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A member registered Jun 13, 2021 · View creator page →

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This was a nice game! The controls were simple and understandable. The art was cute, but I wish there was more reason to look at it! I feel like this has a ton of potential for expansion, mixing the elements to make even better or worse spells, making the enemies more varied, but this was a good game for the time limit! 

This is a cute idea! I wish that, since the calls are not really active gameplay, that the time went a little faster. The art was very cute as well. The little note pad is a fun little bit of immersion as well! 

The little robot was so cute! I was very bad at this game, but I'm terrible at multitasking. Everything was introduced and explained well. I wish that the icon placement backgrounds stood out more. I failed so many times because I didn't notice they needed to be moved.  Overall,  good job!

(1 edit)

It was! DanzMacabre wrote and performed it all and even did the SFX. Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it!

I picked this game because of the name and the title screen voiceover was charming as heck. The art was cute, but the parts were a little hard to see against the floor. I won't say I was good at the game, but I had fun!

Nice take on the theme! The graphics were great and had so much style. The mechanics were so varied and challenging, too!

The art and audio were very cute! It was nice that you conveyed the story with no words. Great job! 

Hi, the game is fully released now and doesn't require a password to play anymore. I hope you enjoy the game!

I love Papers, Please so I really enjoyed this! The rules were complicated at first, but everything made sense once you go it into practice. I would have liked a tab system in the rule book to cut down on the time it took flipping each page one by one. The music speed change was fitting and made me nervous. Very cool game! Good job!

Nice smooth movement. The enemies health was a bit of a mystery, I would have loved a health bar or something to help. Making music to add to the game is always a great touch!

I like the idea! The UI was very small so I had a bit of a hard time reading things.

The music was so calming and beautiful! The visuals were adorable. I did have to get a physical dice to figure it out the movement, but it was a cute take on the theme.

I crushed that demon chef! 3225 vs 655. I loved the different modifiers, but I wish more had direct impact on how you played like the inverted or only AD modifiers. The song choice was great, and it was a nice juxtaposition to have such a serious setting for making sandwiches. Great job! But I do have one question, why is there an extra lettuce on top of the last bread!?!?!?

Really creative take on the dice. I feel like it fit so well and really worked well for each little game. I could see you adding a bunch more that fit after the jam is over. The running guys were what killed me most of the time. My high score was 25. Nice job!

Nice game! You did a great job increasing the difficulty as you went along and kind of including previews of what hard things will come next. I loved how simple the controls were, and that you didnt really need to worry about it being 3d and going off track. You did a great job, and the fact you did it on vacation with a laptop makes it super impressive.

I wish my computer could run this better! I did manage to kill the queen once, after a few tries. It was fun trying to keep the other pieces off of you while trying to chase down the queen and try to get the right bullet in the chamber. It was a nice combination of skill and strategy. Very nice job!

Wicked hard. Very cool though. I hope after the jam you get to develop a tutorial so you can gradually ramp up the difficulty. I would have also loved the ability to spin in place, so that instead of it being red on your left it was blue. It would make the game a little more easy to grasp mentally. Still you did a great job and it was fun!

This was relaxing. I don't know if I missed something, but I couldn't tell what was bitter or sweet. Overall, I liked the idea and the take on theme. Nice job! 

There are so many possibilities! I couldn't even begin to figure out the pattern, but you have very cute art and it's very on theme.

Fun take on the theme! I would love to see levels with more complexity as you go. Impressive job, especially for doing it all yourself! 

There's a mp3 of it on the game page!

I love the "Little Shop of Horrors" reference! This is such a cute and fun game. I can see a lot of love went into it! Great job!

This is an impressive game for a jam! Visuals and sfx were very on theme and there was even a deeper story. I didn't get to finish it, but I'll definitely come back! Great job!

I really like the watercolor-like background and general style of the game. I found the controls to be a bit spotty, but given the amount of time you had I think this was a nice little game!

This game had some nice mechanics like the level up system and the destructible walls. The walls were a bit glitchy, but workable. Nice game!

What a fun game! The big variety of enemies made this even better. I only wish there was some sort of level up system or bonuses you got as your score gets higher. Very good job!

The art is so cute! A smaller hit box on the spikes and enemies would have been nice. Good job, especially for the small amount of time you had!

I love then games make music the focal point! I wish there could have been a rhythm aspect to the game too, but what you did in the jam time is impressive! I love the art style too! 

Nice concept! I would have loved an index or table of contents describing what effects each book had on you as a little menu that also went with the library theme. Very good job!

Beautiful looking! I was a little confused at first, but got the hang of it after a few failures. It was a nice take on the theme, too!

Making this whole game by yourself in one week is quite impressive! I can tell you had fun with art and theme. Good job!

I had so much fun playing this! I do wish the screen was bigger, but it was fine. It was very cute and just the right amount of stressful. Great job!

Cool idea! I think it's a interesting and original take on the theme. 

Thank you so much! Our composer, Victor, is unbelievably talented!

Very funny! The photos were a lovely touch. The whole game was so cute!

Wow, what a visual assault! (in a good way!) The art was great and I had a fun time playing!

Unfortunately, I couldn't figure out how to play this. It looked and sounded cute though!

I like the different character lines. It was a cute short game. Good job!

Oh man. I think I ended up somewhere I wasn't suppose to be, it definitely added to the creepy feeling. For 48 hours this game is visually impressive! 

"Noooooo!" hahaha Very funny funny take on the theme. It was more challenging than I expected. Good job!