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This update was dedicated to actual level design! the current workflow is really time consuming considering I am also learning: lot of work done didn't make it to the final result. In the end I wasn't able to add that much other than an additional draft level (now three actual level plus one intro/tutorial) but my workflow is improving, soon I will (I hope) able to deliver more frequent level updates.

Meanwhile, as you can see from the cover preview, I did manage to make the light system work. ATM the only light source is the heroine herself, I am still exploring performance issue may come if adding too much stuff: I am using an old Intel Celeron and I need the game to run as much as smooth possible to figure out what its fun and what not.

The cave level (3rd one) is a bit empty by now; I've still do manage to draw all the props needed to enrich the environment, so I may not prioritize this this by now and try to focus on more actual gameplay contents (level or features).

100+ hand drawn frame sprites for the main protagonist, this size:

Two weeks already?
More update!

Hey, thanks for trying it out!

The version of the game engine (Godot) I am using is experimental, the deploy of the html5 is hit and miss: but there are lot of people working on it, I hope soon will be able to deploy html5 binary more consistently.

As for the mid-air facing, I've opted for something "inbetween" fixed position and turn around. Now the heroine will tilt her body backward when pressing the counter direction she's facing and will return on place once the counter-action is released. I think this is the best compromise between visual feedback for your action without break the visual consistency (instantly mirror the horizontal axis of the sprite)

Devlog update:

(1 edit)

UPDATE: Walljump and slide

Finally its now possible to climb and jump over the walls; as you can see from the preview here, there are two kind of walljump: one is used to gain height (most common kind), while the other walljump is intended to reach distant place on the map (as well slide in narrow passages otherwise inaccessible).

I've added a small introduction session you can access straight away from the main menu. It is supposed to get you started, but if you're the kind of person who prefer to read instructions (and you're not afraid of my bad English), here's how it work.

Kick wall jump (internally I call it "walljump-climb): jump against a wall, press [KICK] button. If you're not facing the wall (heroine's back is against the wall), be sure to press the wall's direction ( [LEFT]/[RIGHT]) otherwise it wouldn't work. Each successful kick wall jump grant unlimited walljump (both kinds) so far you have good timing. If you misplace your [KICK] (not hitting the wall) our heroine will not be able to walljump anymore (until she doesn't hit the ground again)

Limitations of Kick wall jump : this jump will force the heroine to distance herself from the wall, you can't gain height with multiple walljump on the same wall (ie: like in 'ol classic Zool game)

Jump against wall (internally I call it "walljump-flat): jump against a wall you're already facing, press [JUMP] button (again). If you're not facing the wall, the walljump trick doesn't work: you'll need to combine kick-wall-jump to orientate heroine's direction while in mid air (or be sure to face already the wall you want to walljump before landing off)

Limitations of Jump against wall: as already stated, if
you're not already facing the wall, this techinque won't work, no matter
what key do you press. In addition to that, a succesful Jump against wall,
doesn't grant you ability to jump again (like kick wall jump), you'll
need to alternate with kick wall jump (I know its confusing at first,
but endlessly walljump between the same two spot get ridiculous; I am
always open for your input)


Dialog system is out with the webplayer (you can still test the navigation system on map with download; they are currently two separate project, buy I will soon merge the two together: so you can travel and talk with npc)

The voice are robotic, the dialogue has poor writing and narrative involvement (I was mostly drained by code and concept); I need help to make things a bit more captivating: this is why I am looking for authors who are willing to write some sort of engaging dialogue between two character: the protagonist and the NPC.

You can try the web app by yourself:

the scheme is simple: players is given options: some available and other hidden (locked). The hidden options can be unhidden by selecting the correct one.

Each option can activated or deactivated by others: the result (on the writing side) can become a tangled mess really quickly. But I am looking for something very simple and linear: when the player "hit" the right option... he/she is pushed in the next phase with all the older options getting disabled.

ie: Each option has its unique id. let's suppose we reserve the ID from 1 to 10 to greeting propouse (when player and npc don't know each other). Among all the BS/small talking, the only option we care is the one with ID 5: once the player hit that option, the dialogue get to the next phase. All IDs from 1 to 10 are disabled and a bunch of option between 11 and 20 open up... and so go on.

