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A member registered Aug 17, 2019 · View creator page →

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This is small, but I just wanted to point out that it's possible to get a job wherein you have to go to another sector before you have a warp drive.

Bug report: I can't travel to one very specific sector on the map (don't know if it helps, but it supposedly has an upgrade unit). All that happens is that the animation for jumping sectors starts then the game freezes, crashes and this was what showed up on the crash reporter:




action number 1

of Draw Event

for object obj_console:

Variable obj_console.eggx(101253, -2147483648) not set before reading it.

at gml_Script_redrawminimap


gml_Script_redrawminimap (line -1)


I can still play the save file but I just can't travel to that sector. Just that sector though, I can still travel to other sectors.

I don't have much to say, but I did find 2 more bugs. One was where I cleaning the scoops and suddenly an asteroid hit the exact grid where I was standing. The resulting breach pushed me outside the ship and I could no longer move. I was lucky and could just reload a save but still relatively game breaking. The second happened when I enlarged my cargo platform, which pushed my hydroponics bay (which was on the right side of the cargo platform) one grid space to the right. This would be fine if it wasn't for the fact that the plants growing in the hydroponics bay didn't quite get the memo and stayed in the same grid space where they were before the platform enlargement. The plants still seemed to work, since their animations were playing and they were destructable, but it was still slightly immersion breaking. These are kinda minor but I still thought I should report them.

(1 edit)

While I haven't played much of the new 0.1.2 version, one thing I did notice is in the "dispose waste barrel" missions, the only of disposing them is putting them in uninhabited planets. I found this out when I tried to dispose of them by putting them on top of a broken down ship and the mission didn't complete. First, this is kinda broken, cause I couldn't get the waste barrels back, so I softlocked myself out of the quest. Secondly, I thought this could be a really cool emergent gameplay sort of thing. Maybe the people whose ships you've covered with waste barrels would remember you and hate you or something like that. I don't know. I just thought it would be kinda cool. Either way, great job with the new version! I'm really enjoying this project and I can't wait to see it finished. Best of luck with it!

After playing for about an hour, I really like it! It has a strong gameplay loop and the writing is just as sharp as ever. The visuals are clean, so it's easy to tell things apart, but not so simplistic it looks like a crayon drawing. The audio provided satisfying feedback for each action and generally just made the game more fun.

However, I did find 3 problems, two of which were major bugs:

-The first (and least important) one is that when walking through uninhabited planets the framerate would randomly slow down. My computer is kinda terrible at running a lot of games so that's most likely the problem, but just in case it isn't exclusively my computer's problem, thought you should know.

-The second problem is a lot more complicated: So you can accept missions from the Galactic Federation through the ship's comms, right? Well I did that...but I selected the "TAKE JOB" option three times, which meant I had accepted the job three times. So when I arrived at the planet and got ready to take the cargo into my ship, I was greeted by not 5 crates of vivadium ore, but 15. I had also picked the "Speedstar Salmon" ship, so that was kind of annoying.

-After blocking off several doorways with cardboard boxes, telling myself "I'm sure this won't break while I'm flying" I encountered the third problem. Because it was so fast I can't exactly tell what happened, but what I think happened was this: I was holding the final box ready to put it in the cockpit because I had run out of space in the ship. I walk to the cockpit and, realizing it won't fit at the front, I walk back and I must have dropped the box on the doorway while the door was closing. The game froze and no matter what I pressed nothing happened. I tried alt-tabbing and then opening the game and all that did was turn the screen completely white. The game also refused to close unless I turned off my computer, so I did. However, when I turned my computer back on, the .exe file was missing from the folder. I tried downloading the game again and it seemed to work. Even my save file was still there. But after I tried opening the save file, the screen turned white and I got this error message:

action number 1
of Draw Event
for object con_onboard:

Variable Index [0] out of range [0]
at gml_Object_con_onboard_Draw_0
gml_Object_con_onboard_Draw_0 (line -1)

Overall, the game is great and I am really excited for the next few updates, but the problems I listed above, especially the last two, are quite literally game-breaking. 

Best of luck with the development,

-A random stranger on the Internet

it's alright man. in a way, we all wish to be first in any situation.

