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Dotto Meister

A member registered Mar 28, 2019 · View creator page →

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First of all, I apologize for not responding to another message in the Battalion game, I simply did not receive an email alert D=

We have no problem allowing Red Screen Soft games in your project, as long as they are distributed under the same terms as here on

(1 edit)
You can open GMS, you just shouldn’t open the specific resources in GMS if you’ll be opening them in GMEdit.

If the cache is cleared, the GMS1 performs an autosave when running the game, even if nothing has been changed through it. It's not a big risk, but a "compiler only" mode via command line or etc would make GMS1 perfect for use with GMEdit (but why help if we can make it difficult, right YoYo Games? xD).

I don’t know what “doesn’t even compare variable names means”, but GMEdit has a lot of type checking and JSDoc lines that can warn you about mistyped variables.

Sorry my English is bad. I was saying that having autocompletion in GMEdit is already a giant step when GMS1 doesn't even have it for variable names.


Again, my English is bad and you apparently didn't understand it very well. If I had a list of behaviors for a state machine and wanted to label them with strings, eg:

myState = "idle";

And my list of behaviors like:

"walk", "run", "shot", "swim", "roll", "pick", "drop", "attack", "talk"...

At some point in the code I want to set the state to catch, so I do myState="... well, I don't remember if I used "catch" or "pick" or even "take", and since it's a string I won't have an autocomplete hint.

Obviously, this example is very simplistic, we are talking about much more complex contexts and labels composed of 3 or 4 words. Enums can be a good alternative, but I have to go back to the point where I declared it to feed the list with new labels, whereas in autocomplete, I just have to type it once to make it available.

Anyway, I just speculated a possible feature similar to autocomplete in Excel cells. I understand that there is no "cost x benefit" to implement it =/

Not even opening the GMS would be perfect, but I have to run the game constantly as I implement D=

About string completion... one of the weirdest things about GMS1 is it doesn't even compare variable names. A brief oversight and you misspell, getting a bug that can take some time to figure out why (unless you're lucky it's on a "if").

In some situations it is feasible to work with "labels" instead of values in variables, eg: The state of a menu with many submenus is more "readable" with something like menuState="graphicOptions" than menuState=7.

As design complexity increases, having this type of string autocomplete would be as beneficial as comparing variable names. But I fully understand that this can be difficult to do (everything else that this tool offers is already very very nice).


I've been using the tool for approx. 1 month and, honestly, I feel even more motivated to work on my game =]

The only caveat (for me) is that GMS 1 doesn't correctly reload an object where I added events by typing #event... directly. If the GMS saves the project in this state it ends up trying to overwrite the contents of that object with "nothing".

Fortunately, GMEdit asks if I want to keep the current content, but it always gives me a fear of clicking wrong and losing progress =P I've worked around this by avoiding performing actions in the GMS editor that force me to save in it (basically anything other than editing code) while I have "pending" content in GMEdit.

I know this isn't a flaw of GMEdit itself, but it would be nice if there was a way to force the program to keep its contents (something like a "always overwrite changes to files" config).

Moreover, an option to suggest/autocomplete text in strings based on the content of strings in the project would come in handy.

Congrats on the tool!

If there is any "discomfort" in this I prefer not to use =D


Hey guys,

I made this fanfare using LMMS and Krasno soundfont for a "splash screen" of my indie seal and the jam itself

There is any problem if i use it (for being a recreation of Nokia tune) ?

I liked the mechanics of recycling.

Just a point... the character's movement acceleration seems a little high and can makes difficult when falling from a platform to a specific point below.

A beautiful "make plants die simulator" xD

Incredible audiovisual, super intuitive mechanics and a great menu system!

Interesting concept. The challenges are quite simple at first, but then they add new possibilities making the task more complex.

I think the HUD/GUI is very large compared to the playable area, just like dragging with the mouse is sometimes very unresponsive.

Just a few details that can make it even better =]

The audiovisual is very solid and the mechanics are simple and fun. The only downside is being a little short.

I wondered what it would be like with some more extensive levels ... maybe something inspired by Lemmings =]

(3 edits)

So Chris, due to time zones and language barriers, it’s difficult for me to talk in real time on Discord.

But, if you don't mind, we can talk by email - - or even rigth here!

Anyway, here's the list of the material we need:

EssentialIn-game music, ~1min duration, loopable (just one track is fine, but fell free to make more if desire =] )
Non-priorityTitle screen music, ~30sec duration, loopable

Level clear fanfare, ~5sec duration, non-loopable
OptionalLevel fail (death) fanfare, ~5sec, non-loopable

Game over fanfare, ~5sec, non-loopable

As a reference, this is the style / mood we would like (but there is no need for something at this "level of complexity" =P):

Finally, don't forget to describe how you would like to be quoted in the credits. We can display a splash screen with your logo / etc (if any) adapted in pixel art and describe your contact on the title screen (music by... ).


(2 edits)

Hi Chris,

If you're interested, my friend Alex and I are developing an 80s style arcade for this jam. We basically need some 8bit chiptune songs.

