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A member registered Feb 09, 2022 · View creator page →

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Very cute graphisms and the missions made me laugh !

Quite funny, the sound design when getting angry is really amazing!

Love the artstyle !

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I made a daily post on my discord to explain my creative process. Thanks for sharing yours, I'm gonna watch you video!
EDIT: I watched your devlog and your game seems really well polished and the mechanic is both simple and interesting, I'm sure you have a decent chance to win :)


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I made a little gameplay teaser for the itcho page!

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It's a bunch of line renderer (the unity component) there's one game object for every branch, they expand randomly and sometime spawn two new branches. The width of the line depends on the mass/distance, and it stop spreading when it has not enough mass to spawn a new node. It use some pathfinding to determine the point of reabsorption, in order to approach it's objective.

Well rounded juicy game! Very satisfying. Good job!

I was a bit surprised with the spike being not so visible.

One of my favourite game of the jam so far, good job man!

I like the incremental gameplay, I love that the obstacles are coming more and more that keep the game compelling. It's funny to see the cars crash in the water, you turned a limitation into a fun thing. the graphisms are really clean and readable. I can't really say anything negative honestly.

Good job

I am making this collections of games I liked on the jam:

Also give a try to my game it has so little downloads and it's really cool :)

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I'm pretty happy with what I've done. I made a survival management game with some incremental gameplay.

Watch this short clip:

I grinded 14hours a day, no breaks, and I couldn't have done better. Worked all alone and made everything myself, except for a litle piece of code for A* path finding and noise map generation. Nothing I couldn't have pulled out myself, but time is so precious. Fun thing is the path finding is not used for the colonists, they actually behave like ants, I inspired from ant simulation videos I've seen on YT in the past.
Technically there was many challenges, the slime was a big one as I never used a Line Renderer in Unity, I've been learning a ton by doing this project.
Early in the project, I sat up a big scriptable object where all the parameters variables are exposed so I can easily tweak the gameplay in one place.

I relied on a project architecture of my own that is my interpretation of the model view controller. The code is still pretty messy but just about okay for the scope of the project.

I am very happy with the result and I am really looking forward for some feedback so I can make improvements. I already have a lot of ideas for many things.

Unfortunately I prefered not to make a WebGL build because the game runs a large number of entities and I was afraid to ruin the player experience on WebGL.
So I understand that many people won't take the risk of downloading the .exe

Game was made with Unity as it's the only engine I know!

It's fun and juicy! Only down point is that you can only rely on sound to know where the fire is.

Very cool game, like the fact that you need to micro manage all the time and take the right decisions. Cute graphisms. I would like a faster pace to the game, and maybe a signal when a villager is idling ?

Good work :)

Very satisfying to see the the virus when it's spreading, great idea. Player control could be improved.

The introduction is hilarious, the gandma stuff make the game really compelling.

Really nice, good job!

The game seems very interesting but it's too hard for my smol brain. I gave up after 10 min, can't make new rails, tutorial seems clear but I am unable to proceed the tasks. Wondering if there's not some kind of bug with the hud. All I manage to do is to apply filter to red socket, then I had some rail came out by randomly clicking. Couldn't store the rails tho, didn't manage to build anything.

Maybe the game is too complex, unintuitive, or I am just dumb.

Good job tho I'm sure the game is great, the art is really nice, and the concept seems super interesting.

Nice voice acting! Fun compelling game. The only thing that bothered me is that the camera following with a delay in certain condition make it hard too see where you are heading.

Overwall well polished neat experience.
Good job!

Funny cool concept!

I worked an average of 14 hours a day, no day off. I'm pretty happy with the result, here's a very short video of how it looks:


The art is absolutely lovely 10/10.

The story plot really wanna makes me burn everything.

The gameplay was a bit too repetitive to keep me engaged, I haven't went very far.

The gamefeel is a little behind, controls feels rigid, try dampen a bit the move speed, fasten the attack speed, and enable letting mouse click pressed. Also I would personally prefer no mouse controls.

Overall good job!

Hey, nice juice, pretty cute pixel art. I don't get what's the point of the spreading mayo other than visual ?

