Yes it does! Had way too little time to figure out Unity or Godot again, so I just went with what's comfortable. But it does really help with certains types of games to have a reactive UI by default.
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Thanks! You're right, it's definitely inspired by Mini Motorways.
Good point about the sounds. I couldn't really come up with a great idea at the of the jam, so I initially just gave up. However I had this idea on friday, so I had to make it work in like two days. Unfortunately I couldn't find time for sounds, even though I really wanted to. :(
But I will improve this a bit in the near future and this will include sounds ;)
Interesting concept, quite polished and very fitting for the theme!
As for potential improvements: I sometimes ended up with a negative score, not sure why. And I think you should be able to drop blocks from anywhere (just like the first one). Feels like the space where you're allowed to place additional blocks is quite narrow especially given the timer.
Fun game, well done!
Amazing game, everything about it exceeded my expectations! Even the amount of frustration it caused...
But I still very much enjoyed it and the puzzles were challenging but not too complicated.
If I could change one thing, it would be to increase the general speed/pace. Let me fight the printer faster! ;)
I killed so many people...and even served a few customers.
Took me some time to a hang of the controls, but then it worked out quite well. I think all the pickup actions should ideally just be a single key. All in all a very stressful but also fun experience. Well done!
Pro tip: You can hide in the back of the kitchen and shoot the intruders when you get to it, because they can't reach you there.
Simple concept, but a lot of fun! Nice visuals and sounds, and I love the music! Well done!
In terms of improvements, I think it could be cool if you had something like goals or milestone to work towards. Generally I feel like there is potential here to expand upon, so I'd be interested to see how it evolves, in case you keep working on it!