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A member registered Jan 12, 2022 · View creator page →

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Pretty fun! I wouldve liked a clear end goal, maybe you have to reach a certain amount of money or craft a certain item that requires a lot of expensive parts. I eventually got bored of it but I think if there were a clear end goal I would've stuck through to the end. Also would like some more items to craft with the more expensive items, I think that would help save inventory space and allow for more cool upgrades. Some ideas for upgrades could be a trash can that lets you sell items during a run (maybe for a quarter of the buying price), a new gun with more range or different type of ammo, a jump item that grants an additional jump before landing per each one that you have, an item that slows lava down during the harvesting phase, and maybe like a boss spawner or something that when crafted brings you to a boss that lets you progress or give you a bunch of money. I think the concept has a lot of expand-ability and could be very fun and addictive!

Yellow is cogs, green is trails

I want to be done with this project but if you want them i can make a graph of where they are

That one is pretty difficult and has some tough timings. The game was made in a month and that challenge wasnt playtested very much so I apologize for the imbalances in difficulty. To get the targets underground you have to throw the gear to the right into the right wall and then run left so that it hits the purple arrow on the way back. The rest of them you either use the bombs bigger explosion from absorbing more projectiles or the throwing/warping ability to hit targets inside of walls. The part at the top is pretty difficult with all the hazards, it just requires some precise warp timings.

Yeah there's 3 lore items with difficult endgame challenges you need to collect, their locations are marked on the map

either catch some projectiles and then use the chain orbs on the side to send the gear up to the top before energy runs out or catch projectiles while it is being sent up. The cog fragment upgrades are very helpful, you can also get quick spin which lets you jump higher and if you absorb enough projectiles while jump high you can reach the top ones

Bomb all the weakpoints and the middle will open up, hit the middle as much as you can and repeat until dead.

I don't see any images but I think you're talking about the section in the top right. You have to throw the cog to the right and fall off the platform so that as it returns it hits the chain orb.

Thanks! It was my second game so visuals were not really a priority

(1 edit)

Just finished up the final boss and here are my thought! Overall I enjoyed it and the work you managed to do is impressive! The artwork is very well done although I feel it could have been implemented better, it seems like there were some visual layering issues especially in the swamp area with these massive elements in the foreground that were a bit distracting. I enjoyed the grappling mechanic and the multiple uses of the projectile with its function as a teleporter, grapple, and weapon; made it very fun to use. The platforming and combat of the final boss was very fun being able to launch yourself around and shoot projectiles. I think the precision required to latch on to the lanterns was a bit high, in my opinion it would be better if you could just shoot near them and latch on,  it would feel smoother that way and make it not frustrating for new players. For readability hazards should also be a different color or more obvious somehow, I think someone has already brought that up. Also this is just a personal preference but I wouldve liked to have been able to jump with the up arrow. The voice active was a nice touch and the music was great too, especially the swamp music was giving me greenpath vibes. Great work!

(idk what is up with the formatting of this paragraph lol but i cant fix it for some reason)

I had a fun with this! Im really impressed that it was programmed in C, I'm learning C now for a class and its pretty unforgiving so props to you on that! I liked the ice ability, im always a fan of abilities that contribute to both combat and mobility, most of the abilities in my game do the same. I think the overall map design and level design was great except for a section or two where you might fall on enemies without being able to see whats below you. The sfx were fun. After the ice climb boss i expected there to be a heart at the top of the room in the middle but i didnt find anything so that would be a great spot for a heart, unless i just missed it. One small level design gripe I had was after the ice ability it seems like you are supposed to go up in the next room over and you can until you are met with a dead end at the top, that didnt seem very necessary to me. And idk if this was a software limitation or design choice but it seemed like it would save after a boss fight and i lost a bit of progress after dying after beating a boss which was a little frustrating but its a pretty short game so not too big of a deal. Overall it was charming and enjoyable to play, great work!

Thanks for checking out my game! I did start your game but I havent finished it yet, Ill keep working on it later today and give you some thoughts but the visuals and polish are stunning so far!

Thanks for checking out my game, Ill play yours later today and give you my thoughts!

Thanks for checking out my game! I will try to play yours later today but i only have a mac so im not sure that either of the builds will work

Thanks for the feedback, I'm always looking to improve my level design and make platforming enjoyable. I think i got carried away with the possibilities of the mechanics in some sections and focused on that more than balancing. With that section in particular I wanted to offer a challenge that would become much easier if you get all of the optional upgrades so that they would have more of a purpose, given that the challenge is optional to begin with. Happy you enjoyed it overall!

tha ks

That had some clever puzzles for such a short game! I woulvde loved some music and more sfx but the visuals were okay. The controls felt nice but i wouldve liked it to keep the ability i was on when i changed rooms. Theres definitely more potential to expand here, great work!

(1 edit)

Overall this is a nicely polished game. I got to the dash and the punch (which had a very strange button mapping) got the greenish key and then got extremely stuck after exploring the map for like 30 minutes, there were just no new areas to go. I think the first boss may have been a little too difficult for the average player, it didnt feel very fair either, there wasnt enough time to dodge the bullets and then prepare for the un-telegraphed ant running through the hallways, it just felt like luck. I did like the strategy that the jars introduced being able to provide extra armor, a jump, and an attack, that was probably the most interesting part of the game for me.

