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Touch the Stars Game Jam Winnners! Sticky

A topic by Nick_Komodo created Aug 29, 2021 Views: 1,314 Replies: 30
Viewing posts 1 to 22
Host (2 edits) (+2)

This is it, the moment you’ve all been waiting for! The judges’ scores are in, your votes have been tallied, and we can finally announce the winners of the RPG Maker MZ “Touch the Stars” Game Jam. 120 intrepid developers succeeded in the monumental task of stretching themselves and the RMMZ engine to their absolute limits. But with all contests, a winner must emerge. So, join me in congratulating those who rose to the challenge and placed.

First up is Fan Favorite. While this game does not get a publishing contract with Komodo, the developer(s) get a cash price of $250 USD.

Fan Favorite: Astir Evolution (by Vrouliotis Vasileios)

Cities in the sky have always captivate our imagination, showing us a fantastic world just beyond our grasp. Take on the role of a small robot who struggles to free the residents of Astir City from the threat of the Infestation Liquid, recruiting and training enemies into star followers. As he and his companions learn new powers, their journey will take them from the safety of the city into dangerous territory, all to save their home.

Astir Evolution won “Fan Favorite” with an aggregate score of 4.7.

(Jam Voting Results:

Prize: $250 USD

Now that we’ve showcased the game YOU all loved the most, let’s see what the judges decided, and who earned themselves a place on the Komodo Store Front, published for the world to see.

Third Place: Forest Star (by SeaPhoenix)

Take on the role of a cute little monkey who witnesses a star falling from the sky and goes on a grand adventure to find it. Along the way, the adorable simian meets a cast of animals, each with their own motivations for joining our hero. The companion you take affects your ability to overcome certain obstacles, as each possesses their own unique power and personality. Make friends, help others, see the world, and enjoy a multitude of different fulfilling endings.

Prize: $250 USD, and Forest Star will be published by Komodo on Steam 

Second Place: Buffet Knight (by Nowis-337)

Let loose your inner hunger as you follow the powerful Buffet Knight in his quest to rid the land of the nefarious Demon Chef. Along the way, gobble up just about anything and spit it back at your enemies, defeating them and growing in power. Don’t grow too much, though, or you may not be able to contain your insatiable appetite. With gameplay similar to the Kirby franchise, and two very different endings, this game is for anyone who’s a glutton for adventure.

Prize: $500 USD, and Buffer Knight will be published by Komodo on Steam

First Place: Berry (by ProjectESPider)

The itsy-bitsy spider may have gone up the waterspout, but Berry performs a marathon of fantastic gameplay and amazing fun. Join this adorable arachnid on their adventure to find the tastiest of flies. Along the way you’ll dodge fire bugs, leap across platforms, and follow the dubious advice of questionable cockroaches. Once you get the controls down, you can overcome obstacles and defeat bosses with a sense of pride and accomplishment. Just don’t forget to climb up that proverbial spout again and again until you reach the stars!

Prize: $1000 USD, and Berry will be published by Komodo on Steam

Please reach out and congratulate the winners of the Game Jam, but don’t forget everyone who entered. It takes amazing courage and determination to participate in one of these contests and put your work out for everyone to see. Developers, you made a game, and for that you are all winners.


Congratulations to all the winners! You guys deserved it! And also, congratulations to everyone who was able to participate in this jam! 


For our winners, we'll be contacting you over the next week. Thank you for your patience!


Congrats to the winners and to everyone who participated!


Congrats to everyone who submitted and extra congratulations to the winners!


Congrats! Haven't actually seen Buffet Knight yet, so I'll have to check that out sometime.


Congrats to all the winners! I hope there will be another RPG Maker Game Jam in the future, I'll gladly join that one as well to test my progress! 


Congrats everyone!

Will you be releasing the judge's scorecard so we can see how the rest of us did?


We may release the top 20 list and their scores at some point.


We would also like to see the top 20 list  and their scores. Knowing where we ended at, would be helpful.


I think we'd really appreciate that!


