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A member registered Apr 15, 2021 · View creator page →

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Hey ☺️ 

Thank you so much for streaming it again ☺️ 

Really appreciate that you took time to figure how things work. And thank you so much for the feedback 🙂 

really cool concept, but the controls can be very tricky :)

very satisfying to play though :)

This was really awesome! well done on the camera movement and the tutorial part, but you also made the puzzles very intuitive and clever! loved the game.

Great work!

really fun concept! some tasks can be done fast so I managed to do double :) was fun!

Nice music :) very relaxing :)

This is the current state of the game, I will update it tomorrow as "Sacrifice" game. 

I am still working on it, I wanted originally to keep it rogue like as if you loose your hero card in battle you'll have to build up all the enhancements again, and there are four henchmen with increasing strength. This is the base gameplay, but I am working on improving game balance currently :) There is also an interactive tutorial included (currently I've uploaded two games - one is a gameplay another is a bit more story and a tutorial, but I will keep it in one game ofc...)

Hey :)

Thank you so much for giving it a try :)

Ye, the shadow mechanics was quite tricky to make and I still have some unsolved problems like you've mentioned... The sync for shadow actions happens quite rare currently, I might need to change approach a little bit :)

(2 edits)

I have a game in development, can I submit it?

It's a fast paced card game without turns!

Please let me know if games should be developed only within the jam interval, I spent 4 weeks worth of work on it already. And if it's against the rules, I will remove it ofc :)

Amazing and very relaxing experience :) loved the arts and controls playing as a cat feels so good!

loved the controls. I think this game might be very "addictive" with some more polish :D

I really like the animation of the helmet and cloak.

The artstyle is cohesive as well :)

I wish you've added more controls such as double jump and dash - that would add this game a bit more dynamic :)

I also liked how I fell through the last platform expecting that nothing can go wrong and I should jump on it easily :D That was very nice take on the theme!

Well done :)

lol, nothing went wrong indeed :D :D :D

I love the use of brackey's assets :)

cosy game and nice music :) 

I love the wall jump mechanics! I was looking for something exactly like this for my platformer :) will definitely try to copy that ;P

cute :)

you can improve the controls by allowing faster moves and not waiting until the current move is completed to start next one.

very relaxing game, I probably should take a page from your book :D 

Hey ☺️ thank you so much for giving it a go 🙂  

In the second and third level you need to jump with dash and double jump as far as you can and then fall, after shadow follows you to the middle of the gap you can teleport back to it (even after you died) and complete the jump (you'll have double jump reset after teleporting back to shadow)

Now I am thinking I probably should have left just 2 levels as the third and second are pretty much the same...

Thank you for giving it a try 🙂 

In level 2 you need to jump as far as you can so the shadow will follow, after you fall down wait a second or so and teleport back to the shadow and complete the jump 😁 

Hey 😊 

Thank you for giving it a try.

Is it the key map or some particular mechanics are unintuitive?

I got a lot of feedback on the grip mechanics, and wall movement, did you have difficulties with that too?

The projectile mechanics is awesome tbh, though I think aiming with the right click was unnecessary. Also, agree with comments below about the coyote time, I can see you added some spare space close to the platform to land on, but in terms of jumping from the platform it doesn't work from what I tried. 

And in terms of the gameplay it could be a bit longer. If you make a platform to jump, make it challenging like in "not my nut" game, or if make a cave, make it so the player will want to explore it.

I know your skill, and it shows in details such as shooting and return mechanics. 

But again, those just are nitpicks and for the criteria you did a great job with the story and projectiles!

Dash + double jump will get you further rather than using one of them, and dash doesn't work vertically unless you are using jump - then your full speed will be horizontal speed multiplied by dash plus vertical jump speed (that will give maximum reach).

Also, in the second level the platform with the key is unreachable unless you use both jump and dash mechanics and your shadow mechanics. I know some players managed to find workaround :D by climbing outside of the level. I will change the position of the key in this level in the next update :D

always nice to see a game with the  coyote jump :) 

I wish you also added a double jump, dash and "just in time" jump kinda (when you press jump slightly before you landed) These would make game feel more agile mechanics wise and will allow player to experiment with the solutions.