That was cute, wouldve liked some more content but i did like the adding more light mechanic

I got it working, I'm doing my playthrough but i got stuck at the part where you get the ball launcher, i accidentally skippied the tutorial and cant figure out how to use the ability, also it unlocked this dash ability when I used K after getting the ball launcher which didnt feel right but it i lost that ability after reloading. How do I use the ball launcher? The polish is really great so far tho!

Oh that is my favorite one too!

(1 edit)

Oh as for the stand alone build i dont really change anything apart from the resolution stuff, for me it just has a mac and a windows option. Mine has a similar mac issue where you have to force it to open through the settings but yours just says its not allowed

Okay thanks ill check it out tomorrow. This vid fixes the webgl stuff:

This looks really polished, and it is satisfying to play but it kept crashing for me after the bird boss :(

Would love to play it all the way through but the download version doesn't work on my pc

Hey! I really wanted to check this one out but the mac application says it cant be opened, do you know how to open it?

Hey there, Im so glad you enjoyed my game! I came to check yours out. The charm and the visuals are top notch for sure, definitely at a marketable level of polish. It looks like most of my gripes have already been addressed, overshooting jumps, more invincibility frames after getting hit, and confusing level design. I see a lot of potential with the concept of flipping the world but it feels like im thrown into the last level of the game right at the start in terms of difficulty. I will say however it is sort of fun to wander around and figure out where to go but i think most people will find it frustrating. I think it should ease into the gameplay and introduce mechanics in a more manageable way. I got the attack, a couple of inkhearts, and the double jump, found the eyeboss which wasnt really beatable with what i had but i will come back to it later and try to beat it! A map would also be helpful, maybe there is one later but it is really easy to get lost. Overall I am very impressed with the level of polish for the time you had!

This has a great atmosphere, the music is awesome and i was very interested after the intro. I struggled with the level design and having to go back to where I was trying to make progress after a checkpoint essentially just made me wait for 30 seconds to retry for no reason which was very frustrating at some parts. I'll have to come back to it cause it does seem interesting

Gotta say the platforming became really hard out of nowhere, I think you should ease into it more but Good work nonetheless

This is very well done! I played through the entire thing, the bosses were very well telegraphed which cannot be said for most bosses ive fought in other games so great work on that! The story was cute, I like the skeleton character and the design changing of the mc as I got more abilities was a nice touch. The artwork was solid overall. I think if you had like an atmospheric fog overlay in some areas that would be really cool. There was this one part in the bottom left area in the central room on top of the ground with the giant face where my jumping got really messed up so you may want to look at that. Great work!

I got to the ancient armor boss but it feels kind of unfair, I basically just die to a single hit. It does look pretty cool though and I like the splash screen title for it

The visuals are great! I was just getting into it when it randomly ended and said thanks for playing, i think i may have enter a boss arena from below or something an accidentally triggered the ending im not sure, Ill see if i can go another way.

Im sorry about the save data, Im just trying to perfect it as much as i can! I dont think im going to update it anymore but im not sure. Im really glad you liked it! I agree with both points, I might just leave it as is for now, the jam grace period is about to be over and im ready to take a break! I'm impressed on the amount of completion! Did you have a favorite trail?

Also I think you may have played an older version based on the time of this comment so there may have been some broken things.

I like the aesthetic a lot! It feels pretty good to play but some thoughts i had were that it didnt really need variable height based on how long the button is held, i only say that cause i always felt like i was going to reach a one way and then i didnt and i didnt even realize i just had to hold the button to get up to it. I think the wall jump tutorial might be a little tough. Also colliding with reflected bullets still has the screen effect so you might want to remove that, im guessing you already know about that . It is very fluid and fun though overall!

Very cute game, the aesthetic is nice and the movement is good although some coyote time would be an improvement. I couldn't figure out how to finish the game but i got to the crown and then hit some switches or something. I think the level design was a bit harsh since you have very little time to react between screen transitions and you can end up falling a long way but overall it was a good submission :)

The movement and attacks are definitely the highlight of the game for me! Unfortunately it was crashing for me on the browser version occasionally but it was still a fun experience. Similarly to Joseph it reminded me of the smash moveset with the different types of attacks. It made the combat very entertaining! Great job

Thanks for checking it out!

Thanks for the playing and giving some feedback! I would've liked to make the map more functional, that was more of a time constraint, its more there just to show you the general shape and size of the world so you can have some idea of scale. The sword positioning is a bit clunky but its doable, I'm not really sure how to improve this issue but there is an ability which makes it easier later. And you can buffer the inputs for the dash orbs, maybe I should make the buffer a bit more generous so it isn't so difficult, I also think its a little easier with autospin which is why its recommended at the beginning but that may just be a personal preference.

This is nice so far! The movement and variety of attacks is really interesting but takes a second to get the hang off. Ill be sure to play this through and come back to rate it when I'm done. Im also vibing with the music!

Check this out if you have time! https://itch.io/jam/metroidvania-month-23/rate/2530813

Another awesome puzzle, this could easily be a much larger game with more levels