Thank you for your comprehensive feedback! I agree that it is too hard right now, I didnt put a lot of play-testing into it because it was just for a game jam but I think I may go back and make it easier now. I did actually want to limit the number of tabs at one point but I couldnt figure out how to do it in the time frame of the jam. I will try to make the hints less cryptic. Thanks for playing it!
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This was fun, I also think understanding the upgrades was a little more complicated than it needed to be but I eventually got it and I liked the strategy involved with the portals helping you and affecting the enemies. Sometimes you had to guide the enemies through the portals or you wanted them to avoid them so that kept gameplay interesting. I felt like even after getting a lot of upgrades i didnt feel much stronger, it felt like it took forever to kill one enemy and these types of games are generally more fun when you get more op. Nonetheless it was still enjoyable!
This is really good! You guys did amazing with the tutorial, I dont see many jam games put so much effort into teaching the mechanics but you guys did fantastic, I dont think i wouldve understood the game with just text and pictures. Its also paced very well, not too overwhelming. Its kinda wraps if you lose one of the red balls after the tutorial before getting 3 but thats just a skill issue. I got to like year 20. But i could see this being very addictive. Great work! Oh and obviously very polished, the line rendering and gravity system is awesome.
This has a really great style, its very polished, seems like it would make a good mobile game! Honestly I think it was too easy, I think it would be cool if it had some more mechanics like maybe you have to keep track of the structural integrity of the buildings or something to make it more challenging yknow. Its good though great work!
This is awesome! I didnt finish but i got past the yellow key area, I think ill come back later but I really loved the way you showed how to grow plants with the dripping water. Definitely had some cool platforming puzzles with the plant growing mechanic. It did feel a little fetch questy at the beggining getting the first two apples but it was enjoyable overall
I’m glad I kept you engaged enough to stick with it! it’s probably a tad too hard for this type of jam but I wanted to go all out. The slide shows could probably use some work, I put the timer up there to try to bring attention to the glitch and show that it only happens once. From my experience some people get it and others dont even think about the glitch so I just need to make them a little more clear. I appreciate you playing it
That was cool! I loved the visuals, the fire animation was really good. I didnt hear any music or sfx, that would really helped to make the game more engaging. For your first game this is really impressive! I thought the combining of each element to make updrafts in a logical way was very interesting and I would love to see more puzzle involving logical ways to use each element together. A few gripes I had were that the jump felt kind of awkward, idk why it had delay after the input, it didnt cause any issues for me just a little awkward and same with the landing delay before i could move again. Overall great entry!
Just finished! I thought it was well executed and intuitive enough to pick up pretty easily. I wouldve like some sound effects, idk if there were any but i didnt hear anything. The general design of the puzzles was very cool however once you understand what to do it just becomes following a set of instructions, which is more tedious then exciting or thought provoking. I will give credit for the first and second puzzle, the first obviously introducing the mechanic and the second adding the ability to move the light around, so the puzzle was expanded on. I dont think the 3rd puzzle added anything new so as soon as i saw the potions i knew what i had to do and there was no catch or revelation moment. I think it would have been a good opportunity for an "assumption", I assumed i knew what i had to do cause of the first puzzle but there was no catch that subverted that so it just became a set of instructions.
Overall I do really like the idea of following clues hidden in the shadows and I think this could be expanded on to make a really interesting full game! Great work
This is pretty fun once you get the hang of it! I think the runes were a cool idea, kinda hard to do but it is satisfying to pull off. Probably the most enjoyable high score game i've seen in the jam so far. Overall the presentation was great, maybe some sfx for more flare but the music was great for the gameplay! I bet that drawing mechanic was hard to program, props to the team!
I gave it a good 3 to 4 rounds, it was pretty fun and charming! Kind of like a Halloween themed papa's pizzaria type game. The art and presentation was fantastic! Props to whoever did all of the art and I loved reading the descriptions for each drink with how unique the visuals were. I liked that you have to pay close attention to the details in the drink description to not serve the wrong thing and it also tested my fantasy creature literacy a bit which I liked. It really rewards you for learning and memorizing each drink. Also i played without the tutorial initially cause i didnt play the updated version but i was still able to get the hang of it pretty easy which is always good. The atmosphere and charm were a big plus for me! I would love to see this expanded on with some more mechanics added to mix things up, no pun intended, and maybe some sort of end goal, but that's just a personal preference. Great job!

This is an experimental, meta puzzle game that will be a fun challenge for any Outer Wilds or Animal Well fan!
This is really cool! Personally I am not a pet simulator enjoyer but I think this has a solid aesthetic with great music and art! I also see the appeal in getting resources from some of your pets and then using that to do the little mission things for more money with a different pet, just part of the whole resource management thing. It is satisfying to find a resource you need or figure out what a certain pet likes, etc. It was a little confusing understanding the systems, I'm still not sure what XP is for and I only figured out how to increase it by really paying attention to the numbers after doing an action. I think it would be better if it were more clear about what does what and how that benefits you. Also this may be just me but the computer inventory was really laggy. Overall I think this is a cool entry, great work
Pretty fun! I wouldve liked a clear end goal, maybe you have to reach a certain amount of money or craft a certain item that requires a lot of expensive parts. I eventually got bored of it but I think if there were a clear end goal I would've stuck through to the end. Also would like some more items to craft with the more expensive items, I think that would help save inventory space and allow for more cool upgrades. Some ideas for upgrades could be a trash can that lets you sell items during a run (maybe for a quarter of the buying price), a new gun with more range or different type of ammo, a jump item that grants an additional jump before landing per each one that you have, an item that slows lava down during the harvesting phase, and maybe like a boss spawner or something that when crafted brings you to a boss that lets you progress or give you a bunch of money. I think the concept has a lot of expand-ability and could be very fun and addictive!
That one is pretty difficult and has some tough timings. The game was made in a month and that challenge wasnt playtested very much so I apologize for the imbalances in difficulty. To get the targets underground you have to throw the gear to the right into the right wall and then run left so that it hits the purple arrow on the way back. The rest of them you either use the bombs bigger explosion from absorbing more projectiles or the throwing/warping ability to hit targets inside of walls. The part at the top is pretty difficult with all the hazards, it just requires some precise warp timings.