What's the current scheme for each dialogue line and scene? This is the whole script for the dialogue within the draft:

[ask how's the day] ~  [I can ask this person how do she feel about this peculiar day]
Player - That's a nice day, isn't?
NPC - There have been better days, but worse ones too. All in all, it's a plasant day
OPTION 2 (unlocks option 5):
[ask what time is it ] ~ [I could ask her about the time; what's the harm?]
Player - Hi, excuse me, could you tell me what time it is?
NPC - Sorry, I do not use wristwatch and the battery of the smartphone dried out.
Player (thinking) - Here's something intresting: if I help her to recharge her phone, maybe she will allow me to make a phone call
[option 5 is now unlocked]
[Ask where we are] ~ [What's this place? Maybe its a good idea to ask her]
Player - This place is huge! Do you know where we are?
NPC - Unfortunately, no, like you, I was transported to this place without my knowledge
Player - The mystery thickens
[Ask Who she is] ~ [I still don't know this non-player character, so we could introduce each other]
Player -Pardon the direct question, but I don't think we've met; may I ask your name?
NPC -It's not polite to ask for a person's name without introduce yourself first
Player -I understand, but there is a small problem; see. It may sounds crazy, but I don't remember my name!
NPC - I imagined it, it doesn't surprise me
Player -Really? Oh, yeah?
NPC -Yes, I can't remember my name either. I think they did not give name to our characters
Player -Lazy author
OPTION 5 (needs to be unlocked)
[Ask about her phone] ~ [She said her ohone is dryied out; if I help her with this, maybe she will allow me to use it for a call]
Player -About your discharged cell phone, I think I saw a power socket not too far
NPC - Didn't you notice that the only light in this room comes from the skylights? There is no electricity in this place
Player -Oh, really? That's weird
The deadpan look of the woman in front of me is insane; she almost looks like a robot,
her voice seems to be taken by the Google translator. She gives me the creeps but
wasn't a living soul to be found for miles around. She may as well be the last
living person that I'm gonna have a chance to talk to with

You may already noticed some scheme here. Each option is split in two ideal part: very quick description (five word at max) and a longer text the listen-gamer will only hear if they keep the button pressed long enough. The rest of the lines are mostly free form.

The only exception is when the "Player (thinking)"; as you may guess, this dialogue line is not addressed to the npc and is used to give audio clue to the player (as you see in OPTION 2, the last line hint to an additional option available)

If this thing stimulate your creativity, you can also add sound fx: I will do all the labor work if you follow this simple rule

go on and look for the sound fx you want to include (ie:" footstep" for your dialogue line "come on, are you not coming with me?") and restrict your selection to Creative Commons 0 (this saves us lot of time into credits the original author.. we can always credit everyone later, but need something quick, dirty and effective for this draft).

Once you've found the sound fx you like... just link it right in the script (I will download and bake it in the dialogue by myself): all I need is the word where the sound fx will start playing and which part of the audio from the sound FX file I've to take


NPC - Come on, we'd better talk in the next room [*Footsteps_Hallway.wav about +3 seconds] Well? Aren't you coming?
[*Footsteps_Hallway.wav]  at -16:00
[sfx] - [Footsteps_Hallway.wav] and [**concrete_02a_socks_walk.wav] together for +5 second
(4 edits)

Adventure gameplay shouldn't be an issue: proceed and twist a plot is just matter of set certain proprieties true/false or use common math to achieve certain result

Most simple example: you get few npc with "disposition/karma" value which is a simple integer from 0 to 10: 0 == npc hate you, 10 == npc loves you. And you can influence this value with a simple plus or minus value (being careful to set the bounds in the range of 0~10)

if you pick the dialogue option "f**k you!" with npc.. the value is set -4. If you pick the dialogue option "I love what you do" the value is set +4. Then you can have different ending based on which choose you took during the gameplay (thus, different ending).

