We just released our spy thriller Tomorrow Says Never Tonight: Agents of W.O.R.M. It's a bite sized puzzle game made in 48 hours for the Utah Indie Game Jam.

We just released our spy thriller Tomorrow Says Never Tonight: Agents of W.O.R.M. It's a bite sized puzzle game made in 48 hours for the Utah Indie Game Jam.
I really liked this idea. I was intrigued by the early dev screenshot you posted on discord so it was really cool to see what the mechanics were. It would be fun to see it expanded with the additional features like talking to neighbors and keeping stories straight between them all. Humor was also good.
Just use NaughtyAttributes. It's got the same basic functinality of Odin like [Button] [Dropdown] [ShowIf/HideIf], etc but is free and open source. You can get it off GitHub or the Asset Store: https://github.com/dbrizov/NaughtyAttributes | https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/tools/utilities/naughtyattributes-129996 and the docs are good too: https://dbrizov.github.io/na-docs/index.html
Also, fun fact, the original version of Rainbow Folders is already free open source: https://github.com/Borod4r/unity3d-rainbow-folders
Fun fact, Unity's built in audio system is actually an old version of FMOD: https://qa.fmod.com/t/is-unitys-audio-system-actually-fmod-core/17463
Kill the target and get out alive. A short, free game.
Play here: https://cannibalfuckface.itch.io/kmh
Is there any chance you can add this asset to your PSX Bundle? https://itch.io/s/77964/psx-game-asset-bundle
Also, if you're taking requests, I would love packs for: weapons (suitable for FPS), furniture (bonus points for destructible stuff as well like pots, chairs, tables, lamps, etc), themed packs (laboratory, office, apartments, prison, alleyway, warehouse, military, Victorian (think Nightmare Creatures for PS1), etc), modular kits for stuff like ventilation shafts, modular characters (also themed based on locations like prisoners, guards, hoodlums, homeless, etc with swappable clothing, accessories, textures, heads, and hair).
P.S. Really looking forward to Rewind or Die! Good luck with the launch!
Yes, you made it in. You can search for your game here and it shows up: https://itch.io/b/1316/bundle-for-ukraine (top middle of the page has the search bar)
Good idea for a game! This could be fun as a phone app. My current high score is 75. A good way to improve the game might be to make there be a delay before you can place another object. This could help get around the strategy of just clicking as humanly fast as possible to get a high score without really strategically thinking about where to place your next block.
Play here: https://ericfreeman.itch.io/wobbly-warbler
Fight your way to the top of the tree!
Attacking enemies increases their instability giving you a higher chance of knocking them off the branch. Make sure to time your jumps over incoming attacks or risk being knocked off the tree yourself. Wobbly Warbler is a 2D fighting game with birds.
Nina's games always feel very personal and raw and Last Call is no different. If you've played Nina's other games like Freshman Year or Cibele then you'll have a good idea of what to expect. Overall, Last Call is a short game with good presentation that respects your time as a player and tells a very personal story.
Déjà Vu is a minimalist puzzle game about life, death, and clones. Create clones of your previous actions on a level to help solve puzzles. The game features accessibility options like colorblind mode and dark mode and is localized in 13 languages. Déjà Vu was released a year ago on Xbox and currently has a 4.6/5 star rating there.
Love the art style! (I might be biased because I did a similar thing in my game ;) The gameplay is really smooth and cute. It kind of reminds me of the game Speed Thrasher that I used to play a lot when I was young so this game just gave me warm fuzzy feelings. Really good interpretation of the theme and overall polished game. Good job! :)
Good idea and I liked the sumo guy, haha. I was a little confused at first with the pickup mechanic because I was holding down shift before touching the weights thinking it was going to make me a magnet or something. Didn't realize I needed to press while touching, haha. Besides that, cool game and good idea!
Short and sweet but I liked it! The platforming felt solid and the gravity was just right (not too floaty and not too fast). I didn't feel like I had trouble getting around. There was good color choice for the levels so I knew what was walkable and which character was which at a glance. A little background music and some simple stretch and squish animations and other game feel stuff are the only suggestions I have. Good job!
Really cool! The art was really nice (the guys kind of reminded me of cyanide & happiness) and the switching between characters so the others could rest was nice. One small improvement would be to change the unity default scrollbar to something custom. All the other artwork was really unique and cohesive so that might the scrollbar really stand out, haha. I kind of wish the others gained stamina back gradually while I was attacking or not, but that's just a minor thing. Overall, really good game and impressive for a game jam!
Cool game, really like the feeling of the momentum. It's a bummer about that restart bug though. Besides that it's a really solid drifting experience and I laughed my first time playing and I ran head first into an asteroid not realizing the station was on the _other_ side of it, haha. With a little more polish this could be a really solid experience. Nice jam game!
Really cool! The story, font choice, and colors really helped liven up and keep me wanting to complete levels. The mechanic was well done and the background art was fantastic. I think a little bit of input buffering and coyote time on jump would help tighten up the controls, but besides that, fantastic game! :)