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A member registered Jul 04, 2021

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Who let the live bait out? The bugs are everywhere!

- When you move to the Jungle and back, your Inventory appears empty until you catch a fish

- When you are in the Sell menu in the Shop, you can move around and interact with the vehicle. Doing so breaks the shop and maybe some quest dialogs too, until you catch a fish.

- In the Jungle, the fishing area extends down too far. The tree appears over the minigame, making you play it blind.

- In the fishing minigame, the velocity of the cursor seems to carry over from one attempt to the next. It's frustrating when you're moving fast to catch an escaping fish and fail, then start the next attempt at a disadvantage because your cursor flies out right away.

Nice prototype!

I like the concept at the very start that you are tethered to Altars and need have limited time/power to act before getting tethered back. It could lead to some nice puzzle gameplay.

First, bugs:

- When a follower grabs an item in the top right, they try to bring it to the isolated altar despite not having a path to reach it.

- If you click with the mouse you can replace tiles with grass/cobblestone. You can replace walls and spiritwalls this way.

Now, suggestions:

- Procedural world exploration like in Build The Sun by punkcake

- Find an interactable spot to start an Altar, bring resources to it to upgrade it, making you hold more essence when recharged by this Altar.

- As the Altar grows, other stations spawn that you can upgrade for benefits like a longer tether for this Altar, creating Fertility Idols or other vanity items, or spawning new followers

- Shrines, handmade puzzles that you can discover, with a gate at the start that resets your Essence to the appropriate amount for the puzzle

- The time-based Essence decay could be reworked into a Trail system: threading new ground costs Essence and leaves a trail, moving back along the trail does no cost Essence

- Some enemies could attack you to reduce your Essence, others could instead clear your trail

here's a few suggestions:

- The game doesn't need to run in the background, only to detect when the app comes back after being in the background. Unity might raise an event? Otherwise you can save a timestamp and detect the break manually.

- The censoring could be a noise cloud over the image, progressively increasing its transparency threshold. That would leave parts of the image visible from the start with the censorship shrinking every draw, without having to manually place it.

- One way to avoid the scaling issue would be to isolate the bonus to each girl: once you have Tina's Commons you cannot draw them but can still draw Aiko Commons. The rarity bar can only drop to Common if any of the enabled girls have Commons left.

- This would mean you can clear Mystics and break the bank with your 4 starting girls, then blaze trough the other girls. It's giving control to the player, which is good.

- Another idea would be to rework girls unlocks to put girls on different tiers. The first 4 girls you unlock are T1. Once you have all their Commons you can unlock 2 new girls, which are set to T2: their Common are on the same draw tier as T1 Rare. T4 would have 300 images in its "Common" tier, the C,R,UR and L of 10 girls. T5 would have 280 and every tier past that would have 260.

- This would also help with the self-sustaining Refill Gift issue since you always have Commons with lower refills in the pool.

- Refill Gifts could be lowered to 10/12/15/18/20? That would make the natural Refill stay relevant for longer. With the Tiers idea it puts the average Refill per draw slightly below 1 for T6+, meaning the natural Refill stays relevant as the game scales.

- Replayability idea: mass Gilding! A button that resets the game and makes a few photos keep their progress troughout resets. One photo per 100 uncensored, randomly selected across all currently uncensored photos.

Also, there's a bug where the game end message stays on screen indefinitely when you start the game after winning on mobile.

Thanks for the Android version!

a couple points of feedback:

- the images being white at the start is surprising, misleading. With 120 Common it is likely that you won't notice the content of the images during you starting 60 draws.

- draws don't recharge when the game is in the background, unless you fully close the game first.

- with 30 photos per tier, no animation and draw refill faster than DD, I end up spamming draws without really looking at the images.

- in the Gallery, the count of each card is tiny on mobile. The white text is invisible on photos drawn once and on some of the photos with a pale corner. I suggest putting a heart or a rarity-colored circle behind the number.

- once you have all Commons the game speeds up even more. If Rare girls have 1/3 chance to give 15 draws every 5 draws, you only need normal Refill for the first hundred draws of each girl before it's nearly self-sufficient. Higher tiers have it even worse, I had over 2000 draws when I finished.

- If the plan is to add more girls in future update, you are headed towards the same problem DD faces: the Common bonus becomes harder to reach with each girl added.

Nice, simple game. Thanks for sharing it!

It feels very RNG-based. The positive and negative cards are drawn from the same deck, you can get lucky with 5 positive cards or unlucky with 3 negative cards. Maybe there's an underlying mechanic to control the ration of positive/negative cards, but it is not obvious to the player.

I could see this game being expanded:
- Negative actions could reward points to buy new cards
- Negative actions could be gradually added to your deck, displaying what you need to prepare for
- Different streamers with their own set of negative action
- Different watchers with their own starting deck and possible additions

Whether you continue to work on this game or not, I wish you success in your project!

Only one level. This Gift stays the same for Gilded damsels.

The only way to skip levels is the Legendary Dream in the shop.

Can you build a Linux version?

Are there plans for a mobile version? As a fan of Dreamweaver Damsels, a big part of why I sticked with the game is that I could bring it with me and play when I have a break.

v1.7: this game is a nice little time waster.

You have a button to Dream of one girl, drawing at random from a pool and showing her image with censorship over her nipples and vagina. Drawing the same girl again gives her progress, which uncensors the image and give currency. Currency is used to unlock regions with more damsels and buy upgrades. Each region has 15 girls across 5 rarities. Each draw has a chance to draw from the next rarity pool or reset to the lowest rarity. When all damsels from a rarity are fully uncensored you get a passive bonus to help draw the next rarity, helping you complete the full collection. You can Ascend to reset the game and get a small bonus in exchange.

This game wastes a lot of time, which can be good if used wisely. It takes a bit under 3 seconds to play the animation after drawing a card, so it takes 3 minutes to empty your 50 Mana and 17 minutes to refill it. It's great when exercising, you can take a 3 minutes break after 17 minutes of cardio. It's bad if you want to reach the end as fast as possible, you basically spend 15% of your time tapping at your phone.

I recommend ignoring Ascension and Mystics. Play trough the game once, get the 270 images and stop there. The game has seen no update in months so there's no point accumulating bonuses for the future. If the game does get an update, you can continue from where you left off and unlock the 2 new regions without restarting. If you reach the end and want to restart anyway, I recommend one level of the Reroll Mystic to begin with.

I spent way too much time on this game, completing it 102 times so far. There's lots I could talk about, but I have little hope for updates at this point.

Thank you for sharing your game! I enjoyed playing trough it.

I noticed the loop levels for skills have very little impact. They quickly reach level 15 but hardly level after level 20, I reached the end with 26 Tech and didn't feel its impact.

The tasks with permanent progress are the real meat of the game, choosing your route to reach supplies and objectives with the least wasted time possible.

I suggest removing experience and instead adding tasks with temporary or permanent skill boosts. You could get a 20% exploration boost from Marie's diary or get either a Destruction or Tech temporary bonus for repairing power tools or hacker tools. This would put the emphasis on routing and achieving instead of misleading veterans into thinking you can grind loop levels.

Nice game so far!

A few pieces of feedback:

- In the Linux build, the text is initially unreadable. I switched to borderless window and that was fine.

- The Linux build often crashes. It often crashes when returning the the map, in which case you can continue from the save. It also crashes sometime when removing a card in the shop.

- Exiting the game after entering a shop returns you to the map before the shop. This can be abused to refresh the content of the shop.

- The map distribution can be horrible. I found a map with a path of 6 consecutive Rest.

Thanks for the game!

There are many points that can be improved and I thrust you will improve the dungeon, breeding and goals, but one point in particular spoiled my experience: the Stamina refilling on level-up. If you invest in Int and Stamina you can level-up multiple times in a day, granting more Stamina to level-up again. Each time you have to exit the room, level-up and enter the room again to resume.

Neat little game.

I encountered two bugs:

- With the second and third upgrades, you sometime lose life when you shoot at wreckage. I restarted the game to stay at the first upgrade to fix this issue.

- The Guardian sometimes dies for no apparent reason. It happened on my 2nd and 3rd win for Stasia. Does the Guardian take damage when hitting wreckage?

Works perfectly in Fullscreen.

I get this too. The button is out of frame, you have to zoom in your browser and go fullscreen to make it appear.

The frame of the game is quite small even in fullscreen, at least in the Web version. This frame is too small to show the full comic. I was able to see the button by zooming in with the browser to 170% and using Itch's fullscreen option. Even with that, in the main game the edges were cut out.

A short Hack and Slash game.

The movement is wonky. The character immediately stops if you release all movement keys, but she keeps her momentum if you change direction without stopping: if you run right and press W before releasing D the character will slide right and slowly turn up.

The enemy grapple is unfair. There is no animation before the attack, if you are next to an enemy and they start their grapple you get caught immediately.

I ended up running/dashing past the first stage to the Boss. I tried to parry the boss but couldn't see the difference. After a few failed attempts I defeated him by dashing around to avoid hits and tanking a few hits while I wailed into him. It took me a minute to figure out you need to return to the first stage, I thought the rocks you are supposed to destroy were the grey ones behind the Boss.

Looks interesting!

Before I try it, can you clarify how the use of a Cohere API key with this application respects the Terms Of Use of Cohere? Specifically how is this respecting the point 14.c.iv, which includes not sending pornographic information to their API?

Intimidatingly slow.
You start with nothing but an image to click, which slowly fills a bar. Sometimes a clickable coin appears, giving 10 clicks worth of progress.
This is painfully slow. I gave up before filling 10% of the bar.

Thanks for the game Melongun!

I played three rounds, all wins.
The first round I used the WASD keys, upgraded the Ero Cannon ASAP and got a lot of upgrades in a row after mowing down the group that was following me. After that I stopped getting upgrades, reaching level 100+ by the end of the level.
The second round I used the mouse control, clicking on the character. It felt weird on pc, it was hard to aim at first because you have to click around the character instead of the tank, but I think I got better as time went on. I stopped taking upgrades at level 12 and won.
The third run I tried taking no upgrades and avoiding enemies. I got hit twice during the run, but I was able to win without picking up a single cog.

Interesting game!

I love the gameplay, growing your engine by breeding dice. The first time I reached Socialism I spent hours making my dice more powerful.

I think the pacing is off though. I had multiple runs where I built up my dice, unlocked technologies, lasted 200 turns and fought off the attack only to get an impossible attack next and barely more Prestige than if I had rushed building the wall.

The first Prestige gameplay upgrade, Government, is also completely out of pace. You can unlock it right away, but reaching it requires a lot of investment that does not translate to Prestige gains at this point in the game

I'm not a fan of the Prestige upgrades that increase Prestige gain. I feel bad spending currency and getting nothing for it, it feels like it's artificially making me spend a couple more runs just for the sake of grind. The various upgrades based on unspent Prestige make it worse, you can't easily tell how much you can spend before the Prestige loss outweighs the upgrade you bought.

A couple of suggestions:

- Make more events similar to turn 101 and add a Prestige upgrade that make those events happen less frequently. The goal is to force the first few runs to end quickly, in line with the Prestige rewards

- Make the Prestige upgrades scale on Total Prestige Earned rather than Unspent Prestige.

I attempted to play trough the demo without any artifact. Thanks to my browser slowing down the game, I was successful!

The fourth wave was a chore. Without any damage increase the 3 ogres survive until the 2 cyclops spawn and the faster cyclops get in front of the ogres, blocking your shots with their 40 health.

The Boss herself was easier than I thought. It feels like her strikes and thunderclap attack hitboxes extend a fair bit upwards but not very far down. The strikes can be dodged easily by walking down and towards her, and the thunderclap and lightning fan charge long enough for you to get out of the way.

Nice game so far!

I notice the enemies struggle to follow you. Going up and down the level is an easy way to kite the green guys. The imps and the final boss suffer from this issue as well.

The weapon having 20 shots feels weird? It takes you by surprise when you need to reload. In my case doubly so, with two +60% damage early on I rarely needed to reload in the first levels.

Unprompted suggestion: Lust Shots: every 5 shot is a Lust shot, which stuns the enemy for a short duration. If you defeat an enemy with only Lust Shots, you get a lewd animation of them. Artifacts could interact with this by making Lust Shots more frequent, removing their stun in favor of more damage, making them regen hearts...

Oh, you were referring to Mystic Damsels! Sorry, I didn't get what you were suggesting.

The current Damsels all increase the speed at which a second round progresses. Heart Gem Rate would let you unlock the Shop upgrades faster. Reroll and Rarirty would let you waste less rolls on Lovers.

I agree with you there, these effects don't do much initially. The start takes just as long with Rate and Reroll until you unlock the Shop or Lovers respectively. The Rarity might make it take longer to unlock the Shop by spreading rolls more evenly, checking the math behind it would be difficult. In all cases these bonuses help reach the second Ascension faster, but initially their effect don't do much.

A Mystic Damsel that increases relationship gain would feel better than the current ones at the start after Ascension, and adding it wouldn't take much effort. But I still think the game needs improvements before reaching Ascension in the first place.

I don't see the point of that? You already get quite a lot of mana, getting more increases to a damsel would just make the progression faster, which is not an issue I care about.

If you draw a Lover and the Mystic overflows her count by one more it makes no difference and still feels bad. If you spend 2 minutes tapping the game every 20 minutes to use all the mana you are given, you still spend a lot of time on the game Mystic or not.

I guess it would help you reach the Heart shop faster? Unless the Mystic is acquired from the heart shop itself.

If it's something you get from acquiring Lovers it would lessen that issue? But I'd rather have something when I waste mana drawing a Lover than a passive chance to gain more progress when I draw a card I want progress on.

I'd prefer the dev spends their time on features that make spending mana less time-consuming and drawing Lovers less disappointing.

This game is interesting but counter-intuitive.

The main progression comes from Skill Mastery which you get by getting levels in the skill. The early level are faster to get, so the best way to raise Mastery is by dying as fast as possible after getting a few levels in the skill to train. This makes the first few unlocks useless: increasing your max DL makes you gain Mastery slower! The only purpose of these unlocks at this point is to gain achievements... whose rewards also increase your survivability and slow you down!

Once you get to Thinking 9 you do need some boosts to start getting exp in Perfectionism, but once you get a Mastery level it's more efficient to reduce the life duration than to push for more Perfectionism levels at once.

And then Thinking 12 adds a Combat system and Perks... that have no link to the existing systems at all! No impact on DL, no Gold reward, no benefit from existing skill, drink or shop items, it just takes time away from grinding Skills while you fight to get Perks. And the first per is... increased max DL, slower Mastery!

I'm at Thinking 13 and have not tried getting the Combat skills unlocked there. It seems pointless: why invest time into getting enough money and shop items to get a level and get 2-4 more Perk points when I could instead take 3 lives to gather 3x2 Perk points? The only reason to bother with Combat skills is to complete the Training Grounds.

In the end it all boils down to how Mastery is easier to grind with short lives. If you make the Mastery exp per skill level match the growth of the skill level exp, then it would make long lives more efficient and the rest of the game would make sense.

(1 edit)

V1.5: Do not start playing with this version, it's a waste of time. (Edit: it gets better)

At first the game is simple and nice, you tap a button to draw a random card featuring a pretty girl with exposed genitals and breasts hidden be heart marks. Drawing the same girl again raises a counter and at certain thresholds it reduces or removes the censoring, and with each threshold you gain currency. That's where the good part ends.

You can stock up to 50 draws at once, which takes under 20 minutes to recharge. The animation to draw a girl takes around 2 seconds and there is no way to draw multiple at once, which means you are spending almost 10% of your time clicking a button on this game. There is a SFW option that hides the picture so you can play this in  public.

The shop shown in the screenshot is locked behind unlocking all available regions. In v1.5, this means you have to grind 1350 gems at the slowest speed available before you can buy any upgrade. With each update that adds new content, this barrier to entry grows larger.

So until you have acquired 1350+ gems, the only thing you can do is check your phone every 15 minutes and tap a button every two seconds to draw a girl. In one day playing rather often, I acquired around 500 gems before running into the next design issue: girls that have been fully unlocked are not removed from the pool and can be drawn again, giving no benefit. The game not only locks you to the slowest progression, it slows down that progression further as you progress! And this is not an oversight, there is a feature to work around this... locked behind fully unlocking the whole collection.

It's probably enjoyable if are playing since v1.0 and were able to buy upgrades before they were locked behind additional regions. As it is, the game takes too long to give you mechanical options, it is not enjoyable.

Edit: The game gets better once you have collected all Common Lovers, that part is the slowest and takes about half of the game despite being only 1 tier. The Reroll perk from Ascension also makes a huge difference, adding player agency. Playing still takes lots of real time, but if you want something you can play for a short time anytime you want a break, this game is great. Playing for 3 minutes every 17 minutes meshes well with my cardio routine.

Here's a few ideas to improve the game:

  • Add a second currency gained by drawing Lover cards, that can be used to buy temporary benefits such as a Luck boost for 10 draws, a mana refill with an incremental cost that resets daily or a bank of single use mana storage.
  • Unlock the Heart shop earlier, not based on the amount of available content. I suggest unlocking it after 1 region is unlocked.
  • Add an option to skip the draw animation or draw multiple at once.
Roads and Riches community · Created a new topic Feedback

Thank you for making this game!

Here's some feedback.

  • The automation feels odd. It feels bad to pay 70 for something that essentially does nothing, and you have to pay a 140 more to get to 8 queue length that covers the smallest route, around the 2medicine->4spice action.
  • I love the Tax system! It's nice to play around it, it turns the upgrades with linear costs into more interesting challenges.
  • I reached 400 gold by using a Spice, Medicine and Wine route. I didn't need the 200 Rep actions.

Here's some suggestions:

  • Unlock a Note for free by reaching each Tax level. This way the player does not spend money on something that gives no mechanical benefit, but they still have to work to unlock the Notes.
  • Similarly, the Queue Size for Notes could be based on the highest Reputation reached
  • Being able to repeat the same action in the same Queue slot would greatly reduce the need for Queue Size.

Great little game!

Spoilers for the final level:

I'm not sure how the final level is supposed to go. In my run Big Guy stayed put after clearing the area around the cyst, tanking the shots from the flowers while I peeked in front of them to cleanse the cyst. After a while there were too many bullets to safely peek, not to mention Big Guy's health taking a toll, so I ordered a retreat. After healing Big Guy I noticed the bullets has stopped spawning, letting me sprint to the cyst to deliver the last points of healing. I feel like it was meant to be a challenge where you need to pace yourself and clear the flowers before their number gives them more damage than you can heal, I feel like I cheesed it.

Hello Itamus!

I like your game, I like the concept a lot, but it's hard to play due to all the bugs it has. Fortunately for me, I can fix them.

I have made a patch to fix the bugs I found, it's available on the F95 forums (post 198 on the thread for your game). Please, feel free to use these fixes in the main game.

The F95 forums are also a good place to gather feedback and bug reports. There's already a thread for your game with links to your SubscribeStar and Patreon, you can ask a mod to claim ownership of the thread. It's a good place to gather feedback, bug reports and to give visibility to your game.

Nice game! Here's a few things I noticed:
- The Merge feature is not obvious and the later balls are more cost efficient initially. I completed a few Prestige using no more than 3 of any ball before I discovered Merging.
- There doesn't seem to be a benefit to pushing for a high level. You seem to get more Diamond per second if you prestige as soon as the game slows down. There is no goal to grind towards.

Idea: a loadout system.
- When you reach certain levels for the first time you unlock a new Ball type.
- When you Prestige, you can choose 5 balls you have access to for your next run.

Cool little game! If you are struggling try resetting the game until you get a 6 on year one. The early rolls are the most important ones, the game is much easier (and more interesting) when start trying to match dice.

Nice game! There is one thing that annoys me: you can't turn off the Autobuyers (or at least I haven't figured out how). Some autobuyers will always upgrade ASAP after getting another upgrade (I RUN, The Witch of LOREDelith) and will put their inputs in the negative, which prevents the other autobuyers with this input from upgrading even though they use a tiny fraction of the input. I would love a "Crumbs" mode where the autobuyer never puts its input in the negative.

Great game! I loved how the Timewarp skill unlocked just as I was thinking "I'd like some way to speed up the game". Unfortunately I think that's not enough, even with this skill there are times where I would want to reset early rather than grind a few more levels over the course of a decades.