thank you for playing !
appreciate your input :)
hey if allowed, i just want to promote my jam game here, since there are over 800 submission in this jam the chance are you may missed my game among them all
here's the link to my submission :
nice comment and im glad you enjoy it....
i'm deliberately don't add "skip intro" feature because i try to calculate my gameplay time to be exactly 20 seconds that's why the real gameplay is just 15 seconds.... and i think the time is too short if i didn't pause the timer.
as for the random item location part, i would love to do it, but... maybe not in this game because i need more time to learn that
neverthless, thank you for playing !
ok i find several issue in this game
- the control is so awkward and uncomfortable. why you have to choose key like z and alt when you can just use space bar key that most people commonly comfortable with ?
- why you called it "Chapter 2" when inside the game there's nothing such as chapter selection or something, maybe you can just rename it and not make it confusing
- why the second stage's keyhole at the beginning in the stage and the key the end of stage when you have the stage where there is point of no return such as high wall that prevent you to go back to reach the keyhole
i like the music you choose, so good job nevertheless
p.s : and the game screen resolution is too big