I really liked it! I though the art and audio really fit the situation. The presentation, while simplistic, allows to instantly recognize the enemies and water. The original idea led to interesting situations where the player has to decide their movement carefully to plan how to get "movement ammo". It's really hard though, I can't beat it.

Good job!

(1 edit)

The music was great, and the art really fit the admittedly silly concept. The strategizing I had to make while moving around made a game where it is more satisfying to save your bullets while running around the enemies. The only problem I have are the teleporting ghosts, because sometimes they teleport right in front of where I was going in a second. Apart from that minor RNG hiccup, I'd say the game is pretty much flawless.

This is an extremely fun and enjoyable game! Great job!

The art and music were really fitting and helped stylize the game and generally just polished the game. The gameplay, while a little confusing to understand at first, was kind of entertaining. Just seeing those little red circles grow in power and size made me smile a little bit. I think it really needed a bit more depth in mechanics just to elevate it, like maintaining the rebels' hunger or something. Overall, I liked it. Sort of like a roulette table mixed with

The concept and atmosphere were really good, but the controls could be improved. I think it might be better with mouse aim because the way it works now lead to alot of situations where I'm just about to finish the level and then miss the ball and have to ry again. Still, it was really great to play, I just wish the controls were better.

While the art was beautiful, the idea genius and the audio was incredible, the controls were a bit flimsy. Also, I don't know what you were supposed to do after you defeat the dragon. It just said "You win" and then everything went on as normal. Still, the gameplay was solid and the idea pretty funny and overall, this was a great game!

It's has a really solid core mechanic and it's easy to get overwhelmed by orcs, which leads to fun and interesting "oooooo how I'm I going to get out of this one" situations. Though the teleport mechanic was a bit flimsy. I didn't really use it that much, and when I did, most of the time was  just to see where I would go instead of a last resort fleeing mechaninc. I think some extra mechanics could help the game, and make it a really well polished simple but fun infinite red orc chase game.

Overall, good job!

While the core idea was nice in of itself, I do think the game could be improved on. The enviorments were a bit samey and at times it was dificult to navigate. However I do think that overall it is still a good game, but with some serious flaws.

I also think that you could add some new mechanics to spice up the gameplay and make less hit and run. For example, what if there were enemies that shoot back? Or what if shooting too many lasers really quickly by spamming the spacebar lead to the player overheating and having to stop moving? I don't know, something like that.

Still, I hope you had fun with the jam and that you continue to expand the game!

Its got an extremely interesting main mechanic that's explained well without needing any tutorial and the art was beautiful! With some music and more mechanics, you could have a very enjoyable puzzle game! Good job!

Not only were the basic movement controls really sharp, for the most part (come on, why isn't the spacebar jump) it was just generally fun to play and funny to witness what would happen in the next level. Though, I really wish there were more levels. Also, there is a major problem. If you keep tapping the jump button, you don't stop going up. It can make a couple levels too easy.

Anyway, the game was really good. With some nice music and more levels, I think you would have an incredibly enjoyable game!

It was really fun. I just wish there was more of it. There were lots of ideas to explore. Also, the text was a little bit hard to read sometimes.

Either way, the art was really good and the physics fit the theme really well and were pretty funny at times. Please make more levels!

Despite the fact that it took me a while to realise that "Z" was the button for shooting, it was really fun! The presentation and audio were really well done, though the camera could have been a bit wider. It would be really good with an endless mode.

Really good job!

The graphics, audio and idea are all really well executed. Seriously, the fact that you manged to create this art and think of an idea like this in 48 hours is incredible. The gameplay is, while a bit rough, still really fun.

The dificulty was a bit high, and it was easy to manipulate the system by just repeatedly mashing right click after jumping, diving and shooting. Maybe it could be fixed with a system in which you have to press diferent buttons in a specific time limit or you take damage? I'm not really sure. Also, the frame rate was kinda low, but that's probably because I played it on a laptop.

In conclusion, despite being a bit rough around the edges, the core concept, presentation and gameplay made it really fun!

While the core concept is a good idea, it feels a bit lacking. For example, the car flurry. It slams into the player, and then they cease to exist. Instead, what if the cars are always in the game spread out and driving, and you have to dodge them or something. Maybe you could make so that the random events where the controls reverse and the brakes don't work with slamming into the cars?