Regardless of these nit-picks the game is free from bugs and feels nice :)

Also a fun take on a theme with the egg fighting chicken :) Though I found shooting was unnecessary to reach the boss. I think if you add more mechanics and platforms variety the game will be really fun to play. Especially with the minimalistic approach you are taking with the art style. 

I like the idea of auto pulling. Gives a clear indication of cooldown, removes unnecessary action that player has to do anyways. 

I had it designed like that in the first round because I had hard coded hand positions that allowed only 4 cards, but I changed that so now I can hold any number of cards and automatically rearrange them... 

So thank you for pointing out. I will add this mechanics! 🙂

you are right :) I find early feedback very helpful. For example I got some feedback on double jump not working near the wall so I fixed it :)

Really cool intro and in general the vibe is fun and light!

Puzzles are well thought though and I enjoyed playing until I managed to fall off the map :D by then I died like 38 times :D :D :D

Great work!

I am surprised it is running in my browser :D great job on performance optimizations!

Also, awesome style :)

How do you solve the bridge? :D :D :D I was trying to shoot arrows at the switch, not sure if I am missing something ;P

this is the top! I have nothing to complain about. I was enjoying playing this game, it is hyper addictive!

The movement feels great, you did amazing work in this round and this game fits very well with the task and more importantly you managed to continue on the same universe and made "part two" with a different character. Really awesome work! I have some nit-picks which don't affect my judgement (the game is at least top 10% in my opinion)

My biggest complain is that I get stuck in some places like this for example:

I can't pick up this duck.

And it is not exactly clear what labels explain in some places. 

For example from the story I figured that animals are sent here by mistake and I need to close portals. But by far I need to pick up animals for progression (which I figured by playing) and I didn't noticed where did I close those teleports... The very first label tells me to throw by pressing left, I understand that you mean mouse button, but small things add up. The other one told me to throw duck at lizard which I found way harder to follow rather than when I just stumbled at it by mistake. 

The label that tells me to use lizard gun to shoot at other animals doesn't explain why should I do that, and I found myself sometimes struggling with pickup/shoot animals mechanics because it is not used to help me but is necessary for progression - there is always an obstacle that I need animal for. And I didn't find myself wanting to use animal for the gameplay, for most of the time I was looking for an animal to go through an obstacle.

And in some places that was impossible to do. For example, there is this lizard that is spitting at me and the duck that was there rolled away... so I am stuck:sometimes it is duck rolling away sometimes both and a checkpoint doesn't allow me to go back so I have to go through the beginning dialog which is again very small but adds up.

This label tells me to pick up the lizard, there is another lizard that I need to shoot but I can't read that label before I figure out how to get rid of the spitting lizard (which I accidentally just pushed off the cliff, not shooting at him):

Just noticed that by holding the duck you can defeat the lizard, you don't need to throw a duck at him (which is a way harder task for me)

And now I am stuck again:

After a couple times being stuck there players might feel overwhelmed and can quit trying (small things add up).

BTW, if you shoot the duck right you get through the check point :D 

I hope this is helpful and I really hope you'll continue this universe, the game movement feels very addictive so I will be trying again :)

Great work!

Amazing entry.

A couple of things:

  • I think you don't need to press "J" for journal, instead you can keep it always open because I didn't see a reason to close it once I've opened it. I would prefer if you have a log for dialogs so you can come back to it.
  • When the day ends was a bit unclear that I need to press the button in the top right corner because I was still moving and shooting.
  • I think would be great if you let character to move while he is shooting.

Apart of these nitpicks I hope you'll get at least top 10!

Great work!

Hey devs :) 

if you use GODOT, it will also work! 

I didn't find tutorials online, so I decided to make one. Here you can find the gist: Simple leaderboard in Godot

I will be working on the devlog soon, please let me know in the comments for gist what you want to see in it :)

Also, if you want to secure your leaderboard in Unity to verify that the entries are coming from the game itself and not from POST requests, I've made a devlog describing exactly that:

Hacking Leaderboard like a PRO


Absolutely love this tool :)

Which tools did you use for scraping?

my guess is that this will define the next round task

Hey everyone, here's predicted results for the first round in no particular order:


the devlog about predictions: 

more data with predicted scores: devlogs/GDKO 2025 round 1 predictions at main · evengy/devlogs

Awesome post!

I'll just add here some datasets for round 1 of this and previous years: