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A member registered Jul 23, 2018 · View creator page →

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Thank you. I am glad you liked it! :)

Cute, and very original. Love it!

The idea is pretty clever and original. Also, very well executed. I would love to see an extended version with more puzzles.

I am not a big fan of horror games but this has a pretty solid base to become a good one. With a bit of music and some weird creatures this will be nightmare material. Good job with the aesthetic!

Not gonna lie, I have looked behind me like 4 or 5 times in just one minute playing this. The atmosphere is on point and even though I am not a big fan of the slowing down mechanic it all fits very well :)

(2 edits)

The atmosphere is on point. Big fan of the PS1 vive. I think all work toguether nice for the theme as well. Good job!

Me alegro de que te guste! Si, la verdad es que se parece bastante. Mi idea original era que saltase de pared en pared también, pero terminé cambiándola por la flecha y plataformas para que resultara más frustrarte. Me gusta como te ha quedado el tema de la tienda y el ranking.

Probablemente de los mejores cumplidos que le han hecho a mi trabajo. Muchas gracias :)

I am glad you like it! There are no ads on the PC version, you can choose to watch some on Android for some extra help, but this feature is currently unavailable anywhere else.

Oh that is great! Good luck beating it btw. I think no one has done it yet ^^

I know hearthbeast's channel, but I have never done any of his courses. I chose this art style because I had used it a bit in the past.

Thanks! I just saw your message. I'm glad I was able to entertain you for a bit, even though it was by using pain and despair :]

As everyone has already said, this is a really good base.

 Polishing some details and adding some more content and mechanics could make this a very fun crafting/managment game. Good Job!

(1 edit)

Hey! Thank you very much for your review and feedback. I am very happy to read that someone had fun playing our game.

It is true that we did not explain almost anything, and it was kind of intentional. But the truth is we should have done a better level design to make it easy to understand the mechanics. The time was limited so we decided to make a short but difficult level and let the player the responsability to figure how the poisons work out themselves.

I am really glad someone made it through the entire game. I hope you enjoyed the experience as much as we did making this project.

Every aspect of this game is very solid. The result is amazing.

Although I think a parallax background in some parts of the levels could bring some feeling of depth in the scenary it is not a bad result to have this sensation of closure with the simple one.

Great Job!

Very nice visuals and sound!

It is a little bit confusing on the begining, but once you get the concept and read the entire book a couple of times it is really fun to play. The time factor makes it dynamic and challenging.

Great job!

You have a really good base for a rogelike game here. The fact that your power is decreasing over the time played is really interesting and scary.

It is true that there is no much content, but this means you can expand the game in many different directions and reach a very solid result.

(1 edit)

The game has personality, well executed presentation, good scenary design and it is simplistic and arcade. 

The only thing I missed is the lack of some sort of hitmarker to make sure I am hitting bullets.

You guys did a great job! 

PS: Love the menu.

I think I am gonna keep the game open so I listen to the background audio while I code.

I think this could be a really interesting mobile game with some sort of difficulty increase over the distance and a few more drug variations.

The visual effects are really cool, great job!

Hey! Thank you very much for your feedback. 

We will try to focus on explaining the mechanics better and make a more friendly difficulty curve over the levels next time. 

Thank you for playing. :)

Pretty interesting concept. The graphics and sound works really well together.