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A member registered Nov 30, 2022 · View creator page →

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but  not all devices support the game made by Godot, you know ?

mine for example that not supporting WebGL2

why godot ?

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your game surely looks great !

the artworks is indeed sick  and the feature is great as well ( i actually loved that 2d RPG artworks)

are you sure you the spritesheet  is originally made by yourself? and with only 10 days for making this game ?

great job guys !

alright submited ! thanks for allowing me participate in this jam

how about brief moment so i can submit my game?

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i think 10 days to make game from the very beginning is pretty stressful you know, especially for solo beginner developer like me.

can you please give us more time to finishing the game ? maybe few day will do 

alright i'll keep that in mind and try to fix it once the jam is over alongside with the resolution issue

thank you for trying my game :)

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well... i guess still have lot to learn in unity while try to  figuring out what bugs you've occurred

but anyway, thanks for trying my game and the advice !

p.s : can you please help explain more about the bug you've occured so i can fix it ?

yeah it's kinda rough when you only  have few hours before  the time is up, so i only focused on finishing the project

and i just realized i put getkey instead of  getkeyup for the arrow keys but i'm sure the A and D keys are works well. right ?

well i guess i just need to fixed it once the jam is over.

nevertheless, thanks for trying my game !

thank you ! now the file is changed to html5

but the resolution is so mismatching because  i set my game resolution to 1280 x720 

i've tried upscaling in the itch.io page until 1920 x 2040 but the health bar barely visible except you'd go full screen

anyway, i may need to fix the game and replace the file after the jam is over

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maaf gak pernah bikin game html5 sebelumnya jadi agak bingung

sebenernya dah ada versi windowsnya, cuman dah keburu tutup jam nya jadi gak sempet upload 

tambahan dikit, webgl nya dah diganti jadi html5 tapi resolusinya nggak pas banget. kalo fullscreen kayak kegedean gitu

 ntar deh filenya di upload ulang habis jamnya selesai

should ? you mean it is the jam rules or something ?

excellent job dude !

your game  style pretty much have NES game vibes in it

but it the control kinda strange, why you need to use both keys and mouse as the control ?

maybe it's just me but it really feels not good

gamenya sangat gampang dan simpel !

sayangnya game laptop saya gak kuat kalo musuhnya banyak banget jadi bisa nyobain bentar doang

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It still impressive that you to be able to think about all those obstacles

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i think i just kinda in rush and panicked because i  only have like less than 15 minutes before the jam  is closed

and i never done  html5 game before so i have no idea how to do it

i've  made the windows version  ready to uploaded though , but the time is already up lol 

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great concept you have there where you have to go through this difficult obstacles instead killing enemies maybe there will be enemies later

but the control  is so awkward and why you use Z,X,C for the action considering you also put A,S,D for the movement control

it's amazing you've done this with just two weeks while i need the whole month just to make one simple game 

even though it's not my type of game but, well done ! 

sorry i mean my older game project

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so you like a publisher or something like that ?

can i submit my pre-existing game ?

thanks for the time extension !

now i can submit my project to this jam :)

so it's like you take our game , you just sell it and you make profit like $20 or so from it ?

what are we doing on this session ?

just publish it here and that's it ?

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im run out of time now. yet i only have to this one scene and then we're done

can you please open it for more hours so i can submit it ?

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#indiegame #indiedev

hello guys !

just want to make quick announcement that my game, Eskoliaon is released

and now available for both windows and android.

so if you don't mind, come visit my page and take a look at the latest version of the game

here's link to the game :


thank you :)

Hello there fellow gamers.

If you don't mind, please check out my first game that just released here in itch.io

If you interested, go check out my page to try the game. It's free

Or simply just go through link below 👇
