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A member registered Jun 03, 2022 · View creator page →

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It's one of the best games I've ever played in my entire life. The graphics are so realistic that I can't see any difference from real life. The gameplay is incredibly fun and addictive; I played this game for three days straight without sleep. I only stopped because these green guys burst out of my screen and damaged my PC. Literally everyone in the world should play Survo!

Thanks, how did you find our game by the way?

Thanks for playing our game!

Infinity Battle V3 -
It's the latest version

Cool, thanks

(2 edits)

Спасибо, за то, что поиграли и за фидбэк! На самом деле в игре есть баг из-за которого damage не наносится при малом FPS, но где-то при 17 и более FPS всё должно работать нормально. Я узнал о нём не так давно и пока не смог исправить. Ещё раз спасибо за всё!

Thank you very much!

Yeah, thank you for explanation

Proc: nice pixelart | combat is really cool (reminds me Undertale) | like the plot twist | good music
Cons: text in the beginning is too fast | the game stops after some time in browser (so I downloaded it) | sometimes there is a bug with damage sound when it repeats and repeats for a long time
Note: the best character for me was a warrior

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Proc: visuals are so appealing | the sounds are really great | gameplay is addicting (but I didn't manage to pass the final stage)
Cons: don't understand how lazer beam works

Proc: the music is great! | art is really cool
Cons: no tutorial (So I dont understand what numbers in the top right corner mean) | would like to be able to go to the main menu after death | too difficult at least for me (I didn't manage to pass wave 1 - group 1)

Thank you really much!

Thank you! Good luck to you too)

Oh, ok, sorry for my mistake

Ok, the game is nice anyway

Thank you for your feedback! You are completely right, I need to make the player more focused on upgrades. Actually I am aware about bug with jumping/running on slopes, but I am not sure why it appears. I am gonna try to fix it again and to make the player blood decrease slower. Thank you very much!

I use Yandex Browser, but it as far as I know it uses Chromium, so it should be similar to Chrome

Oh, OK. You don't need to say sorry, it's nothing)

Oh, ok, so that sound pretty interesting. Anyway the game is good, so good work!

Proc: really cool idea | good art and music
Cons: the only thing is I would like the game to have the final score istead of a bunch of different numbers

Pros: interesting idea | cute art style | nice music
Cons: levels of difficulty differ only in the number of beacons andfor me it doesn't make the game easier because personally I used only red beckons and passed on the second attempt (I played on hard mode)

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Proc: good art | good concept | nice narrative

Cons: no audio

Note: the game seems pretty easy, but I am not sure about the because it gives me error after some minutes playing it and so I can't play it more time. I would like to be able to download the game

Proc: great and unique idea | good music and sounds (especially voices) | cool art

Cons: sometimes one syllable is behind the other

Proc: great idea | atmospheric music and art style | difficult enough

Cons: (No cons, the game is perfect)

Proc: lovely visual | simple, but addictive | nice music and sounds

Cons: didn't understand how sacrifice theme is use
Note: my highscore was 156

Proc: great concept | suitable music) | cool art | nice level design | good tutorial
Cons: want to have possibility to restart a level

(1 edit)

Proc: visual is nice (I really liked particles) | sounds are great | unique idea | good plot twist
Cons: (I like everything)

Proc: cool sounds | nice plot | good atmosphere | great concept
Cons: jump is useful | would like to see the beast | too short

Proc: nice art | plot explanation in the beginning | sudden plot twist
Cons: enemies were really hard for me
Note: also I think it would be cool if orbes spawned randomly

Proc: cool art style | cool music | clear tutorial | interesting combat | good boss fight 
Cons: easy enemies

Proc: good concept | cute art style
Cons: didn't understand how to use red sacrifice shrines (I pressed "E" near them) | it seems that yellow  sacrifice shrines gives me nothing in exchange | no music

(2 edits)

Proc: great concept | cool art style | good balance
Cons: no in-game tutorial (it was pretty inconvenient to go back on page to see what every stat does) | overall impact on earth should be on top, because it's most important stat I think | I tink the game is too easy dor me (I reached year 2051 and my world was "Absolutely healthy" and I tink I could reach more, but I've already spend too much time on it)

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Thanks for playing! In Necromancer's Army you army should reach the dark energy source, but castle's guards try to prevent it by attacking your zombies. When zombie reaches the source - it dies, but fills your dark energy storage. You should deliver the energy from your base to the cave to increase your blood to stay alive. You can also spend your blood on upgrades. But I tried to write all of this in the tutorial in the main men. But it seems the tutorial was unclear to you, right?

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I've read the game idea on page and it seems pretty interesting, but the game looks completely different from the concept. These big cubes don't looks like radio towers. I didn't understand where radio tower HP, money and how to buy upgrades. It seems the blue team doesn't work at all. And it was hard to understand the controls, so I would like the game to have some tutorial at least in the main menu. But I liked the music and "Triangle, Circle, Square, hit the start button if you dare") 

Thanks for telling about that! I fixed this

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I really like the concept of 1 bullet at a time, but implementation is pretty poor. Your graphic is nice, level design is pretty good, and the music sounds cool, but the game is too difficult in the beginning, it's pretty hard to take the bullet (try to make collision bigger), there is no mouse, so click play button is a real challenge and also I this game really needs score, because it motivates player to play more. But as far as I understand, it is your first game jam and you don't know Unreal Engine well so far (I also use Unreal Engine), so this is a pretty good result for the first game. Keep learning Unreal and good luck)

Oh, yes, you are absolutely right. When I  don't click blue full-screen button in the right down corner, I see everything. But I don't have any zoom enabled. And also I use Yandex Browser, but as far as I know it uses chromium, so it should be similar to Chrome in such situations, but I may be wrong.

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Sorry, I wasn't clear enough. I meant tutorial about monsters and the fact  that when you run out of fuel your lighthouse goes out (I didn't notice that indicator in my first play) and also, that screen is shown, but it doesn't have text "Hold Right click to refill lantern" (I play browser version). And as I said these are minor things, because the overall atmosphere and gameplay give a lot of satisfaction.