This is a basic example, an audio game adventure wouldn't make difference. This issue on complex audio gaming is, as I said... the 4th dimension.

Within the 3rd dimension, you don't use too much time (4th dimension): you see all your option within a glimpse (think an inventory with all objects you own presented as nice and colorful icons).

Audio is different: in the 4th dimension you have to wait to listen all the options (it takes time), plus you need to wait to return to the actual option you've set ultimately your mind into.

That's not an issue, even if split the path in two simple options everytime you can reach a very high degree of complexity... the real issue to answer here is not how much complex you can make the adventure, but how much fun it would be!

One possible solution I am thinking, is to give more than one feedback at time for choice.

If you try the sample draft I've made. when you press [left] the narrator will tell you what will happen by "picking that choice".

While you're holding [left] and [action] you'll ear the footsteps in background (the voice don't stop talking about): the sound in background is supposed to mean "you're going there/you're picking this path"... but you can still release the [action] button to abort "the walk/picking". You need to keep hold both [left] and (then simultaneity) [action] button to actually follow that path.

For someone used to visual adventure, this system may seem a bit cluttered and unnecessarily complicated; but currently its the best approach I found so far.

Other system I wondered are those annoying automated attendant ("this is a free message, press One to..."); but those are intend to work for elderly/simple people, not ideal for gamer. A gamer is more than willing to use his/her memory to obtain additional functionality (so, things that are not explicit said are still known/rememberd... like an "abort" function. Abort function in the draft is made by holding [action] (first) and [left] (then, together)

likewise any other kind of adventure, it doesn't necessarily mean the protagonist would make an impact to plot/final resolution (thus is appreciated when done correctly).

It can be a purely explorative game where it's up to the cunning of the player to get to know more about the lore around him/her. In a classic adventure game you would be given the option to destroy an item for whatever propose... Optionally this item can carry  additional info on the story (ie: a book, an audio tape, a keycard for a special room etc) and its up the cunning of the player to access this data (hasteful play through ones will let you lose lot of details)

(2 edits)

Here's the draft:

The concept is rather simple: build a AudioNovel framework in the similar fashion in which Ren'Py is for Visual Novels; so people can start and build their own Audio Novel with only a writer and voice actor(s). The goal would be to have a fully autonomous device/hand-held microconsole (ie: a RaspBerryPI Zero cost about 10€/$) on which play multiple AudioNovel by using only headphones and hand-held controller with very few buttons (3 dedicated to gaming, additional key may be required for options/setting such as audio volume, home/menu options etc).

I am not looking to deliver an actual product, or the framework... what I do need is some courageous individual who are willing to pioneer this field with me.

Audio is not like Visual arts. To be actually effective the Audio medium is strictly tied with the 4th dimension (time).

On visual media is easy to represent all the options and shiny icons using the 3rd dimension (yes, the space between you and your screen counts too! That's what allow you to see *all* the icons); but the 3rd dimension is not (mostly) available with audio. An "audio gamer" need to consume lot of its 4th dimension (again, time) to be aware of all his/her available choices... THEN need more of the 4th dimension to have feedback about it's choice (even if is it just "abort/cancel")

As you may have already noticed, my English grammar is pretty bad... also, draft this concept by using robotic voices doesn't help either (it makes everything boring, so it make more complicated to guess what work and what doesn't), for this reason a voice actor capable to "live up" said 4th dimension a bit would be appreciated.

I cannot offer payments, but I am open up to rev-share through Patreon

Following the original source:

license is here:

I wasn't advising the imminent demise of the platform: I too think/presume is doing fine as surviving entity.

The problem is the margin of growth; which is being eaten by more dirty tactics of Epic (bribe popular indie developer and throwing money at loss until they don't find a nice spot vs. Steam: then fuck them all with Microsoft's deal they got)

I would too complain Valve's Steam; but that's more an issue on the indie side. Valve was there straight from the beginning of digital store distribution.