Also, the controls. I understand that the theme of the jam was "Out of Control", but the camera was really inconsistent with its positioning. And due to the barren landscape, it was hard to know where I was or even if I was moving.

Either way, the audio was nice and the core concept is still interesting. I hope you continue to expand this game.

Good luck!

Hey thanks for responding! Interestingly enough, I haven't actually found an answer, so this is really helpful! Hope you had fun with the GMTK jam!

Aw, thanks!

So it's the same type of stand as Star Platinum.

Yeah, it does make sense seeing as I'm using a laptop (oops). My laptop has a few issues while running 3D games, so I have to use a support cooler. If it helps, I have an "Intel Core i7"...whatever that means...sorry, I'm not a computer expert. Thanks for responding by the way!

Though the story at times is hard to follow (and I'm not sure what this has to do with "pack") it was interesting enough for me to play to the end. The battles were fun, especially with those sounds and impacts!  However, around the middle of the game, fights became to easy and the story became hard to follow. For example, around the point where you go to the city filled with werewolves, the conversation between (who I presume is) Dracula and the dog happens, but then that goes nowhere. I never saw the dog after that. After beating the jungle temple, I walked into the portal and went into Dracula's (I presume) house and after going through a few doors, it cuts to a cutscene of Dracula saying how he is going to get his revenge, and then the final boss fight happens. Then there was the looping conversations, where after I enter a house the diaçogue that is supposed to happen after you beat the first temple occurs over and over again. Also, I couldn't progress to other screens unless I stood in one specific tile.

Still, I had fun. I think that with more time, you could expand this to a full game!

Sorry, but every time I try to open the game, it says that it's not responding, so I can't play it. Do you know any way to fix this?

While I enjoy the game, I do think that there are some things that are lacking. For example, it took me a while to realise that the conveyor belts don't work, and that I needed to push the packages into the belts. There is also the lack of music, but for a jam game I can forgive that. Also, instead of having to push a certain number of packages to the right conveyor belt, why not make it a game where you just push the packages into the conveyor belt, but if you get 3 wrong you lose? I don't know, something like that.

Still, I had fun! It didn't blow my mind and make me rethink the way games work, but it was a good little time waster!

Though it does need some music, overall, it's good! It's simple and not overly complicated. However, I feel like you could add some more dificulty to the game as time goes on, like making items appear faster or something like that.

P.s: As a fellow Godot user, could tell me how you made the countdown? I legitimately cannot figure it out! If you can't respond, no worries!

It's strangely therapeutic. I think with some improvements to the RNG and some extra game mechanics, you could have a very relaxing and fun game that's nice to play after a long day.

I liked it! The shooting felt great, but the machine gun was a bit overpowered. Still, with the great music, it makes for a fun game overall!

After exiting the pyramid, I tried pressing buttons but it just stays in that screen. Is there more of a game that I am missing, or was that the end?

Either way, it was a pretty intriguing concept! While the presentation was simplistic and the Taj Mahal puzzle was just picking at random, the atmosphere and music were fantastic!

I liked it! Though I did find a bug in which after you restart in the first level, the music stops and doesn't play again. Apart from that bug, I just wish there were more levels! This was a good game!

I like it! The impact of the magic attacks felt great! The music was just as amazing as the game mechanics!

I think you have an incredible core loop. I would love to see this expanded into a full game!

(1 edit)

I like forklifts.

Seriously though, I would love to see more levels.

It's not my best game, but I'm happy with the results.

No idea why spaceships are throwing backpacks at each other, but a fun game nonetheless. The music was great and despite dying repeatedly, I still came back to play the game some more.

It's pretty hard though. I can't even beat the first level.

I played the browser version on my laptop. A problem I found was near the end, where I walked up to the totem and then tried walking away only to go back to the scene where I was on the hill and there was that thing in the sky. 

While there were a few technical problems, I'm really intrigued to see where the story will go. Can't wait till it's finished!

(1 edit)

I made 5 levels. Sorry about the slowness. I was going to make a skip button, but then realised that there were about 30 minutes till the jam ended, so I just kinda rushed everything.

Glad to hear you enjoyed the concept!

(1 edit)

Not sure what this has to do with "Pack" but the fact that you made a game in POWERPOINT makes up for that. Also it's fun. Even though I cheesed a couple fights.