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A member registered 96 days ago · View creator page →

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I used this in my project "ComboCube!", Thank you so much, I hope you continue to work on this project!

ComboCube! by Flavore (

I look forward to competing with you too Ethan!

I did it! The web version now works!

I'm glad your a fellow enjoyer! Also by "next wave" I didn't mean the next wave of bits a firecracker would spawn, but rather if the bits they spawned are still on the field it should not spawn the next wave of new enemies like firecrackers, those teleport men, etc.

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Lol i'm also stuck on the 7th level (I will beat once I it once i get back to my desktop with a mouse), but I really like the level design with the blue and red walls in combination with the various levels. Aswell as the super fun abilities (i luv the bit spawning ability it reminds me of Lastly I think you should have to kill the bits that are spawned from firecrackers first before another wave spawn, whenever you kill a last enemy that's a firecracker it automatically starts the next wave regardless if there are still bits from the firecracker.

Wow creating a game like this with just a mobile text editor is amazing, I would love to see a future update with some artwork added to the game.

I really like the detail the headless zombies move all over the place like they can't see,  overall it's a really fun and polished game

Lol so much bullet you were not kidding about the web version slowing down, the download works great tho and the game is pretty fun

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Oh thank you for the tip, rn I'm away from my main computer but that'll definitely come in handy when I'm able to optimize my game.

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Broooo I tried it but it only works if the game is under 500 Mb, and idk how but my game is nearly a gigabyte. I think my game may be poorly optimized lol.  Thx for the quick guide, it's def something I'll look into using for my future projects.

Damn I was not expecting that ending lol, I'm really impressed with the dialogue

Unfortunately, now the buttons for each level aren't working for the downloadable version, it won't let me access levels at all.

I can already tell the game is a banger by the 1st level alone, but it's not letting me past the 1st lvl on either version

This game gave me trauma, great game lol.

Lol I love your interpretation of the game jam theme, and I'm really impressed with the assets you've created for the library and character. This is a super fun game with a nice puzzle at the end.

Practice Jam #6 community · Created a new topic Question

So how long should the game be in terms of playtime, or does it not matter?