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A member registered Nov 30, 2022 · View creator page →

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thank you for playing !

appreciate your input :)

i was about to, but unfortunately the submission time is up,

hey if you don't mind, can you leave another comment on my game page so it doesn't look like dead page

thank you for playing  :)

hello, im supposed to be submitter but im not, anyway if you don't mind you can give my game a try

thank you,  i already put my game link on my previous comment

but don't expect it to be well established game though

hello, im not a submitter but if you don't mind, you can check and give my game a try

hello i am not submitter and im supposed to be one if i manage to make it earlier, anyway if you don't mind,

here is my game if you want to give it a try

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is this for new devleloper game only ? if its not, i willing to put my game link in here


feel free to give it a try, its not really well established tho

i already at submission state and forget to published it

it feels kinda odd when you have bright colorful sprite in the middle of  void dark but i like the art,

good game and really appreciate the effort you  for this game

i don't really know about dodge mechanic, but i trying to match  the hit box with the weapon but i keep that in mind

thank you for playing !

i don't really know if the attack range feel little short for some people but i keep that in mind 

as for the health  bar, i remove it so player can be more focus on to the enemy's movement

neverthless, thanks for playing ! glad you enjoy it

 i think it will be makes harder too dodge since it will make the enemy hit area larger

nevertheless, thank you for playing !

it's kind of unique that you playing as kind of beyblade even though it doesn't really make sense how it  able to shoot laser.

also i like  this game has many features, like little plot, character customization, difficulty setting and etc.

gg. guys !

unique space shooter game when you stay  in the middle instead at the bottom of the screen, and the black and white color  make the game looks simple

nice game, man

good game overall, the issue just need little resolution adjustment and maybe it will be better if you can make replace the right click button and went for full- keyboard control.

i'm not good at judging, but good art and i have fun with it *thumbs up*

got you man, i will keep that in mind and will try to   improve the mechanics in future update

thanks for the input and thanks for playing :)

yeah i can see that,  forgot about to turn the volume down before i published the game.

thanks for playing !

hey if allowed, i just want to promote my jam game here, since  there are over 800 submission in this jam the chance are you may missed my game among them all

here's the link to my submission :

before anyone complaint about it, i know i should have "Skip Cutscene" feature or whatever you call it

the problem is, i completely no idea how to do that yet and already running out of time. but surely  i'll use that feature for my future project

and how many boss is the minimum again ?

just wondering if i can keep  my sanity or is it final ?

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nice comment and im glad you enjoy it....

i'm deliberately don't add "skip intro" feature because i try to calculate my gameplay time to be exactly 20 seconds that's why the real gameplay is just 15 seconds.... and i think the time is too short if i didn't pause the timer.

as for the random item location part, i would love to do it, but... maybe not in this game because i need more time to learn that 

neverthless, thank you for playing !

good game, feel little bit complicated but i like it !

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good game and concept, just need add some sprite and sound effect to make it better

and maybe you need little work on your screen resolution

good start in game developing, man !

nice and simple game, is crouching really necessary ?

good job man 

it's black screen so i can't play it

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ok i find several issue in this game 

- the control is so awkward and uncomfortable. why you have to choose key like z and alt  when you can just use space bar key that most people commonly comfortable with ?

- why you called it "Chapter 2" when inside the game there's nothing such as chapter selection or something, maybe you can just rename it and not make it confusing

- why the second stage's keyhole at the beginning in the  stage and the key the end of stage when you have the stage where there is point of no return such as high wall that prevent you to go back to reach the keyhole

i like the music you choose, so good job nevertheless 

p.s : and the game screen resolution is too big

thanks for give it a try, i glad you like it !

as for the cutscene, it have to be that way because i trying to make the whole game from the intro to the end time just around 20 seconds

good game, maybe you need to improve something like have more introduction (maybe a title screen will be nice) and you create the fullscreen button but i can't find minimize button  to go back so i have to force close my browser     i love the art and the cover though 

good job, after all !

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can i make the game little bit more than 20 seconds ? let's say half minutes (30 seconds) and not including cutscene 

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but  not all devices support the game made by Godot, you know ?

mine for example that not supporting WebGL2

why godot ?

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your game surely looks great !

the artworks is indeed sick  and the feature is great as well ( i actually loved that 2d RPG artworks)

are you sure you the spritesheet  is originally made by yourself? and with only 10 days for making this game ?

great job guys !