What I do complain is about indie developers who, once reaching a relative success, forget the home community they come from: just because they dream to be big player with Valve or Epic.

As indie developer you can still growth with Valve, Epic, Google or whatever: just don't forget to support (if you still have resources to do so at least)/where you come from.

Software platforms holder like Epic, but also hardware platform like Microsoft's Xbox and Sony's PS4, resort into software exclusivity to get their platforms widespread.

These huge corp. have the power to give away both hardware and software at very cheap price in effort to lure developer and customers into their walled garden; smaller player like are consonantly pushed down by the gravitational weight these platforms have.

Developers who reach a certain degree of relevance on (like Raft or Ravenfield ) are inclined to abandon the platform. Heading towards more more "worthy" seas such as Steam (or being bribed in exclusivity by Epic, Nintendo or whatever company try to make successful products their leverage to walled garden).

I think that what most indie developer love about, is acknowledgment that, while in the platform, they are not tools. Because if you, as indie developer, accept "free money" from Epic you know there's something wrong as such thing as "free money" does exist. They are giving money to you, they must be buying something.

Epic is the most loyal servant for Microsoft/Sony/Apple and even Nintendo. Epic games: "we play open, but if you got close... we will be your faithful bitch".

- Android? the only open platform: let's make our own closed walled garden there.
- Linux? Hell no! (even if they advise they support Linux with their engine: just the bare potential to lure developer... then force them to cut their support to Linux)

How can compete/stay alive with companies who give away "free money" around without losing the truly thing you are? And that's when I remind myself of the failure of Ouya: learn from it.

Willing or not, its clear that and Ouya seems to be in a narrative where they are sort of brother&sister. Ouya was a complete success in what customer and indie developer thrown themselves into: a project of complete independence and steer away from any sort of trickery such as we're used to see with brand like Epic, Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo.

The failure of Ouya came when it forced themselves into the weird narrative of revolutionize the whole (or part of it) gaming industry: revolution of the industry won't happen "by demand" but by a real need.If you're an indie developer who make an exceptionally cool Mod for Arma 3... when you begin to collect big money be sure a big company will come into play as well: they will throw a "cartoonish" version of your Arma 3's mod and will use the raw power of their investor to crush you onto ground. Taking your idea and your whole business.

You can't expect to say "we're the good guys" and succeed like you see in the movies: you have to be cunning and understand what work and what not.

Even if Ouya was a success... the only thing it could revolutionize would be a "PUBG's success"... and then the hegemony industry will thrown Fortnite, then, and Apex: they will chase, target  and get you down to take back what you did. There would be an "EA Ouya" exactly like the big shiny product today is a "EA's PUBG" called Apex.

This is what I think its the "Pink elephant in the room".

As previously stated, I do not feed trolls; you'll need to look for someone else.

In additional support of the achievement feature.

From the developer standpoint, how much people is playing your game do actually matter; its not just about the single copy sold, but how much memorable as developer you are. Overwatch's success came from people remembering Blizzard, Apex Legend from undercover love people had for the team of the unfortunate Titanfall.
With AAA grade games given for free each year, the average gamer already own a quite big library (of often never played games): the time people will spent with your game is getting scarce as each day. On console things old up because each new generation force a "library reset": by library reset I mean when the gamer got their shiny new hardware but the true potential comes only with absolutely/from day one games (every new PC has potential to run all the library as brand new generation).

Even if you sell copies, be memorable is what really pushes you back: even your customer will forget to be your customer at all!

Achievements were made for this exact propose: make your game more memorable outside the gaming time. Completionist takes extra time to play your game even they are fed up with some slight flaws. After a gamer abandon your game for long period, when they return back they are freshly meet with their former experience (past experience find easy link through memory).

On broad rule: it depends on your local law and how they apply to you within the third party that "feels damaged" by your copy-product.

Generally speaking the US is the most strict; a notorious recent case is Nintendo suing and obtain a piracy settlement with a couple in Arizona ( ref) of about 12$million.

