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A member registered May 31, 2017 · View creator page →

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the game was part of a one week game jam five years ago. 

Thank you for your kind words! Honestly I don’t understand the rating system. But we’re all winners. Your game is great too. 😊 

Lol! Thanks! 😊

I rated your game! Love the art!

Please rate our game if you could. Thanks! 

Yep, already on the list of things to improve. Thanks again for your feedback! Much appreciated!

Played, rated, and commented. :) 

I think you have a good game mechanic here. Level design is done well as well as story. 

It could have used some audio. But overall, a nice entry.

I'd love if you could check out and rate our game.

I'd love some plays and ratings from everyone here.  Thank you. :)

Thanks for your feedback! I wish I would have pulled the camera out a little more so you can see more of the level. What about the camera felt off for you? 

I really liked this game idea. I only found one key, so I wasn't able to get too far. I would recommend allowing the player to navigate the room with WASD keys. I found the reticle click difficult to use. The reticle should be reserved for clicking interaction points, not navigation. 

I thing you have a good thing here though. The room scale was great, and I liked the narration. I hope you continue to add to this. If you do please hit me up, I'd love to play it. :)

I'd love to get your feedback and rating on my game.

Playing your game now. Here is mine game if you could please play and rate. :)

Hello. Nice post title, LOL. I'll check out your game. Here is mine.

Hello! Please rate our game. I’ll rate yours as well. 

Thanks! 😊

I’d love if you could check out our game! Thank you! 😊

Thanks so much!!! I’ll definitely check out your game tonight! 😊 

It took me a while to find the path under the starting platform. I kept falling and dying. I like the art style. It was really hard. Maybe some check points would have made it a little more forgiving. 

But overall, nice entry.

I'd love you hear your thoughts on our platformer. 

Cute game. I think I would have enjoys it more if the controls responded more. It was difficult to control the player as a typical platformer. You should be able to move left and right while in the air. But I had to start off with momentum and then jump. 

Other than that, I felt like this was a decent entry with some well thought out level design and mechanics. 

Good job. :)

I'd live your thoughts and rating on our game. We did a platformer as well. 

Very nice game! Love the music! Love the story line! The menu didn't really seem to match the rest of the game's look and feel. And the level felt a bit too long while doing the same mechanic over and over. Perhaps some obstacles or collectables would have helped. 

But overall I was impressed. A very nice entry. Nice work!

I'd love you get your feedback and rating on our game. :)

This is a really nice and cute game. Love love love the storybook-like narrative. Great concept. Well polished. :) 

oh, I thought of another. When the player answers incorrectly, the screen says “you lost”. This felt a little negative and unrewarding. I was doing really well, my score was over 30 before I got one wrong. I felt like I did a good job but then I was greater with a negative response. Perhaps a message like “Opps, Game Over. Your score is 30”. Or even better, have the messaging be based on score. If the user scores under 10: “You can do better, try again”. If score is between 11-20: “Not bad”. Above 20: “Wow, great job”. And so on. 

Wow thank you so much!! 😊

Very simple game concept. I like when things are simple. After a few plays I started getting more familiar with the characters, which made it easier to answer the questions. If each play had other characters it would make me have to study them more. Perhaps different variations of the same characters could be shown. So it would really force you to study them during each question if they were subtle differences from the last time you played. I few times I got the same question three times in a row, which tells me that you are randomly pulling questions. One method I like to use is to first randomly sort my array of items, then as they are being used I remove them from the array. This guarantees that the same question doesn't show twice. Then one new game, you reset the array and randomly sort it again.

I think you have a great concept here and I hop e you continue to add to it. Hit me up if you do decide to continue and I'd be happy to check it out.

Nice work!

Thank you so much for your kind words! 🙂 I’m rating more games tonight and will be sure to check out yours! 

Thank you  so much for your kind words!! :) That really means a lot. Yeah, we hope to develop it further, and having a storyline is a great suggestion. Thanks! 

I'm so glad you enjoyed it. 

Thanks a lot for your feedback! :) 

Ok, I'm sort of angry at myself for not thinking of the Stranger Things idea myself. LOL! Very nice! It would be really cool if the logo and chapter titles animated like the show did. 

I did however find the game play a little difficult that I had to remember where the traps were, with no real element to use as reference points. Meaning, there were traps along a long platform that you had to remember the distance along that blank space. (I hope that makes sense.)  So having references to where the traps are would cut down a bit on the guessing. 

Although I like your concept a lot. Our game is actually super similar to yours. LOL!

Other than that, very nice entry! I rated it well. I'd love to hear your thoughts on our game. :) 

Very nice entry! Great puzzle platformer! I liked your character walk cycle, very smooth. The player controls felt pretty good.

I'd love to get your thoughts and rating on my game. We created a platform as well. 

I like the glowy grids. (Very Tron-like). Similar to my game. 

Fun game, great music! Good job. 

Check out my game if you can. I'd love to hear your feedback and get a return rating. :)

I understand some of the struggles and timing issues you discussed in your previous comments and game page notes, so I won't hold that against you. I like your concept here. And if you are planning on putting any more time into after the jam is over I have a two suggestions that may help.

  1. Increase the gravity switch time. Make much faster,  and allow for the player to continue to control the character. The Gravity Man stage in Mega Man is a great game to reference for this.
  2. Before the controls change, maybe try alerting the player a few seconds before it happens. Maybe an sound effect, or a flash on the screen. Something to tell the user, "beware, something is about to change."

Hopefully that is helpful and you continue to work on this. If you do, please shout out and let me know. I'd be happy to play test it again for you.

Keep on learning!

I'd love you hear your thoughts on my game and get a rating in return.

I would agree with, that cheat sheet is very helpful. I don't know if it was just my dumb brain or not, but I just couldn't wrap my head around the controls. I think if there the keys were all in a straight line it would be easier. Like 1,2,3,4 or Q,W,E,R. Although I guess this is the whole point of the game, huh? (to be a lie?)

Other than that, I really liked your game. The art is great and I like your story. Music was good. 

Nice work.

I've love you hear your thoughts on our game. :) 

Simply by the look of your icon, I really wanted to play your game! Unfortunately, I get an error when trying to open it on Mac. :( 

Nice touch with the tutorial. I like that you added the ability to jump to the end of each dialog message, many games in the game that have a dialog system that types our the text doesn't implement that.  I like how the player looses his hear when he dies. 8 bit audio effects or good and retro. 

The physics of the player jump could be tweaked a bit though. Felt very floaty. Maybe try adding more gravity and counter balancing that with more force on the rigidBody. 

Nice submission. 

I'd love your thoughts on my game. 

I like this concept! Fits the theme well. Well done! 

I'd love to hear your feedback on my game. 

Very nice! Great job with the narrative and tutorial. You carried the theme throughout the game very well. At times I felt it a little awkward to navigate, jump, and mouse click at the same time, but I managed to get it down when needed. The controls are very solid and the level design was well planned.

Very nice work! :) 

Thanks so much for your kind words and generous rating! :)  I'll check out your game tonight.

Hey, thanks for the feedback! I'll definitely check out your game tonight! 

Thanks so much for the kind words! 😊

This game is interesting. I like how you control the narrative throughout the game. And I enjoyed the humor. I know the game is a liar, but I didn't enjoy the random change in controls and the feeling that I wasn't in control of my character. Although I like how there were surprises, I'm just wondering if they could have been done in a way that didn't render me control-less. 

Other than that, I enjoyed your game. Nice work! :)

I'd love to hear your thoughts on my game.