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A member registered Oct 08, 2022 · View creator page →

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Thanks! Haha yeah, they were cookin with those backgrounds, they all look super pretty!

Love the concept, the art, the social media-themed rating system! One of my favorites so far!

The music and art are great. It took me a little while figuring out how to use the RMB controls for movement and attack as I would sometimes just run into my enemy instead of attacking them. Other than that it plays nicely, also with the special attacks.

It was surprisingly challenging, especially with the wind and risk of getting boxed in. I managed to get to 118.16. Nice game!

I enjoyed the king's intermissions. The levels seem pretty easy when only the symmetrical blocks are stacked in the middle and the asymmetric ones put to the side. Doesn't seem to be playable beyond 12 meters though due to screen limitations. But the controls feel nice and it's certainly a foundation that can be built upon with more features as you've already mentioned on the game page.

nice game! had some antichamber vibes

(2 edits)

Hey, thanks for the critique!
I can see where you're coming from in regards to the gameplay. While I designed every level to be passable specifically with no pixel-perfect aiming required (certain edge-cases may lead to unintended rogue solutions), most of the last portion of levels I intentionally made more difficult as a challenge which may not be to everyone's liking xD

best game outro I've ever seen

very fun, and addicting too!

very fun mechanics

You need to give SaulKartLinux.x86_64 permission to execute before you can run it.

Love this. The puzzles, the music, the morbidly large hands, everything.