You did very well in the competition Kemsyn, I hope you guys get to see the final scores soon.


Congratulations to all the winners!!!  For us, it was a great and positive experience.

For all who didn´t get on the top 3 (like us), its all part of a contest. The key is NOT GIVING UP. Listen (really listen)  with an opened mind to all the feedback given, ask for it if you dont know what that feedback is.

Keep on deving!


Congratulations to the winners! Top 3 were well deserved.




I appreciate how understated this is.


Well put.

Jam Host



Congratulations to all the participants, I hope you've been able to level up your dev skills through-out this entire process. Keep up the good work! :)

(3 edits) (+2)

Hi all! I'm going to be writing out my reviews for each entry I was assigned to judge and posting it to the respective gamepages, along with VODs of when I played them. This'll happen very soon! Cheers.

EDIT: Also, grats to the winners! <3 And to those who didn't get a prize - every game is a gift. There were so many good games. You all are bursting with talent. Thanks for making this such an enjoyable experience by offering up great games. :)

EDIT #2: I'll have to pause my plan to review all the games in writing since I am not currently in the headspace to manage that right now. However, all VODs of the games I played and judged are available at are available there, and if I am not able to review each game individually, I hope that this will suffice. Thanks all, and if you have an issue with this, please contact me. Much love.


Going through the trouble to help out with feedback is very kind of you. I'm sure the others will appreciate it
You can save yourself a little time by skipping the write up for my game (S.Space), as I have moved on from game making.
But I added that one reverb you complained about (in a probably totally wrong way ^^)
Anyways thanks for everything Benny.

Cheers, Miha. In my experience, your game was fun and unique to me, and very custom. The judgement of art is subjective, and for us to expect to create something that pleases everyone is near impossible. Getting to Round 2 actually means that your game was in the top 50% of games, so I wouldn't personally judge it as dropping out of the contest "that early", but I guess each person has their own particular ambitions and standards.

Do note that even though some people gave you 2-star reviews (I can't seem to them find them, personally), that people have also given some of my favourite games of all time one or two-star reviews.

If I were to give your game a general rating out of 10, I think it would be a 7/10. Incredibly polished, promising, highly atmospheric game with impressive mechanics that has a few quirks that could be improved with further polishing. Things like controls, spawning, save points and great shooting system, which are nevertheless very difficult to do in the RPG Maker engine anyway, but I can't let that influence the nature of my review.

I wrote down in my notes: "Really, really impressive and would become even better with more work. I really liked the flavour and style of this game! Very incredible in ways, just needs some improvement with quirks and was unfairly punishing with lack of save points sometimes. Good use of lighting system, even if it is a bit janky in some places."

In the end, your decision whether or not to continue making games is entirely up to you. I just wanted to assure you that in my opinion, I thought that from playing your game, you had a lot of potential to create awe-inspiring games, and in many ways, what you created was indeed awe-inspiring.

Criticism can come from many different angles, and it's important to recognise that our personal biases can overamplify the weaknesses of our work, since it so precious to us - I know this from experience! We are often our own harshest critics. In the end, I wish for you to be happy.

Cheers, Miha.


Congratulations to all the winners and everyone who put out a game! :) Very deserving winners up there and I hope they'll get even better without a deadline attached to them lol.

Jam Host

Congratulations to all the participants and to the winners. Ya did it, everyone. You made a game. Stay awesome!

~Steel and Teal


Thanks to Komodo for hosting the jam and all the judges spending the time to judge. I was definitely amazed and inspired by a lot of the awesome entries!

Congrats everyone! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧


Congratulations to the winners! :) Thanks Komodo too, I hope too see other game jam like this in the future! <3


Congratulations to the winners and a big thank you to the judges! I really hope this isn't the last game jam of this kind that we will see :)


Congratulations to the winners and to everyone else who participated. There were a lot of cool games in this jam. ^^ 


Congratulations, everyone! And thank you so much to the judges and Komodo for hosting this jam. It was an awesome learning experience for everyone.


Congrats to the winners, not really surprised at the top 3 though.