Such laws do mostly "apply" when the copyright holder feel damaged by your work, there are companies who are more strict (like Nintendo, which is basically the wrost not giving a shit even for fan's made free game) and other who are pretty much lasseiz faire ("let people do": less inclined to sue fans) like Valve who are notoriously know for even working with the mod community fan/game to growth in their own product.

It's a complicated alchemy made by local laws, copyright holder, economic situation (starving companies are known to get more aggressive, while companies who shut down are pretty much inactive into protecting their IP)

TL;DR: There are lot of developer/designer/artist: don't feed big and deaf companies: get together with other people and build your own IP/arts/stuff!

@DaedalusMachina: my reply was directed to Orion Studios, not you.

As previously stated, I do not feed trolls; you'll need to look for someone else.

I do support the idea. Also remind about flawed arguments based on NIH

Such as @DaedalusMachina does have strongly reliance. Is a friend-to-friend advice: constantly resorting on "if people want to steam, go to steam" makes your arguments weaker.

Achievements is an industry-wide feature given from biggest seller to smallest indie marketplace.

I need some intellectual honesty before reply: otherwise it feels much more like feeding trolls.

When you "pay to unlock steam": you're giving 3.5$ (Itch is no bound to this rule: it can give 4$ or even 4.99$) to indie developer who, otherwise, wouldn't ever see a ¢ from that person.

Once this is concerned, I'll reply to other arguments too.

Thanks for your insight, I'll be here for other people's opinions too.

Valve is the only one doing this: from the smallest indie market to bigger AAA driven one. Your assumption that the market value is baseless.

The account limitations came after many other choices that Valve took to reach the point they are: it would be foolish to underestimate their cunning.

Priority for any market is to increase the perceived value amongst customers: you can't just roll around and hope for the best. "Only rich can do x" is the safest route to be kept in your place.

What hurt developer is when customers don't open their wallet at all: fast food chains earn lot more than fine restaurant because people open their wallet a lot more (for small amount) compared to expensive restaurant.

You don't need to become a fastfood of gaming, but you need to understand the process of what move money: people will and perception.

(1 edit)

You know, Steam do it mainly because phishing, spam and scammer; as they say. I think there's another reason for this: increase the perceived value a customer may have about their account.

Facebook is probably the ultimate platform in terms of private data gathering and huge number of individual registered... yet, the average people value their facebook account more or less pretty much as the contact list on their smarphone: its important only when you have to contact people somehow; other than that, pretty much forgettable.

Steam, instead, with their account system had probably lured many people who resort on piracy to switch over them... pushing them all the way to the unimaginable: spend money. Even only for "unlock" their account.

You can think to erase your Facebook account any time; maybe thinking to give your new account's contact to "only the people you trust".. but in fact, this is the proof that your Facebook account may get "dirty with useless junk": no matter how many FB account you have, you always think those stuff can end in your trashbin with no regrets.

Your Steam account? Its a bit different. Its not just about a bunch of photos/video/meme you can download and repost in any other alike service. Its something you growth by luck (games that went for free only once), time (save games kept tidy and clean in could storage) and, finally, with money.

(own) Money have the power to increase the value of something, since its limited how much you can spend... it forces your brain to be very cautions about it. People tend to "forget about itch" until they don't put some into. I do seriously doubt that Apple as "fan by sympathy" and most Apple fans are, in fact, customer who have invested lot of money on Apple's subpar product (and they will find offensive the word "subpar" because it touch something really inner themselves, personal).

But my suggestion is not to just copy the Valve's system. My idea-feedback is to make this actually count for something. Itch account's extended features may come in two modality:

1) Classic "spend/put 5$ from your itch wallet" (copy/paste from valve)

2) Special "Itch 5$ abilitation package". Basically a special bundle (different games each month) that give you great games at discount price if you register to Itch and have your account enabled straight away. If you're already registered/abilitated you gain an additional discout on the 5$ (3~4$? )to get the same bundle at lower price

Anything with perceived value will be targeted by abuse; if you want something not subjected to effort of abuse... make it worthless.

