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Tomato TryhardView game page

Become a Tomato God!
Submitted by Pixlated — 2 hours, 23 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Fun Factor#53.2733.273
Special Object Implementation#213.0003.000
Theme Implementation#252.3642.364

Ranked from 11 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

How is your game related to the Theme and Special Object?
You have to work hard to collect enough tomatoes to climb the ranks. You may encounter failure along the way.

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The idea is pretty cool, and the graphics very cute! I liked in the web version how you could see the level transforming. The only problem is, at the end of level 3 if you only have one life remaining, you have to win and die at the same time and it brings you back to level 2 :'(



I'm sorry for the level 3 thing. Didn't have the chance to properly playtest it.


First I thought the ideas of having three lives and when you lost all of them you go back to the level was a great ideas. But after playing for a while, I got really frustrated and the long gap jump on level 4/5. Where when I complete the 4 which is will take some times, I have to do the level 5 without failing to or else I get send back to 4 and needed to do the hard part again. I don't see how the slow motion is necessary after getting a tomato, for me it is a bit annoying waiting for the slow me and levels to load. Also I'm sorry I couldn't finish the game, I really tried but I'm just too frustrated.

The polish of this game on point, there particle jump/land, there are trails and there is sound effects.
I can see the background moves when the player move to mimic 3rd dimension view point. But the camera position to the platform isn't moving so it felt a bit weird since the further the object the less distance it move from one's perspective. The music fits well with the overall mood of the game so good job.

Lastly I don't see how this being well suited for the theme 'failure'. If you saying losing all your lives and dying forcing you to go back one rank count as a 'failure'. Then any game could be suited for the theme 'failure'. Darksoul you will die(fail) many time. Super meat boy you  will die(fail many time). Overcook you will not reach 3 star(failure) many time. For tomatoes, you could say the goal is to get tomato and the background is tomato, but I don't see how this impact the core mechanics of the game. But I don't think this is as important as the theme.

Overall pretty polish platformer, that is very frustrating(for me).


I was super confused by ending of the tutorial but soon realized it was to show how the death mechanic worked. Which by the way, I thought was awesome. Dying 3 times or having 3 lives is pretty standard but having it load you to the previous level was really cool! I felt the game was much less punishing this way.
I thought the minimalist graphics were awesome, the player controls felt very smooth.
The visual effects were awesome (although I do feel the slow mo after collecting the tomato could be shortened or turn it into a mechanic of its own while transitioning to the next level).

The theme implementation is sorta weak but that being said it is an awesome game which I really enjoyed playing. Getting promoted feels good, you too should get a promotion! or atleast a high five for making this game :)




Very fun (and rage-inducing) game :D Though i must admit that the sound after collecting a tomato is getting quite obnoxious over time. Also, i sometimes fell through those small platforms, which was quite frustrating :/ But i love the concept of returing to the previous stage after failing the current one!


I like the concept - but I think you could play with the "slow motion" and the "level transition" aspect of the gameplay and make it part of the platformer puzzle, like the player by grabbing the tomato would have to quickly move away of the hole forming under him. Like this, you'd have increasing difficulty throughout the gameplay without having to use "increased distance" to jump for that matters. Thanks for sharing !


Oh, thanks! That's a really good idea. Somehow I didn't think of that.


The game looks good though the concept is pretty unoriginal. I think you should also add some type of options menu cause the music blasted my ears off :). Though I like the visual but I don't see the factor of failure much


Yeah, the theme is a bit weaker. I can't really do much about the music in the web version, but you can download the exe for a better experience. Also, I'm wondering what part did you consider unoriginal about it?

Submitted (1 edit)

idk it's just reminds me of some of mobile games that I played. Yeah sure I'll try the exe and give a better rating


Great looking game visually!  Particularly liked the particle effects from jumping and the transitions when a promotion happened!  I ran into a bug where one time, only one block loaded in for a level so it wasn't possible to pass it.  Another time, on a ceo of ketchup inc level, there was a thin platform that I could only land on momentarily before falling through it.  I was able to move on by quickly jumping when I hit it.  


Thanks! The one block level was probably the tutorial, which is intentionally impossible to showcase the mechanic of failure. I found out about the platform, but at that point it was already past the deadline.


Sure thing!  And got you.  My understanding is you're allowed to do bug/error fixing after the deadline has passed, which may be happy news for you.


Hi, I tried the game, I wanted to ask you how did you interpret the theme of failure in the game?


If you fail, you go back to the previous level.