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A member registered Feb 27, 2016 · View creator page →

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Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed it


Thank you

Thanks a lot!

Happens to the best of us :)

Hey thanks! No, for simplicity the planets are moving along simple circular orbits (with slowed down orbital periods) and the ship is affected by the gravity of all the planets.

Very creative!

Can't play I'm stuck in the menu :/


Thank you!

Cool music & sound effects. It's so difficult though :(

Cool! But the collision detection is driving me nuts!

Thanks! Got it to work!

Surprisingly fun & difficult!

Can't play this :/ no cursor in menu

Awesome execution!

Yeah, it should work fine on Linux. The browser problems are mostly a Windows thing

One of my favourites so far!

Great graphics, great audio. I think I would like more feedback, but I can't quite put my finger on it.

Love the idea, haven't met anyone on my playthrough, but I could see it being more fun with more people on the server.

Hey, unfortunately libc version is tied to the rust toolchain and we're stuck with a specific toolchain version because of shader compilation utilities.

I'll try and build a musl version of the game, should be dependency-less.

Very fun! A solid gameplay idea, needs more graphical and technical polish!

Great music! Love the mechanics!

But having another player and 2 controllers is quite a big requirement.

I'm afraid I didn't get through the game after my second fall into the abyss on the second level.

Some checkpoints along the way would be nice I think.

I have to say I'm not a fan of the combat.

The movement though almost works - running and jumping feels very nice except when trying to steer mid-air.

Play well!

The controls are brutal though!

I found that for me the best strategy would be to spam the magic attack and just dodge the enemies.

Interesting graphics!

Not sure about gameplay, I wasn't able to figure out how to properly play the game.

Failed to play it :( 

I tried clicking all the button, but nothing worked.

I assume it's cliche because of the game type/genre.

It was very difficult to get a hang of the mechanics, I kept dying in the first few seconds.

I think there's something worth exploring here, maybe if there were indicators that something is about to hit me from behind. Right now I feel like it's essentially up to random chance whether or not some incredibly high speed tuk-tuk rams into me and I die.

Also I don't understand why there's always a vehicle with a minigun?

Really fun! Great replicability. I only wish we'd get a choice between 2 upgrades instead of just one per level.

This feels like a very complete entry!

I liked the music choice and the gunplay and movement felt very fluid.

In terms of cliches I especially enjoyed the CoD shot hit cross and sound.

On level 2 the platforming section felt a bit off, afaik the only way to complete it was to sprint jump across all the elements. And the timing was a bit too punishing.

I feel like I would have liked the enemies to be a bit more forgiving. I tried playing the game quite fast and it felt difficult not to die in a few sections.

Overall, I liked it!

Oh and I loved your use of text to speech

What a cool idea! I really enjoyed it! Great job!

I feel like there's a cool idea here. But the execution leaves a lot to be desired.

Is the challenge of the game guessing where to go? Cause that's not a fun challenge.

I was constantly on my toes waiting for something terrible to happen, but the game ended on a pretty chill note.

Amazing use of visuals (with a few artifacts here and there) and audio. Very nice story. Really like this one!

I was expecting some visual storytelling, some sad story. But I got Dark Souls 2D!

Definitely unexpected!

I love the visuals. The gameplay feels unfairly hard - like the spikes appearing at the ground, there's no way to tell that they'll be there.

But overall pretty good! Really like the atmosphere

You were definitely supposed to do that ;) in fact there's one level, where doing this and moving to either side is a valid solution :P

And thanks for the feedback, I'm glad you enjoyed it!

First of all, thank you very much, I'm glad you enjoyed it!

And about the stage changing? You mean the 3rd and 4th bit? Those shift the level half a length respectively right or left.

And all the levels exist on the same "map", so you can sometimes see them peeking through, and for some levels we designed it so that there's a little bit more of the level there.

I hope that clears it up a bit :)

(1 edit)

The game doesn't load for me :/

Hey! This one's a lot of fun!

I made the mistake of trying to play without reading the how to, but after I read it was a lot of fun.

Gave me Shadow of the Colossus vibes!

Is this a Legend of a Hobo or something? Brilliant idea, I didn't get far, I only manager to get the flute, but had fun nonetheless.

Very unexpected!

Nice voice acting, and I see a lot of unique ideas here. Great job!