So far I've seen, trading cards are often ask by customers to developers. AAA publisher take their time into integrate trading card and other virtual goods (and hell know how AAA publisher are prone to do basically anything extra). New product, from the most insignificant shovelware to top tier AAA games use these features.

Valve lazy to remove it? I am the only one to notice the hell fest they make with virtualgoods in each sales event?

On steam, many games drop "cards"; the idea behind this thing (other than, of course, promote the inner market of digital goods they are also selling on TF2/CS:GO) is intended to trick people in "daily return". Sort of neuroscience trick that pushes customer back in the store even if they have absolutely no reason to do so. This "trick" is known to be used in social games like farmville (players were ask to "return tomorrow" to obtain extra goods) and the recent infamous harry potter mobile game (stuffed with lot of this sh*t).

Now, there's no need to be greedy/evil like those companies who use neuroscience: feels more "flat" in relation between customer/developers, as it seems everyone is on the same floor here. So, my idea is a lot more paceful.

Fork minetest, and integrate it in the store: default server is, of course, Customer can have access to online server only if spent at least 5$ in itch store, otherwise app will simply set up a reduced server on customer machine: a small world of few chunks of data, so it's easy to synchronize on cloud his/her small across all the machines he/she install the app.

When customer is online with his/her own small world, can invite its own friend (with app as well) into their "home". The basic account/app sync world with only basic nodes... but as customer buy more games/stuff, they obtain more digital goods (in minetest can be as simple as an animated sprite) exclusively to what they got in their library (similarly to steam's "drop cards"). Since cloud synchronization is centralized by server, it should be relatively safe for the app to sync only digital goods (special minetest nodes) in which customer actually own.

Complexity of available nodes (ie: simple sprite or 3d mesh) will depend on the volumes of sales each game have directly on; this to avoid clutter the server database with useless and complex junk.

ie: games with sales up to 1k may "drop" simple sprite nodes or midi/mod soundtrack

10k volume sales may drop simple lowpoly 3d models or .ogg music

100k volume sales may drop a AI pet/mob officially taken from videogame cast of characters/npc.

Probably technically not feasible, companies with way bigger resource would had already prototyped, but still a nice idea to think :D

Updating here with my (failed) attempt to make a working prototype, this is the early stages of having... well, "something" I guess.

Four clients successfully connected to the server (separate, 5th instance):

Next thing was to work on the sphere (which in the gamedesign is supposed to be the swarm players are suppose to hide/run away from); but I got stuck because at that time Godot didn't support properly collision with object imported from Blender; after roughly a month, I got notified on  Github the thing was fixed, and I could integrate the feature I was stuck at.

When the swarm/sphere collide with object, it slow down, giving the player to run away from it: I integrated the feature... but then gave up after getting depressed and lost motivation in this project.

I can't make a multiplayer game on a single PC; going trial&error to learn the things I needed was getting a bit overhand since I had to make code additional layers of code (on top of server/client interaction) just test basic things... also randomly missing features from Godot didn't help me out into find proper impulse into going on.

I tried to see if I could find someone willing to continue the prototype while getting 100% of founding with a patreon campaign... no luck either.

Switching into different project (for now), but you can take a look at what I did so far here:

Just a small bump for this idea.

Also seaching here and other places.

I made an almost complete Game Desing Document (.odt format) about this game, but what I am looking for is to build a more simple prototype by now. This is not a search for the whole project, but for a very tuned down prototype with loose ends to adjust by user feedback. I can't provide founding, but I am open if we can give a try and set up a patreon page where the first tier-goal goes solely to you.

I tried to get a bit forward (as much as I can) with the project, by attempting to draft the prototype , my gitlab page is there.

It is not the greatest example of coding (plus, most of it is take by a 2d multiplayer and TPS demo... of course, there's also an animated gif:

New Update
Draft 0.0.6: riseatzeroGDD.odt

added backcover and small addition to prototype description. The real news for this update is that I am actually getting into try and make a working prototype!

