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A member registered Apr 05, 2022 · View creator page →

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Iit seems to me a good and simple application of the theme and the wildcard. I lose very fast haha

A visual effect to indicate where the floor is going to be removed instead of doing it directly could be interesting.

Good game, I couldn't save anyone but I relieved some stress by throwing them haha

Yes, I based on that mini-game!

I had planned to implement a more advanced behavior in the enemies but I ran out of time, I wanted them not to overlap, to try to lock the character, to dodge projectiles, that the enemies try to run away but without being locked in collisions and in this particular game I left that bug you mention that I found funny hahaha

I based it on a Stardew Valley minigame and Isaac's movement, so it's true that these are controls that would look better on a controller. Thanks, I'm sure I'll add it.

Thanks, I had thought about adding all the accessibility settings, but I was short on time.

The music is great and the game is entertaining.

What do the difficulty levels add? Because I don't realize

Game Title/URL: Growin Around

Pitch/Information: Platform game where the character is a plant-humanoid and will be surrounded by plants in a scenario similar to a laboratory where experiments were done with them. These other plants can be used to swap sizes and overcome obstacles.

I'd like feedback on: Anything

Hi, I found the game fun to play.

You could add that enemies decide to cross an edge if the path to the character is shortened by doing so, assuming it's not a feature that they don't decide to do so.

Hi, the game works well, I like the visual design. I don't know if it's just my problem, but I hear the sound only from one side.

It would be nice to add 8-way movement, personal opinion.

Hi, I liked how simple it is, you seem to be handling it well. The music and visual design are nice.

I tried it in chrome and it doesn't keep generating honey when I change tabs or windows, I don't know if this is a bug or it's meant to be.

  • Maybe an interesting feature could be skills that benefit the bees or another element of the game.
  • Another feature suggestion, auto buyers.

Hi, it's simple and fun, it's a great visual design and music. Maybe you could add "coyote time" to the jump.

Hi, you're doing pretty well, I had fun.

Some personal impressions:

  • In some places I had to die to know what to do because you couldn't see the way and sometimes it turned out to be lethal.
  • Some waypoints are close to a danger zone, but others are not and I ended up getting frustrated, an example is this part where there are several danger zones in a row.

Hello, can it be that the game page is not published? I get an error message when I enter.

Hi, I thought it was fun, the visual design is nice and the music is great. I think you're doing well, keep it up!

Hello, I think it is a good application of the theme. The styles and sounds are somewhat nice.

To improve the jumping you should investigate about "Coyote time", "Buffered jumps" and allow a change of direction on the X axis while the character is jumping.

This video could be useful, it is open source.

Hi, I like how simple and entertaining it is, the visual design is good too.

Things that I think would improve the experience:

  • Some indication on the pins to indicate that they are no longer dangerous once they collided, like a flashing color.
  • A clock indicating the time remaining for the pins to spawn.
  • That the pins don't interfere with each other while following you, or that they can collide with each other if they get too close.

Growin' Around

Description: Platform game where the character is a plant-humanoid and will be surrounded by plants in a scenario similar to a laboratory where experiments were done with them. These other plants can be used to swap sizes and overcome obstacles.

Help: Currently I'm looking for a 2D artist, if you are interested this is my Discord Emilio Martin#6841.

Hello, my name is Emilio and i'm from Argentina. I have two experiences in others jams as a programmer but i have too much to learn yet.

I have an idea for the theme and a plan to do it, i just look for artists interested in make 2D assets. Im using Godot.

You can contact me in discord as Emilio Martin#6841. I speak Spanish as a mother language but i underestand English a little.

I got stuck in round 38 because I didn't have more space to place towers :c

The game is entertaining, I played until round 30, the gameplay is kept simple, fast and challenging.

I think it has a lot of potential, thinking outside of a jam, if more things are added like an upgrade system for example.

I had a lot of fun, I liked everything, I think it gets a little difficult when you want to assemble and attack at the same time.

I liked the game, the part where you use what you assemble and the music are great.

The game is great, entertaining, the music goes very well. It's simple to play and understand, I wish you could have finished it, but as it is, it's good enough. I played until round 10 and lost >:(

During this rating period I could notice the importance of a tutorial or even a brief description, for example in your game it was clear to me. Surely next time I will include an explanation or indications during the game.

The attack is adjusted to the size of the sprite, you should change the size or look for another one.Thanks for the feedback

Although it is not my type of game, I found it entertaining. It has a very simple and well used mechanic that allows you to concentrate on the puzzle.

I'm glad you were able to enjoy it. Next time I will surely give more importance to creating a tutorial and adding sounds/music...

It's a simple and fun mechanic but the enemies and the time doesn't make a challenge to survive, making the game monotonous.

The game applies well the wildcard and the graphics are fluid.

The graphics and audio/music are great. In my opinion when you lose the flashlight it kinda leaves you wandering making it impossible to continue the game. I do believe that is necessary to put a map or a guide.

Maybe a cool idea is to add that the light dimmers as you lose batteries to it, in that way it indicates how much power you have left, instead of just blackout.

What is the function of the pointer?

It was annoying to find the controls, I liked that each level adds some difficulty.

The graphics and sounds/music are good.

I think I understood what I had to do but I couldn't do it. I'm a bad gamer too.

I liked the simplicity of the game mechanics applied to the theme and the wildcard, the sounds are also good, but... Ahh the jumpscare, i try it without sound after the first one.

Thanks for the opinion, i suppose I limited it due to the size of the sprite, I should have looked for another.

Good game, entertaining. I liked the idea of ghosts with a different way of dealing with them.

I appreciate the feedback, I focused more on the mechanics that I wanted the game to have.

I changed the attack at the last moment and in a hurry, I was also thinking of adding more behavior to the ghosts in each difficulty, that the allies try to dodge attacks or that the enemies flee after attacking since they do not collide with the walls.. Maybe some behavior in group.

Yes, I didn't have much time to dedicate to it so I decided to add only the playable part and then a brief description of how to play in the menu.

Frankly, I wanted more to make it playable on smartphones.

Thanks for the feedback

Maybe you can include a map to orient yourself when the flashlight batteries run out, or that you can turn on the lights in the mansion rooms at least temporarily. The graphics and sounds sections are great, I'm very fearful as you can tell.