It was not very intuitive to find the direction for the second room and the boss. And the boss room, I thought outside the blue carpet was wall in the beggining.

Well done, keep up the good job!

Cosy little game, simple and relaxing!

The upgrade UI is very tiny tho, remember that a lot of people are gonna play in webgl non-fullscreen.

Good job!

Thanks for your feedback! Yeah I couldn't do playtesting so it's hard to balance the difficulty, it certainly need more finetuning. 

Here's an info that will help you strategize: the slime is always going towards the best shelter ( the one with the least number of apples required ).
Try to always have two shelter in two different part of the map, and try to spawn the shelter and trees very close together.

I felt like a hero, this game is amazing!

I haven't played a lot because the html client crashed, but the game is fun.

The QTE apparition feels a little weird because it's so easy to cancel it.

The characters animation make it satisfying to control. The pixel art is cute.

Good job.

Oddly satisfying! Great work on the colors, the blooming animation is very beautiful! Nice concept, simple and efficient, great job.

A very cute game, felt compassion for the grandma. Nice aesthetics too.

I would have loved a twist of some kind, the story is nice but something is missing for me.

Good job!

Cool concept. Love the artwork. I gave up on the level with the shields, I don't understand what's the point of the digger. I'm sure I could get it by trying harder but I am lazy. I love the tree tiles, and I found the other one a lil behind in quality.

The music is too intense imo, yes it's the theme of destruction, but it's a chill gameplay so it doesn't fit much.

I find the turn passing too slow, would be nice to have an option for speed.

Good job!

I shivered! This is a well rounded experience. Good job!

One great thing about this game is that you're your own enemy, because you can do so much at a time that you end up messing yourself up. Great concept!

I wish it was easier to grasp the mechanics at first with an in game hud based tutorial (arrows showing where to clicks for the first run for example). 

Losing the game when the bread falls feels to punitive, it's enough that you're loosing time by doing so IMO. And being able to "repaint" a bread from one color to the other feels incorrect, if this was intended by design, I find it a bad way to introduce difficulty.

This mix of keyboard and mouse remembers me surgeon simulator, which I love.
Good job !

Really good art! But it's broken, playing in the correct rythm  doesn't work, you actually have to find a different pace from the music to start making combo. It made it totally unplayable for me at least on the browser version.

Hey I love the idea but I can't beat the second level, not only it's very hard but it seems impossible to me, the 4th vine start growing at the same time of the 2nd and 3rd, therefore blocking the way.

Very good ambience, nice story, well polished graphisms. Difficulty is nice to my taste. Nice musics and juicy gameplay. Good job!

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It's cool, nice ideas! The only think that bother me is the CRT visual effect being too pronounced.

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Vraiment original comme idée! Ca me stresse de ouf et c'est dingue le nombre de fautes que je laisse passer. Comment as tu récupéré les articles ?

Super jeu, mais je suis resté bloqué. J'ai trouvé les identités, mais impossible de terminer les deux autres sections.

Pour moi c'est A Bout qui vends ses articles, ZI Zivara qui chat gpt, Igor qui enferme ses redacteurs, Sue-Ellen qui invente car JB Bouton n'a pas d'ordi pour recevoir le mail de A Bout. j'ai switché entre Ellen et JB bouton mais rien n'y fait.

Pour le coupable j'ai pensé a JB Bouton car on peut voir une copie de l'article du jeu de foot et vu que c'est a priori lui qui réutilise ses articles...
Mais j'ai fait tous les coupables avec leurs objets respectifs et ça ne tick jamais.

Donc je me suis arrêté dépité, en me disant qu'il était pas impossible qu'il y ai un bug ?

C'était drôlement agréable à jouer

Salut les pépères et les mémères j'espère que tout le monde va bien !

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Hi friends,

Duck's Despair is a tight platformer where you play a disabled Duck trying to reunite with his friends on the Beach.

Hop, flap and cry as you die and retry to beat the most ridiculous challenges this game has to offer!

I released today the 0.3 of Duck's Despair demo, with many improvements based on you feedback !

The full patch note for info

Play the demo on

Thanks for your feedback, I very much appreciate it! I'm eager to hear about you when you'll have played :)