Hopefully will post something on my github, then will set up a page whenever something that actually runnable will come from it,

New Update

Draft 0.0.5: riseatzeroGDD.odt

- New images

- New chapter for a prototype: an own simplified game design with only the core features and loose ends that will be adjusted as player tester try the game.

It's not game file; a libreoffice (odt) document with the core design that I will update to new version.

I don't want to clutter my profile page with lot of draft, also I am still working on Triad of One which is my actual project. This GDD (game design document) it's more a technical exercise, if there's enough interest (people interested into play, someone able/interested into make a prototype) I will turn this in something more solid (and setup a page of course). Otherwise it's just self-training exercise do share and discard.

I am also open for criticism about this game design (format, grammar, obscurity/clarity of gameplay etc): help to improve grammar is very welcome btw.

(4 edits)

UPDATE 19 July 2018:

Draft 0.0.5: riseatzeroGDD.odt

Old post

Rise at Zero is a, battle royale scale, co-op arena (Survival Apocalypse genre) where a massive number of players try to survive combining their efforts against swarms of piranha-like insects, frequent earthquakes shatter the ground (reducing available ground) while a merciless apocalypse its taking act.

Currently it's only in game design phase; I am looking for collaboration to make a playable prototype (Godot is the game engine of choice) and see if the very basic core mechanics are engaging and fun for the player (since it's nearly a completely new things, we are in extreme need for player feedback).

Draft 0.0.4: Download (9.84MB)

The draft is under development, I will post here updates

If I am not logged, I don't see the "Community" link. When logged "Upload a game" is hidden.

"Browse games" become just "Browse" while logged...?

What are you trying to tell me, what are you!?

Well, sometime ago some people would say that also the concept of would be probably difficult to work :P and, indeed, it was.

So, thinking it's worth to give it a shoot, I am currently trying to gather interest around this idea.

I've posted a thread on /r/pcgaming which it's the best place to try to make some noise (if people is up to) Take-Two initiative to crap around their loyal modders could give a bit of help... if this thread will manage to get a bit more visibility.

I've also pinged the Godot community here.

Here's the idea:
The community of developers build a basic, highly moddable game which will function as market place for that kind of game (a bit like dota2 or team fortess 2 is). Then those artists who make assets can sell them giving back a share back to the team who's updating the "game".

world case scenario: let's say a group of people build a racing simulator with one nascar-like track (or a simple cc0 one) and another bunch of simple cc0 cars. The physic and mechanics would very basic at first since the biggest workload should be made to make it functional (almost bug free) and extremely moddable with other cars and tracks.

The game itself should set some firm rules/standard to get things working: for example racing cars should always contain some strict requisite such rigging (wheels tires and, if cockpit available, also steering wheel) a minimal amount of lod (at last three: far away/ mid range and highpoly for player driver and/or when in ultra settings graphics). Optional things can be destructible parts (this can be detailed as much the 3d modeller wants) etc.

Additional tracks will also follow similar rules (these are expected to be more expensive since can be very complicated with LOD, animations and stuff)

The starting point for the generation of the basic game would be a Game Jam; and as for editor of choice.. Godot is the best guess. Since it's MIT licensed there are basically no licensing issues on what/which/who you should pay share. Also Godot philosophy for "node based" makes it perfectly suitable for make moddable games. The storefront would be, of course, and... maybe in future being integrated in desktop app?

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The idea of Android addition is not intended as general propose emulation; but to give developer who deploy preferably on Android to being able to sell their product on potentially any PC (given that said PC can boot from usb: see recent lenovo bloop on booting from ssd).

Wine is a great project, but I wouldn't put this by default: while Android emulation is much more about keep a bunch of apks (which are basically zip file) in one folder; Wine is most about complete applications who are used to change the os and require special configurations.

Playonlinx and "Wine bottles" for each game may tend to growth bigger and bigger and, usually, the space on a usb key is very limited.

