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A member registered Aug 10, 2023 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

idk it's just reminds me of some of mobile games that I played. Yeah sure I'll try the exe and give a better rating

Nice game, love the music though I didn't get the element of "failure' as the theme suggest. Love the art

Thanks for your feedback and I really appreciate it. I think I will add more bullet paterns to the game and also some changes to bullet hitbox after the jam ends

The game isn't working for me, It just a blank screen with the tutorial going over and over again

Cool concept. nice gameplay, there  isn't anything to complain about though I dont think the tomato fits the rest of the art

This game is kind of mid cause you just go around and collect tomatoes so its pretty repetitive/boring

Cool concept and visuals dude. How did you do this in 2 days?

Cool game + visuals. I like the audio too. Solid gameplay though I think there hasn't been much indicator for the player dying so Im pretty confused at first. Great take on the theme

Cool concept. I like this game though here's my feedback. I think the sound design of the boing if fun but after a while it got anoying. I like the visuals too. I think the movement doesn't feel really good so hope you can improve that :)

The game looks good though the concept is pretty unoriginal. I think you should also add some type of options menu cause the music blasted my ears off :). Though I like the visual but I don't see the factor of failure much

thank you

Thank you so much. I didn't see your rating though :)

Hi, Im a 2D dev too, Do you want to team up. Check my profile for my past games/game jam

Thank you, we didn't have time for a tutorial so you can check it out on the page

Thank you

nice game, cool concept you got

Thank you for your feedback, I think it was pretty unclear what to do next since I don't have much time to add the tutorial. What you have to do next is collect sticks. The ants collect 4 and you collect 3.

Cool gameplay, music, but a lot of bugs though. Sometimes the game would randomly freezes and sometimes the mice just acts weird(spiniing around)

Any feedback is appreciated

Also pls check out my game :D

Cool game idea and gameplay. My feedback is that the audio is a bit too loud and perhaps annoying. Hope to see the options funtion. The creativity is good and style too, I enjoyed the gameplay/idea the most
If you're wondering , heres my rating :D :
Enjoyment: 4
Creativity: 4
Style: 4

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Thank you for your feedback

Thank you

(1 edit)

Thank you for your feedback

Let me know What do you think about the game in the comment

This game is the best for me. btw, can anyone play me game please, This is my first jam

Nice game