You can check out our previous jam entries at

See ya!

Quanto a projeção da câmera, não sei se fica viável mas talvez ter vários ângulos que alternam conforme a posição do personagem (estilo Resident Evil do PS1) ajudaria.

Na questão técnica o jogo ficou muito bom. O único ponto que eu citaria é o personagem "largar" o bloco que está empurrando quando colide em determinadas situações.

Por outro lado, o fluxo do desafio é muito acentuado. Começamos com um mapa relativamente intuitivo (ainda que um pouco elaborado pra um primeiro contato do jogador com a mecânica) e logo em seguida temos outro muito mais complexo, introduzindo 2 ou 3 elementos novos de uma só vez.

A projeção da câmera também não contribui muito nesse sentido.

Infelizmente não consegui finalizar este. O movimento dos blocos não é restrito à grade, resultando em uma série de situações onde o mesmo "enrosca" no cenário ou chega a ser desviado como uma bola de bilhar.

A mecânica de golpear os morcegos também é um pouco confusa. Se entendi corretamente eles só morrem quando atingidos por um bloco em movimento, do contrário ficam imóveis por alguns instantes... no entanto por vezes todos eles simplesmente somem após um ser atingido.

É possível ainda tirar proveito do reset na posição dos blocos (quando sai da sala) para matar os morcegos sem se preocupar com o puzzle e uma vez que estejam todos abatidos, resolver o quebra-cabeça sem pressa.

Por fim, em dado momento a transição do personagem entre uma porta e outra falhou, permitindo que eu caminhasse fora do cenário.

Uma abordagem diferenciada do tema, muito bem executado.

O audiovisual é ótimo e a jogabilidade simples acompanha a progressão da narrativa (derrotar o último estágio é significativamente mais desafiador).

Gostei do detalhe de alerta no pause =]

Um jogo simples mas que possui bom desafio.

Os níveis são interessantes, porém a velocidade elevada dos personagens acaba tornando a experiência mais semelhante a um plataforma de precisão do que um quebra-cabeça.

Alguma música e/ou efeito sonoro são bem vindos =P

Por fim, após o final do jogo seria legal ter um botão/etc. para voltar a tela título.

O jogo está bem trabalhado na questão técnica mas, como o pessoal apontou, peca na velocidade e ausência de um "desfazer movimento" (sobretudo pela facilidade com que acabamos empurrando um bloco contra a parede sem querer =P ).

Fora isso achei que alguns níveis são desnecessariamente longos, levando em conta sua solução bastante simples (a exemplo do n° 7).

Por fim, recompensar o jogador com uma tela de vitória destacando o resultado ficaria bem mais interessante que apenas retornar à tela título.

Dentro do prazo você pode fazer as alterações que quiser. Após o final do mesmo (e início da votação) o sistema irá bloquear o upload de novos arquivos =]

Só complementando o que o Alex disse, a proposta do evento é ser mais acessível, dai a estrutura de temas e avaliação com quesito único.

Isso não significa que o participante não possa também seguir uma linha minimalista, seja em gráficos ou gameplay, afinal o foco do evento é a diversão!

No caso você dá a entender que estaria começando a participar agora, ou seja, restando pouco mais de 5 dias de prazo. Leve isso em consideração na hora de optar por procurar assets gratuitos ou fazer seus próprio quadrados coloridos =]

Po, valeu!



Great game, simple and straightforward!

For some reason, switching left/right with up/down on the controls confused me sometimes... I'm one of those few people who are comfortable with driving on Micro Machines, so I think I would feel more comfortable here if the left/right key was the left/right of the flyer too =P

"Nice Thomas was a clone idea!"

"not very clear at start that climbing by fat guy is possible"

This is preconception xD

"Hard/impossible to go out of spikes pit"

It wasn't supposed to be that way, but we had some setbacks and ran out of time.

"Even less clear that climber can make ladders through floors!"

The third screenshot here on the page shows exactly the instruction on forming ladders!

"And intro texts are too fast for me to read"

Same as spikes D=



After the jam result we will post an update with bug fixes and etc.

For now you can try playing the HTML5 version right here on the page!

Thanks bro!

Thanks =]

Thanks =]

OK, it was a pretty bad joke, but thanks for your attention =]

(1 edit)


This is my opinion, but I think the insertion of a "theme" conflicts (even indirectly) with the following point:

Can I add mechanics/content to the original game or can I only improve on what's there?

You can add, remove, update, change, and morph the original in any way you like. However, part of the judgment will be finding a connection between the original project and the new one, so there will need to be something in common between the two.

If I have an interesting concept (mechanics, etc.) that does not fit the proposed theme, force a "fit" in the revision may harm the connection with prototype or result in a very poor/generic/gratuitous sprites change.

The mechanics of moving around the walls and ceiling gave a whole new dimension to Pang's base gameplay. The audiovisual composition is simple but fully consistent with the proposal for an "arcade port" =]

A little more music would fit right here, just as other game modes could extend the experience (time attack, endless survival, etc).

Iif it was a mechanic, some visual feedback was missing for the player.