Lastly: Windows 10 is going to be a closed platform "ala" iPhone/PS4/xbone with it's own store bundled in the OS... any indie developer who stick with windows will soon find itself forced in the uwp (where, probably, other store like itch wouldn't be allowed: see recent effort to put Itch app in greenligh: see the refused app there ). I would say: give the wine (latest update with driver and optimization tho) as option and not integrated by default.

Windows 10 is going to be an "xbox experience", so I think it makes sense to promote more open platforms (Linux/Android) to fight back before being kicked out (see Valve with SteamOS)

...also, it would be interesting to see if this could integrate Android support (run Android apps) as RemixOs does this would be a killer feature considered the number of android games already availalble in store.

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Oh, I like the idea of itchOS! If it's lightweight and boots fast, provides all necessary drivers out-of-the-box (graphics, sound, controllers, VR?, etc) or downloads them automatically, comes preloaded with itch app, runs from usb dongle and doesn't make user touch command line (unless they want that themselves), that might be a good step towards more Linux gaming.

Bear in mind that this is just a draft idea. I am not skilled enough to produce/maintain a linux derivative dedicated to gaming. So, also part of my knowledge can, even, be sort of misleading.

Providing working driver and stuff out-of-box it's the very core idea: this appeal to the awesomeness of have your complete pc-gaming experience to be run on virtually any PC capable to boot: being at home, using a pc in public library, internet café (quite popular in asia) etc.

Collect most of driver shouldn't be a problem: a basic PPA with all driver in the same fashion SteamOS does would be enough for almost everything.. only possible fail would be with some exotic win-only hardware: but gaming is a lot more restricted into need.. you don't need compatibility with some shitty 10~20 years aged win-only printers and stuff like that.

GPU drivers are the most critical issue: but AMD and Intel deliver stable and decent drivers... Nvidia proprietary stuff can be delivered in the same way SteamOS does.

VR is a bit trickier: OEM are responsible for deliver decent Linux driver; but ATM they are too busy forcing themselves behind Microsoft and MS natural defeat vs Sony. Anyway, once some serious OEM provide some decent Linux's driver/support... wouldn't be too much of a issue to add driver and stuff in the repositories (also, add a separate unstable ppa branch is always one simple click away ;) )

Just got an idea about re-using butler/wharf's binary patch support for updating itchOS. I mean, does even any existing linux distribution support binary patches for updating? As far as I know all package managers (apt, yum, pacman) always downloading full packages. itch app is essentially a simple package manager already, so extending it to be able to update system quickly and smoothly may be interesting.

Linux provides lot of different options; it's long way gone the time in which you had to compile everything ala Gentoo (with some app that would require a *whole day* of compiling from soruce!!).

Distribution method integrated with the OS can be in any fashion, some example are:

- separate ppa repository for free and commercial games (idea: free games can be installed/updated from itch desktop app without even need to login... while commercial/bought apps require you to login, with valid key-registred account, to enable installation from commercial ppa.

- rsync: rsync don't just download binary only file... but it does actually download only the single bytes who are updated on the server (not the whole file)

- appimage package:

- snap packages:

- a separate sandboxed folder where install/update packages

- ...

the most simple/easy to maintain is to maintain a ppa and let the apt protocol (example apt://gimp) package manager to install/update everything needed

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As preparation you need:

1. Lubuntu .iso (download if from lubuntu website)

2. A usb disk (8GB and more) prefereably USB3 for speed

Launch VirtualBox and create a new Virtual Machine, put "Lubuntu" as name then... [Next] until ask for "Hard Disk" and select [Do not add a virtual hard disk] until virtual machine is created

Once created, run your virtual machine; you'll be asked to select a start-up disk. Click the proper icon and select your Lubuntu iso

After the language selection select [Install Lubuntu] and right click the small usb icon and select your USB key

Now, just follow the install instruction (usually just press [Continue] ) until the "Installation type" screen and select [Erase **WHATEVERWHATEVER* and re/install]

complete the installation, reboot PC from USB (check your bios/mainboard's manual for info), enjoy