the look of the game, I was a bit confused on what to do or play at first. Also losing a character as soon as they spawen didn't feel fair. But the overall look and sound of the game is amazing

Thanks for playing and nice feedback!! I will check your game out!

Thank you!  we will plays soon :)

Thanks for playing !

We are a team of 3 programmers/designers and 1 sound designer. We have experience in both Unity 3D/C# and UE4/C++. We have participated in game jams before, you can take a look here, and here .

We still haven't decided between UE4 and Unity, we will discuss as a team once we have everyone. 

we don't expect you to be an expert. If you want to have fun learning and making an amazing game that would be great. You should at least have some experience with art/2D/3D and be able to showcase some work.

You can dm me on discord at djshaq121#6484

or just reply to this thread

Please don't be afraid to ask and join in on the jam!

(1 edit)

I really like the art and the game idea. It was defitinly one of the unique and creative ones I have seen. The thing i think that should change is the last section of the level as it got very hard and frustrating to control, but overall a good game.

This was a good looking game. The jumping and movement doesn't feel as good, however. Games like Mario and Celeste have a coyote jumping, buffer jumping so the player does not have to be frame perfect when they land, etc. I feel the player moved to fast to see spikes and alot of air control but the speed is more personal preference. A really good game for the short amount of time but you can improve it by adding better platform movement as stated above. 

Thanks for playing and  for the feedback, you are right, i will defo add checkpoints

Thank you very much!